Monday, July 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I Want to Date My Clone! Can We Make That Happen?

The Maxim Hot 100 event took place in Los Angeles over the weekend. For some reason, Farrah Abraham was there.

While there, Farrah took a break from dreaming about giving her daughter plastic surgery and spoke about her favorite subject — herself.

Specifically, she spoke about the dos and don’ts of dating, and mentioned that her ideal boyfriend would just be a boy version of herself.

At the The Hollywood Palladium on Saturday, July 21, Farrah Abraham spoke to Us Weekly about her romantic life.

And she describes her perfect man.

“Look,” Farrah says. “If I could find a clone of me in a man, I’d date him.”

If went into shock and are suddenly covered with cold sweat at the thought of a clone of Farrah … you are not alone.

“Yes,” Farrah affirms.

We can only imagine that a male clone of Farrah would be delighted to find someone willing to actually date him.

If you, whether you’re a Farrah Clone or simply some person who for whatever reason thinks that dating Farrah might be a non-horrifying activity, she has some advice.

“I don’t even like pick-up lines,” Farrah reveals.

Honestly, who does? The really good ones are rare, and even then, they’re mostly just good for receiving in a text so that you can screencap them for a viral post on social media.

“I think recently,” Farrah recalls. “A guy just like invited me and my daughter to go like boogie board or do something.”

While inviting a child on dates isn’t always appropriate, of course, showing that you’re happy to include someone’s child can be a great move when you’re dating a single parent.

Farrah says that she accepted the invite, “and it turned out to be an amazing day.”

“We met in person,” Farrah explains of this unnamed mystery man. “Actually at one of our agencies I work with.”

“I didn’t know him,” she reveals. “He didn’t know me.”

Oh, that might explain why he asked her out, then.

Farrah explains how she responded to his overture: “It was just like, OK, let’s just like meet up and go out.”

Yep. That’s how it works.

“And it was just very nice,” Farrah says. “So we loved it.”

Farrah continues, and seems to refer to her ex, stunt performer Aden Shay.

“I need to watch whom I date,” Farrah laments. “As many men target me for my success.”

Well, success is relative. But most would consider it a red flag if some dude wants to ride Farrah’s coattails to Farrah levels of fame.

“I’m focused on work right now,” Farrah clarifies. “Between TV and film projects.”

As you may recall, Farrah thinks that J.J. Abrams is going to make a movie about her life.

Farrah’s mind is . . . one of a kind. Until she makes this clone thing happen, we suppose.

Even surrounded by the women whom Maxim considers to be the most beautiful on the planet, Farrah was feeling very confident on Saturday.

“I’m feeling sexy. I’m feeling really sexy tonight,” she announced. “I’m wearing Fashion Nova, and I’m feeling really hot.”

Well, it’s L.A. in July. It’s a sun-baked dessert.

Farrah does reveal that she wants to keep her “dating life low-key.”

We’ll believe it when we don’t hear about it.
