Saturday, September 1, 2018

Demi Lovato: Losing Control of Her Life While in Rehab?!

It’s been over a month since Demi Lovato suffered a heroin overdose that nearly claimed her life.

During that time, the singer has been proactive about seeking the sort of treatment that might prevent her from coming so close to tragedy a second time.

These days, Lovato is in rehab, and sources say she’s fully devoted to the hard work of recovery.

Not only has Demi checked herself into an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona, she’s also been making regular trips to Chicago to meet with the team of therapists who helped her to get sober for the first time, six years ago.

Of course, in some respects, it’s easier for someone in Demi’s position to put everything on hold in order to focus on self-care.

After all, most addicts don’t have the luxury of taking months off work and checking into a pricey rehab center.

But in other ways, Lovato’s battle with substance abuse is complicated by her wealth and fame.

Sources close to the pop star say all the touring and performing made it easier for her to fall back in with the wrong crowd, and it was reportedly one of Demi’s backup dancers who provided her with the drugs on which she overdosed. 

Now that Demi is taking a break from presiding over a one-woman media empire in order to focus on herself, she has to trust that the people she’s hired will uphold their responsibilities in her absence.

And sadly, it seems she may have placed her trust in the wrong people.

“Her bodyguards have taken over her house,” a neighbor of Demi’s told Radar Online this week.

“They’re the same two men who are with her around-the-clock when she’s home,” the source adds.

“They have been living at her house since she was hospitalized.

The insider says not only do the men appear to be treating the property as their own, they’ve also invited multiple female guests to join the party.

“They’re there and so are two women who are possibly their girlfriends or wives,” the source adds.

“Demi must really trust them because these two men have taken over her house completely and haven’t left since she was hospitalized.”

Unfortunately, it seems there’s little that can be done about the situation, as Demi placed her trust in her bodyguards, and no one wants to alarm her with reports of their behavior.

Here’s hoping the guys don’t do too much damage to the place.

Lovato fans are a passionate lot, and you really don’t want to make them angry.
