Thursday, June 28, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is She Afraid to Leave David Eason?!

Over the course of the past year, multiple Jenelle Evans-David Eason divorce rumors have made their way across the social media landscape.

Obviously, most famous couples are subjected to erroneous breakup reports, but with Jenelle and David, there’s been real reason to believe they’ve come close to calling it quits.

At one point, David even changed his relationship status on Facebook, which is the modern-day equivalent tossing your wedding ring in the ocean.

So it’s safe to assume David and Jenelle have broken up on at least one occasion.

But they always seem to make amends.

The situation is endlessly perplexing to fans, as neither Evans nor Eason is the apologizing type.

In fact, he might be the only person on the planet who is as consistently enraged as she is.

Which might be why some fans think Jenelle is stuck in an abusive relationship that she’s afraid to leave.

One such concerned viewer is Tammy Pescatelli, a highly-regarded standup comic who appeared on the reality shows Last Comic Standing and A Standup Mom.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports, Pescatelli reached out to Jenelle this week, offering words of support for the troubled reality star:

“Dear @PBandJenelley_1, I don’t know you. I do know #Violence,” Tammy tweeted.

“When I was your age I had an extremely violent & controlling BF, who crushed me physically & emotionally. I was blessed to escape w/my life. I was dead inside. I see that same look in your eyes. RUN! Leave!

“If not for you, for your kids,” she continued.

“Not only do they not need to fear the monster that lives in their house, but 1 rage could be the accident that ends it all. No judgement. Only <3. Reach out. PPL will help. #YouAreNotAlone”

Not surprisingly, Jenelle did not take Tammy’s words to heart and instead lashed out with much of the same rhetoric she’s been firing at concerned fans for years now:

“Dear Whoever You Are, I’ve been through many many controlling, emotionally and psychically abusive relationships,” Jenelle tweeted to Tammy.

“My husband does not ‘crush me’, hurt me, or abuse me in any way. I did run away from many diff men and choose to start over and fresh every single time.

“If you only knew what type of ‘monster’ David was…. you’d be surprised,” Jenelle continued.

“When your son refuses to make a Fathers Day gift for his real dad and says his stepdad means more to him… THAT speak volumes. You only know what you see for 5 mins on a show each week, months ago lol”

Of course, Pescatelli has much more experience in the world of reality television than most TM2 viewers, a fact that she was quick to point out to Evans:

“I do understand,” Tammy responded.

“I’ve been hurt by bad editing on reality shows & I have been an EP on my own. @MTV & #TeenMom2 can edit situations. The cannot create his explosive bursts of rage. It’s not worth arguing bc ultimately, anyone who has been there knows what the outcome will be.”

“I know about reality shows,” Tammy wrote to Jenelle.

“I also know his explosive anger is dangerous…I understand about reality TV & moments out of context. And I understand you are w/him now & he is your husband.”

She concluded:

“Again, not attacking u- just know, when you are ready, there will be help. For him too.”

Here’s hoping Jenelle takes this opportunity to think long and hard about David’s anger, her own rage, and the impact that both might be having on her children.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from reality TV’s most troubled couple.
