Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is She Planning on Having MORE Kids?!

In a period of less than 12 months, Jenelle Evans has had CPS called to her home an astonishing 20 times.

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you’re probably already aware that that’s just one indication that Jenelle has a lot on her plate these days.

In fact, it often seems that her current living situation is more than she can handle.

Worse, it seems Jenelle and her ne’er-do-well husband have no desire to take control of their situation.

They’re content to let their home lives deteriorate into chaos and squalor, despite the fact that five kids rely on them for guidance and support.

In case you’ve lost count, Jenelle and David have one child together — a daughter named Ensley — and two kids each from previous relationships.

It would be a lot for any couple to take on, but when you consider that Jenelle and David really love drugs and hate things like getting up early, putting effort into their lives, and controlling their emotions, it becomes a much more volatile situation.

Of course, Jenelle is young and famously averse to birth control, so there’s always the possibility that the Evans-Eason clan could continue to expand.

It’s a thought that likely keeps many a TM2 viewer up nights, which is why it should come as no surprise that one fan was quick to broach the topic during Jenelle’s latest Instagram Q&A:

“Do you want more kids someday?” the IG user asked.

“No, I think I’m finished! Lol,” Jenelle replied.

See? 2018 isn’t totally devoid of good news. 

Jenelle Evans is done breeding, which means the entire world can breathe a deep sigh of relief.

Of course, depending on how things play out in court in the weeks to come, Jenelle might be “done” raising children sooner than she expects.

As you probably already know, Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s been raised by his grandmother since infancy.

These days, she’s locked in a custody battle with Nathan Griffith, who has accused her of endangering the life of their son, Kaiser.

And of course, there’s the famous Jenelle road rage incident that was caught on camera by an MTV camera crew and that may well cause CPS to finally remove Evans’ kids from her home.

Probably a good idea for her to hold off on popping out another one at the moment.
