Showing posts with label Actions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Actions. Show all posts

Thursday, May 3, 2018

T.I. is Confused by Kanye"s Actions But Defends His Intentions

T.I.’s having a hard time understanding what’s going on with Kanye West, but he’s willing to give him the benefit of the doubt — for now — for one major reason. We got Tip at LAX Wednesday and asked if the message of his new song with Kanye –…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ben Affleck Calls Harvey Weinstein"s Actions "Completely Unacceptable"

Ben Affleck is condemning Harvey Weinstein – who helped make him an Oscar winner — calling his actions “completely unacceptable.”  Affleck says reading the allegations against Weinstein made him sick, especially because they’d…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Homeless Man Comes to Aid of Manchester Attack Victims, Gets Rewarded for Heroic Actions

Events do not get much more tragic than what transpired this past Monday night in Manchester, England.

As has been previously reported in detail, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive at an Ariana Grande concert at that venue, killing 22 attendees and injuring dozens more in the process.

The youngest victim was eight years old.

manchester massacre

This bomber purposely targeted a group of young men and women who were simply out to have a good time, innocently singing and dancing along to pop music.

It’s horrifying to think about.

But at least one positive has come out of this heinous action.

A homeless man named Stephen Jones was on the sidewalk near the arena when he heard the bomb go off, explaining to ITV News that he initially believed the blast to be fireworks.

However, once he realized what was going on, he rushed over to help anyone in need of assistance.

Why did he do such a thing?

Why would anyone even ask this kind of question, Jones shoots back.

“Just because I’m homeless, it doesn’t mean I haven’t got a heart and I’m not human still,” he told the news outlet, adding on Wednesday:

“It’s just instinct to go and help if someone needed your help, and it was children, it was a lot of children with a lot of blood on them screaming and crying.”

We truly cannot imagine.

Jones went on to explain how and others in the area came to the rescue of one woman in particular.

He was afraid she would die if they didn’t perform certain actions.

“We just held her legs up because we thought she was just going to bleed right out,” he said.

“It had to be done, you had to help – if I didn’t help, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

Footage of concert goes running to the exits after hearing the blast has made its way around the Internet.

Here’s a disturbing look at some of the chaos that ensued from the attack:

In response to the fatal bombing, Grande has canceled a number of European concert dates.

“We ask at this time that we all continue to support the city of Manchester and all those families affected by this cowardice and senseless act of violence,” her team said in a statement, which continues as follows:

“Our way of life has once again been threatened but we will overcome this together. Thank you.”

Twitter users, meanwhile, have responded to Jones’ actions and showered the man with praise:

jones tweets

And they haven’t just typed out a bunch of hollow (albeit well-intentioned) words, either.

A JustGiving campaign was set up and surpassed $ 38,000 in donations.

Moreover, David Sullivan, the West Ham football club co-chairman, and his son asked Internet users if they could help them track Jones down.

sully pic

As you can see in the messages above, the Sullivans succeeded in their mission and have rented Jones a home for six months.

Pretty amazing, huh?

The bombing itself was a legitimate tragedy in every sense of the term.

But the response here does remind us of the very best humanity has to offer as well.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Ryan Lochte Tries Again, Takes "Full Responsibilty" for Actions

Ryan Lochte has changed his story once again.

For the better this time, however.

Back on August 14, Lochte told the public that he and three U.S. Olympic teammates were robbed at gunpoint in Rio.

But authorities investigated the alleged incident and could no evidence of such an armed robbery, leading to the eventual admission by Lochte"s teammates that they actually caused quite a drunken raucous at a gas station.

They vandalized the property, security guards confronted them about it and at least one of these guards did draw a weapon, ordering the group to pay for the damage.

After it became clear that Lochte had fudged the truth lied, he issued a half-hearted apology that did not go over very well at all.

So Saturday evening, in a sit-down with Matt Lauer, Lochte tried again. 

I"m taking full responsibility for it because I overexaggerated that story and if I never did that, we wouldn"t be in this mess," he shared.

"Those guys would never be in Rio. None of this would have happened. It was my immature behavior."

The 12-time medal winner said he “definitely had too much to drink that night,” saying he’s unable to say whether he was robbed or extorted.

"All I know is there was a gun pointed at us, and we were demanded to give money," he said.

Lochte left Brazil the day after the incident, but his teammates remained.

They actually got pulled off a plane and had their passports confiscated until they spoke to authorities and told them the truth.

"I let my team down,” Lochte said through tears to Lauer.

“I don’t want them to think that I left them dry. I took away from their accomplishments by being immature for one night. That’s what hurts the most."

Six more minutes of Lauer"s interview with Locthe will air on Monday.

For now, though, Locthe seems to understand the mess he caused.

"I’m embarrassed for myself… I know what I did was wrong," he said. "All I can do now is better myself in making sure this stuff never happens again.

"I don’t want them to look at me like a drunk frat boy. I definitely want to be a role model for those young kids."


Ryan lochte takes full responsibilty for immature behavior

Monday, June 6, 2016

Father of Stanford Rapist Minimizes Son"s Actions: Read His Statement

On June 2, Brock Turner – a swimmer from Stanford University – was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman near a dumpster.

His sentence of just six months in jail, followed by three months of probation, was seen as a slap on the wrist to many. It has stirred up an Internet storm.

The judge ruled that a longer sentence would have done the 20-year old more harm than necessary, despite actions most believe to have been unconscionable. 

There has been outrage on social media about the whole thing and now Turner’s father, Dan, has only added fuel to the fire. A lot of fuel to the fire. 

In a statement, he compared his son’s assault on the woman to “20 minutes of action” for which his child should not be punished with any jail time.


This is a look at the statement in full:

This case has gone viral because the brave victim at the center of it stood in front of the judge last week and read a moving letter, directing her anger, pain, bitterness and shock to Turner and everyone in court.

In instances like this, you expect the parents to be releasing an apology for bringing the offender into this world… but it appears Brock’s father is just as deluded as him.

“His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve,” Turner wrote.

“That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20-plus years of life.”

The whole thing is pretty disgusting. 

He then went on to speak about how his son has lost his appetite nowadays. He also blamed the incident on “binge drinking” and “promiscuity.”

It’s truly disgusting all around.

As a quick refresher:

On January 18, 2015, two students found Brock on top of the unconscious woman. They even tackled him when he tried to flee.

Evidence pointed to Turner shoving his fingers inside the woman, along with pine needles and other objects.

His attorney tried to argue in court that the sex was consensual and that Turner asked for permission every step of the way.

But a jury saw right through this defense. They found him guilty on multiple counts of rape.

Yes, rape. Someone might want to explain what that term means to Mr. Turner.