Thursday, May 26, 2016

Anna and Josh Duggar: Pregnant With Fifth Child! Announcement Coming Soon!

The Duggar family mantra is “Say No To Birth Control, Any Method of Birth Control,” so everyone is going to have to prepare themselves for Josh and Anna Duggar baby news.

I’m shocked she isn’t already, quite frankly.

Fresh off his faith-based rehab stint for a porn addiction, admission of cheating and alleged child molestation, Josh has probably had sex with his wife at least once, given the fact that Anna is his wife and married couples are known to fornicate.

A source told In Touch that this is deffo the case.

“I would have hoped they’d have put the brakes on sex after he got out [of rehab], but they are back to their normal sex routine,” the source said.

“I would not be surprised one bit if Anna is already pregnant.”

With no formal education or marketable workplace skills, Anna’s only real job is procreation, the way the Lord intended.

“It’s the last thing their family needs right now,” the source added.  Josh just got out of rehab, and considering the family’s financial future is uncertain, the financial burden of a fifth child is the last thing Anna and Josh need.”

A great observation, yes.  But these people are cut from a different cloth.  The kind of cloth that has produced 19 kids (and counting!).

PS, rehab hasn’t changed Josh.  He’s still acting like a douche bag.

The oldest Duggar accompanied Anna to her grandmother’s funeral after his release, and

“I was expecting Josh to be much more humble and quiet, a less arrogant person after everything he’d done, but nope,” Amy Duggar King the source said.

“He was the same old Josh, constantly talking, full of himself, really aggressive and making Anna do everything — not helpful to her at all.”

He sounds like a catch.

“It may be too early to make any announcement,” the insider concluded. “But there is almost no chance that Anna is not pregnant by now.”