Friday, July 20, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Pregnant with Chris Lopez"s Baby ALREADY?!

If you keep up with Teen Mom gossip, you know that at any given moment, at least one of the ladies is the subject of a pregnancy rumor.

For example, right now many people believe that both Jenelle Evans and Maci Bookout are expecting brand new babies.

These rumors can start in different ways — maybe there’s a questionable selfie, maybe a jackass husband starts the rumors himself with a Facebook post.

And after they start, they usually persist for months, until people realize that if the Teen Mom in question actually was pregnant, there would be a sizeable bump or, you know, a baby after all that time had passed.

It’s actually pretty remarkable.

The latest cast member facing a fresh round of pregnancy rumors is Kailyn Lowry — how fun, right?!

The speculation began after a series of tweets she made yesterday.

“I decided we needed to get out of the house so I told the boys to get ready to go to the park,” her story began.

“As I’m getting ready I call Isaac to bring me a soda cause I’m suddenly feeling so sick …”

“Mind you,” she added, “I had just asked my friend to meet us at the park w her kids. And Isaac brings me a drink and I’m sipping and oops, nope I’m throwing up.”

“So Isaac is heling me and Linc is playing w the baby.”

After she got done vomiting, she said that Isaac went to check on her younger children, and he told her that Lux took off his diaper.

“I didn’t think anything of it bc I’ll just put another one on him & chill out,” she wrote.

“So by the time I’m coming out of the bathroom all my kids are in my room and Isaac says what is ths… on the floor… I look and I’m like the dogs are at the groomer… so it’s not mud or poop.”

But it turns out that it WAS poop.

As she described, “Isaac goes in the hallway and sure as SH-T the baby not only took his diaper off… he sh-t on the carpet.”

“Needless to say,” she finished, “we aren’t at the park right now. Baby is cleaned and napping. I’m cleaned up and we will try again later.”

Obviously that whole entire story doesn’t point to pregnancy, but the poop part is pretty entertaining, right?

No, the part that’s got people suspicious is the first part — the part where she suddenly gets nauseous and has to throw up.

Because what does that sound like?

It sounds like she’s got another bun in that oven!

Several people replied to her tweets to ask her about a possible pregnancy, and the timing works out too, since she’s allegedly dating Chris Lopez again.

They’ve been spotted hanging out together, and Kailyn did say that they’re planning Lux’s birthday party together.

Both of things are pretty big deals, considering how hard they were feuding earlier this year.

A few tabloid reports have also claimed that they’re back together, so the evidence is really starting to pile up, you know?

And let’s not forget that just a couple of months ago, Kail used her podcast to talk about the possibility of having a fourth child.

She said that she was considering looking into sperm banks, but also that “I really want to write Chris a letter and request [his sperm] so that I have two full siblings.”

Then last month, she revealed on her blog that she felt that Chris was her “first true love.”

“I know, weird, when I had two kids with two other people,” she admitted.

“But this is my life. This was my first REAL heartbreak, where I loved someone and was IN love with someone.”

So take the fact that she feels like Chris was the only man she ever really loved along with the fact that she was considering asking him to supply some sperm for her, along with the recent rumors they’re back together …

Throw in her tweets about nausea, and it’s pretty easy to see why people think she could be pregnant.

Unfortunately for our gossip-loving hearts, Kailyn’s already shut this party down.

Shortly after sharing her story, she tweeted “And no, I’m not pregnant. I believe I threw up bc I took ibuprofen on a semi empty stomach.”

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

But hey, just in case, let’s keep a close eye on her for the next few months, all right?
