Showing posts with label Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Announcement. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donald Trump -- Making "Major" Announcement (LIVE STREAM)

Donald Trump is about to make what he calls a “major speech” from West Palm Beach … and we’re live streaming it. Obviously, we’re anticipating the Republican presidential candidate to have some response to the flood of accusations from women in…


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Little Boy Reacts with Epic Tears to Twins Announcement

Be still my heart.

One dad in Brazil recorded his young son watching an ultrasound from his mother"s check-up.  

According to Mashable, the boy was captivated by the video, until his dad told him that there were two siblings in mom"s tummy.

"I can see the baby"s face," the kid siad, clearly having no idea what he was looking at.

"Can you?" the dad asked.

"Yes, I"m seeing it."

Dad called his bluff.

"Do you know what it is?"


"Your sibling."

"Is it?"

"And they"re two."



"Holy cow, dude," the boy said before slowly starting to tear up.

"What"s happening, boy?" the dad asked.

Wait for it, because this is friggin" adorably.

"I"m touched," the little guy said through tears.


Recording reactions to moments like these are the antidote to the Hot Mess Express train humanity is forced to ride on these days.  

For every video of Donald Trump either threatening assassination against his opponent or making fun of a disabled journalist, there are little moments like this one that make us smile.

The smiles don"t stop there.  Remember the little girl who didn"t want her brother to grow up, so she bawled her eyes out in protest?

And then there was "Charlie Bit My Finger," which instantly became a viral hit.

I hope the little Brazilian boy gets everything in life his little heart hopes for, because he reaction to having not one, but two younger siblings was nothing sort of beautiful.

What a lovely way to respond to becoming a big brother.  He"s psyched about his growing family, and there is no way you can fake those kind of tears.

Good luck to you, little boy, and your growing family.

Now if you"ll excuse us, we"re going to have ourselves a good cry.

Little boy reacts with epic tears to twins announcement

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Anna and Josh Duggar: Pregnant With Fifth Child! Announcement Coming Soon!

The Duggar family mantra is “Say No To Birth Control, Any Method of Birth Control,” so everyone is going to have to prepare themselves for Josh and Anna Duggar baby news.

I’m shocked she isn’t already, quite frankly.

Fresh off his faith-based rehab stint for a porn addiction, admission of cheating and alleged child molestation, Josh has probably had sex with his wife at least once, given the fact that Anna is his wife and married couples are known to fornicate.

A source told In Touch that this is deffo the case.

“I would have hoped they’d have put the brakes on sex after he got out [of rehab], but they are back to their normal sex routine,” the source said.

“I would not be surprised one bit if Anna is already pregnant.”

With no formal education or marketable workplace skills, Anna’s only real job is procreation, the way the Lord intended.

“It’s the last thing their family needs right now,” the source added.  Josh just got out of rehab, and considering the family’s financial future is uncertain, the financial burden of a fifth child is the last thing Anna and Josh need.”

A great observation, yes.  But these people are cut from a different cloth.  The kind of cloth that has produced 19 kids (and counting!).

PS, rehab hasn’t changed Josh.  He’s still acting like a douche bag.

The oldest Duggar accompanied Anna to her grandmother’s funeral after his release, and

“I was expecting Josh to be much more humble and quiet, a less arrogant person after everything he’d done, but nope,” Amy Duggar King the source said.

“He was the same old Josh, constantly talking, full of himself, really aggressive and making Anna do everything — not helpful to her at all.”

He sounds like a catch.

“It may be too early to make any announcement,” the insider concluded. “But there is almost no chance that Anna is not pregnant by now.”

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Justin Bieber Makes a Major Announcement

Justin Bieber just dropped another surprise on Ellen viewers this week.

The singer is appearing on this talk show all five days this week, kicking off his string of interviews with a discussion Monday about his bare penis and Selena Gomez.

From there, Bieber stunned a number of fans, introducing himself to various Beliebers and pretty much making their lives.

Now, in the following interview, Bieber reveals a major tidbit about his professional life:

He"s going on tour!!!!

The artist, who will perform a mini concert for Ellen viewers on Friday, at first says here that he doesn"t know when the tour actually begins. Oops!

But a graphic later pops up and tells us that Bieber will begin his trip around the country on March 9.

Exact tour dates and locations have not yet been revealed, but check out the Q&A to hear another major tidbit from Ellen; to learn how you can purchase tickets to Bieber"s upcoming tour nice and early.

The superstar, of course, is releasing his latest studio album on November 13.

It will be titled "Purpose" and it will include a number of collaborations with a number of big names out there, such as Ed Sheeran.

Like Bieber with a chair in Cannes, we can only imagine that supporters will flip out over this brand new music.

Do you plan on buying the new Justin Bieber album? Will you go see him on tour?

Watch Justin"s chat with DeGeneres below and get psyched, people: Justin Bieber may be coming to a city near you. Yes!!!!!

Justin bieber confirms world tour

Monday, November 9, 2015

Blake Shelton Teases "INSANE" Announcement to Come

Blake Shelton divorced Miranda Lambert just a couple months ago and is now dating Gwen Stefani.

That’s pretty insane.

But it’s nothing compared to what Shelton claims he’ll pass along to viewers on The Today Show tomorrow.

“Just when things were about to quiet down around here… I’ve got something BIG to announce tomorrow. #shocking #staytuned,” Shelton Tweeted on Monday morning, adding:

“No chance y’all are gonna guess this one. It’s just WAY too insane…”

Is Shelton releasing a new album? Nope, he replied.

Is he pregnant?!?

“Ha!!!!! No I just look like it,” he wrote back.

Hmmm… might that seemingly insane tabloid story about Shelton marrying Stefani actually be true?!?

“No weddings on the horizon,” he responded to this question.

Perhaps Blake and Gwen are releasing a duet, as has also been rumored. But that would qualify as new music, right

“It’s a combination of the two,” he wrote to someone who asked whether the announcement was “personal or professional,” further teasing followers:

“Got you thinking now huh?”

He surely does.

Shelton has been making headlines for weeks now due to his romance with Stefani.

The artist was subject to a number of jokes on the topic at the Country Music Awards and there’s even been talk of him cheating on Lambert with Stefani.

But Blake doesn’t seem too bothered by any of this chatter, recently writing on Twitter that his life is awesome.

UPDATE: Shelton will be hosting the 2016 Kids Choice Awards. It’s unclear whether this was his “insane” announcement, however.

It’s cool, but seems fairly sane to us.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Selena Gomez Just Made a Very Exciting Announcement

Selena Gomez says she"s a little sick of talking about Justin Bieber.

So the artist is taking a break from discussing her personal life in order to focus on her professional life… which is about to get a lot more exciting:

Because Selena is going on tour!

“Guys, I have some very exciting announcements!” Gomez says in this brief Instagram video.

“I am launching my Revival World Tour. I will be going to the U.S. and Canada from May to July and then later in the year going around cities.”

The singer"s wildly anticipated new album drops on October 9, while exact tour dates will be unveiled on Monday, October 5.

Until then, don"t look for Selena on Tinder. Just watch her make this exciting announcement here.

Selena gomez announces world tour

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Tom Daley & Boyfriend Dustin Lance Black Attempt To Quietly Share Their Engagement News — Read Their Simple (But Sweet) Announcement HERE!

Tom Daley is officially off the market!

On Thursday, the Olympic medalist and his boyfriend Dustin Lance Black quietly announced their engagement in The Times. Congratulations!

The twosome have been linked since the diver revealed he was gay on YouTube back in December 2013. LOVES it!

Related: Tom Daley Teases His Sexy 2016 Calendar With Behind-The-Scenes Video!

The announcement shared:

“The engagement is announced between Tom, son of Robert and Debra Daley of Plymouth, and Lance, son of Jeff Bisch of Philadelphia and Anne Bisch of Lake Providence.”

How exciting! And it seems the entire Daley clan is as pumped as we are by the engagement news! Tom’s momma Debbie Daley gushed:

“The whole family is extremely excited and looking forward to the big day. They are going to wait until after the Olympic Games in Rio before they decide on the date of the wedding and where they want to marry.

At the moment he is training in Stratford and focusing on competitions to prepare for Rio at the start of August. Training has always come first for him. Once Rio is out of the way, they will properly plan the wedding.”

Well that makes sense. Now we have ANOTHER reason to look forward to next year’s Olympics! LOLz!

Though there is a significant age gap between the 21-year-old and the 41-year-old, we think these two could make it past industry standards.

In his viral video, he explained:

“In spring this year my life changed massively when I met someone, and they make me feel so happy, so safe and everything just feels great. That someone is a guy.”


In case you forgot, Tom’s fiancé is the American screenwriter and LGBT activist who won an Oscar for the 2008 film, Milk.

He sounds like such a catch — well done, Tom!

Congrats again to you both and be sure to let us know where to RSVP for the engagement shower! M’kay??

[Image via Lexi Jones/WENN.]