Friday, June 29, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Got Nominated for the First Eviction?

The first Head of Household competition of the season aired on Thursday night’s episode, and it sent the drama in the household into overdrive. 

Steve, JC, Winston, Sam, Bayleigh, Tyler, Kaitlyn, and Angela were the eight unlucky competitors fighting for the power after Swaggy opted to leave them all vulnerable. 

The competition was found the players balancing across a wandering beam to pick up a ball and to target another player’s tube to fill. 

Whenever a player’s tube was filled with ten balls, they were struck out of the competition. The players opted to target Steve and Sam, and it was rather predictable. 

Steve was always going to be a polarizing character in the house because of his NYPD roots. Despite him lying about his career, everyone seems to think there’s something off about him. 

Let’s just say his strategy to float on by for a few weeks is not going to work, and he’s going to have to battle for safety if he wants to remain in the competitive loop. 

In the end, Tyler secured the win, giving him the power to nominate seven of the houseguests. Tyler was worried that Angela was blowing up his game by saying they are from the same part of the U.S.

Could he want to get some revenge by throwing her on the block? Doubtful. 

Swaggy admitted straight off the bat that he did not want to save Angela because it would have ruffled too many feathers. The error of Swaggy’s ways is that he’s already burned bridges with both Bayliegh and Angela. 

Angela admitted that she would not forget his disloyalty, and just like that, we have our first big feud of the season!

Tyler was on a power trip because he won the first HOH and wanted to hear everyone offer him things to get to stay off the block. 

Winston seemed to offer the best of both worlds. He pitched an alliance that included them both, Brett, Angela, Rachel, and Kaycee. 

Tyler, as predicted was “into that” but stressed that it did not leave him with a lot of options for the nominations. He floated the idea of putting Sam and Steve up. 

But Sam was not ready to allow herself to be thrown up on the block. Instead, she pitched Tyler that she would be a solo person in the game and that it would allow her to gather intel for him. 

It was a desperate move but proved she was willing to go to great lengths to get what she wanted. 

Before we got to the nominations ceremony, Swaggy appeared in the HOH room and tried to push Tyler towards nominating Angela and Winston as a power move. 

A chat with Bayliegh also confirmed that Swaggy was gathering up his side of the house, and Tyler ultimately decided to lay low with nominating Sam and Steve. 

The game is officially on, and it’s only a matter of time before the cracks in the alliances start to crumble!

What did you think of the latest twists?

Hit the comments. 

Big Brother continues Sunday on CBS. 
