Monday, September 10, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Got Engaged?!

Sunday’s episode of Big Brother was light on the gameplay. 

The reason?

A bunch of former houseguests returned, and two of them got engaged. Oh yes, it was a throwaway hour of this CBS juggernaut, but it was totally worth it. 

As the houseguests made their way to the HOH room, Big Brother 18 winner, Nicole Franzel strutted in the door under the guise that she was hosting the luxury competition. 

Nicole was all alone downstairs, and that’s when Victor Arroyo popped up on the screen. It turns out, Nicole’s relationship with Corey Brooks did not work out. 

Instead, she struck up a romance with Victor after an event in New York, and they are so serious about each other that they live with each other. 

“Wherever you are is where I belong,” he said in the video. 

Victor chatted about their whirlwind romance and how much he loves her. He then appeared in the house, clean-shaven and with short hair. 

Nicole recognized this change in his appearance straight away, but before she got a chance to react, he got down on one knee. 

“Will you marry me?” he said to his then-girlfriend. While it would have been hilarious to see Nicole say no on TV, she agreed to marry him. 

Former houseguests, Josh Martinez, Paul Abrahamian, Britney Haynes, Danielle Donato, and Derrick Levasseur showed up to have a party with them. 

The houseguests upstairs in the HOH room got to attend the party, and it was cute to see everyone meet up. 

Aside from the party, Kaycee was ecstatic that she won the HOH competition and had a hand in keeping her allies safe for another week. 

She spoke to her allies, and the nominations were clear: Haleigh was the target, and Sam was the pawn. Angela wouldn’t have opposed to JC going up and out of the house because his actions have rubbed her the wrong way. 

However, Tyler wanted to ensure that JC was safe for another week because he needed Haleigh out before moving on to the next stage of his plan. 

Haleigh met up with Kaycee and tried to get out of going on the block. She knew what was coming, but thought it was worth a try. 

Haleigh had already put Kaycee on the block twice, so it was evident what was coming. 

At the nominations ceremony, Haleigh and Sam were put on the block together. 

If they both remain on the block when it comes to Thursday’s double eviction, we can expect Sam to do something to drag Haleigh further. 

The pair hate each other, with Sam feeling like Haleigh’s game has been built on getting close to the men in the house … you know, the same way Tyler has been keeping Sam safe. 

What are your thoughts on that big engagement? 

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS. 
