Thursday, July 26, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Khloe Kardashian Won"t Let Me Dump Her!

It’s been over three months since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian while she was pregnant.

To the surprise of many, the couple has yet to break up over the scandal.

But that’s not the really amazing part.

No, what’s truly shocking about this situation is that multiple sources have claimed Tristan is the one who wants out.

Yes, apparently the Cavs forward feels “trapped” in a stagnant relationship, and is basically staying with Khloe out of guilt.

Hey, relationships have been built on sadder foundations … we think.

“Khloe and Tristan are still not fully OK,” one insider tells Us Weekly.

“They act like they are when they’re in front of others, but it’s all a show at this point.”

“Tristan is feeling trapped in a bad relationship,” adds another source. 

The second insider confirms that Khloe and Tristan are in couples therapy, but adds that Tristan is participating half-heartedly.

“He’s no longer going with Khloe for sessions. He just didn’t feel it was helping to discuss sh-t that happened months ago,” the informant claims.

This comes on the heels of reports that Khloe and Tristan are doing “better than ever” following their very public cheating scandal.

At that time, a source close to the couple told Us that the whole Kardashian clan had rushed to embrace 

“They’re so happy,” the friend claimed.

“They know that in order to have Khloé back in their lives, they have to accept him,” added the source.

And how do they feel now that Khloe is the one trying to make the relationship work and Tristan is just along for the ride?

“They’ll support Khloe in whatever she chooses,” one insider said.

That’s nice and all, but it sounds like now would be a good time for an anti-Tristan intervention. 

When the world first learned that Tristan had cheated, the Kardashians reportedly offered Khloe an ultimatum:

Either she dumps Tristan, or they would cut off contact with her.

They’ve obviously backed down from that stance, and insiders claim Tristan has gotten back into Kim and company’s good graces in recent weeks.

Tristan and Khloe will reportedly spend the rest of the NBA offseason living near her family outside LA.

Don’t worry, we’re sure he’ll find a way to mess it up before the summer is through.
