Thursday, September 27, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Won Season 20?

Big Brother brought the jurors together one final time to crown a winner Wednesday night, but did the right person win? 

There was one last blindside, a surprise engagement and one final “I’m Julie Chen Moonves,” and it all resulted in one of the best finales for this veteran CBS reality series yet. 

When the episode got underway, the first part of the final HOH played out, but Tyler was battling with whether to follow through on his plan to throw this part. 

BB Final 3

When JC fell to the ground, it was time for Tyler to do his thing. However, he decided against it in that final moment, and Kaycee fell next. 

“This is the #1 biggest dream of my entire life,” Tyler explained of his decision to viewers, confirming there was no mistake. 

He worried that Kaycee was going to take it personally and that it would come back to bite him. Kaycee was annoyed but knew she needed to keep it together for part two. 

She and JC went to battle for the second heat of the competition, and Kaycee secured the win. That meant she got to face Tyler in part three. 

Would she go back on her word if she won?

We then caught up with the jurors who had the typical meeting with Dr. Will to decide who was worthy of winning the game. 

Angela joined them and quickly got to work to expose Kaycee as a rider of Tyler’s coattails, and that she only won when she needed to.

“Are you saying this because you’re secretly in a showmance with Tyler?” Bayliegh wondered, lapping up the role of the bitter juror because she ruined her own game. 

Then the unthinkable happened: 

Rockstar seemed to think that JC was a deserving finalist because he got so far with his manipulation skills. Be that as it may, he failed to win all but one competition. 

While there was a lot of back and forth, the editing made it seem like there was a case for all three to win. That’s pretty laughable, but whatever. 

The final HOH competition came to a close with Kaycee narrowly beating Tyler in the battle to recall memorable events from the season. 

Kaycee then got to choose whether to take Tyler of JC out of the running. To the surprise of nobody, she stuck with her ride-or-die despite his lie earlier. 

After JC’s unsurprising elimination, the jury got to ask questions about the gameplay of the finalists. Tyler had a way with his words and managed to get everyone nodding. 

Kaycee floundered, and it seemed like all hope was lost for her. 

Before we learned who won, Julie wanted to find out which showmances were going to be a thing on the outside. 

Haleigh and Fessy, and Tyler and Angela are a go, but Swaggy and Bayliegh opted to take their romance to the next level. 

Swaggy clung to his final minute of fame by proposing to Bayliegh, the girl who he spent 23 days with inside a house. 

Bayliegh accepted the proposal. 

How did the final vote pan out?

Here are the results:

JC votes for Tyler

Angela votes for Tyler

Sam votes for Kaycee

Brett votes for Tyler

Haleigh votes for Tyler

Scottie votes for Kaycee

Faysal votes for Kaycee

Rockstar votes for Kaycee

Bayleigh votes for Kaycee

There were tears, cheers and more tears as Kaycee won by a vote of 5-4. 

But who won America’s Favorite Player? 

That honor went to… Tyler!

Big Brother returns in the winter for another celebrity editions. 
