Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Caryn Chandler Dines with the Roloffs, Gets ALL the Hate

As evidenced by the photo below, Caryn Chandler was recently welcomed at a meal that involved Matt Roloff and a few of his loved ones.

Sadly, however, this doesn’t mean Chandler was welcome on Instagram after her boyfriend shared said picture.

Matt, we’re sure, did not mean to cause any kind of uproar with this simple and sweet photo.

“A wonderful Summer evening out to dinner with this fun group. Keep an eye on my IGTV for detailed videos,” he wrote as a rather basic caption.

In the snapshot, we see Caryn, Matt, Zach Roloff, Tori Roloff, their son Jackson… and even that family’s new puppy, Murph!

Someone unfamilar with the history behind Chandler and Matt’s relationship would wonder why this photo would prompt any sort of backlash whatsoever.

Those who have chronicled the lives of these Little People, Big World stars may have some idea, however.

Chandler worked as a manager on Roloff Farms for many years prior to striking up a romance with Matt.

She did so after he divorced Amy Roloff, but still: just because there was no infidelity does not mean there was no awkwardness or tension.

Caryn knew Amy very well when she started dating her ex-husband.

And this is not just The Hollywood Gossip conjuring up such tension or awkwardness, this is Amy herself, at times, admitting that being around Chandler too much isn’t healthy for her.

So that all serves as some background for why a handful of Instagram users reacted to the first photo posted above with such vitriol.

“way to rub your romance in amy’s face,” said joey897 in the Comments section.

“whats the point of this image?” asked amber6969, echoing this same sentiment. “cant you respect your ex-wife a little more?”

It’s worth mentioning that Amy Roloff is dating Chris Marek. She seems very happy and content and not remotely bitter over Matt being with Caryn.

Does she want to work with Chandler or see her everyday, as is often the case on the farm? No, that’s only natural.

But she has never begrudged Matt this relationship.

We’d have to imagine she would frown upon anyone giving Matt or Caryn any sort of grief online.

And she wouldn’t be alone in taking this stance, either.

“Why can’t we all just enjoy the picture?” wonders jescooby91080,adding:

“He’s out enjoying dinner with his son, his family and his girlfriend and their new puppy! I don’t think he meant to put the picture here for everyone to argue and take sides and bash each other.”

We agree.

Elsewhere, Matt has confirmed that he’s moving part-time to Arizona… with Chandler.

And that an engagement may soon be on the way.

“I feel very committed to Caryn,” Matt recently said, adding by way of major tease:

“Caryn and I are going on this adventure together, we are on this great track. So the idea of us having a vacation home that we share together, it’s interesting.

“I think we are going to take our relationship to the next level.”

If so, sadly, Matt and Caryn should probably prepare to hear it from the haters upon announcing plans to wed.
