Showing posts with label Bleed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bleed. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

"Bleed for This" Boxer Calls B.S. on Brutal, Bloody Assault, "I"m the Victim!!!"

Former boxing champ Vinny Paz – the inspiration for the Miles Teller movie “Bleed for This” — says he’s the real victim in a VERY violent incident in Rhode Island.  Here’s what we know … cops responded to a home in Providence early…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nathan Griffith Jessica Henry Made My Penis Bleed!

It’s been a rough holiday season for former Teen Mom star and noted colossal d-bag Nathan Griffith.

In case you’re unaware or just blocked his existence from your memory, Nathan is Jenelle Evans’ second baby daddy.

Despite the fact that these two were perfect for each other (in that they’re both perfectly awful) the relationship didn’t last, and Nate quickly found himself a new victim.

Griffith began dating Jessica Henry last year, and though Jessica was assaulted by Jenelle (who threw a freakin’ mason jar at her head!) early in the relationship, she stood by her man – which proved to be a massive mistake.

Last week, Griffith was arrested for assaulting Henry, and this time, he may be facing jail time.

(It’s not the first time he’s been taken into custody after one of their blowout fights.)

Not surprisingly, the online Teen Mom fan community has been highly critical of Nathan.

And not surprisingly, he’s fighting back in the fashion that made him a match for Jenelle’s raging temper.

It all started when Nathan’s brother Noah (who also goes by Zach, for reasons that remain unclear) took to social media to defend his brother’s honor by claiming that Jessica totally started it.

When Noah/Zach finished, Nathan picked up the argument himself:

“Like you said though there is so much more,” Nathan replied to his brother’s comment.

“Like the numerous times she has assaulted me and kicked me in the privates and caused my penis to bleed because we were on a run and I thought she was following me and she said I didn’t look back to make sure she was ok before crossing.”

Did you think he would stop with the bleeding peen claims? Then you don’t know Nate:

“Or the time she beat the living heck out of me because I told her I was hanging out with Mariah again after we split for the hundredth time and asking her if she was done punching me in the face.

“(She actually almost knocked me out which I was quite impressed, which I said the same thing to her when She was done).”

Griffith went on to write:

“I just want the truth to be spoken because she’s been manipulating our relationship and ruining my reputation worse than Jenelle even did.”

He concluded:

“I know I’m an idiotic brother and it sucks because I really did love Jessi with all my heart and she’s the only girl that I would’ve gotten married to but I know it wasn’t a healthy relationship.

“I’m still depressed as heck but life moves on and no one is going to stop and feel pity for me.”

So … wait? Does he want us to feel pity for him?

Because we don’t, Nathan. We really really don’t.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Kim Kardashian Could "Bleed to Death" If THIS Happens

Kim Kardashian nearly died last month.

The reality star was hurled out of bed by armed assailants who tied her up and held her at gunpoint while they ransacked her apartment in Paris.

It was a legitimately frightening, life-changing situation.

On Keeping Up with the Kardashians last night, meanwhile, Kardashian was faced with another frightening, life-changing situation.

But this one was a little bit different.

Those who keep close tabs on Kardashian need to get a life.

No, wait, that may be true. But it isn’t the point here.

What we meant to say was this: those who keep close tabs on Kardashian are aware that she suffered through a pair of challenging pregnancies prior to giving birth to Saint West and North West.

While the stupid tabloids were focusing on Kim’s weight gain, Kim was worried about her actual health at the time.

As a result, she conferred with two doctors on last night’s installment of her family’s terrible reality show in order to ask what might happen if she got pregnant for a third time.

Simply put, they told her this was a bad idea.

And Kris Jenner didn’t mince words when emphasizing to her daughter that she ought to give up on the notion as soon as possible.

“You could bleed to death,” Jenner told Kim on the episode.

Does this mean there’s no way Kim and Kanye West expand their family? Not necessarily.

It sounds as if Kardashian is open to the idea of surrogacy, which is when another woman actually gives birth to your child.’

“I’ve been thinking I would love to maybe have another baby,” Kim said at one point on Sunday night.

“But I had two really difficult pregnancies and really difficult deliveries, so getting pregnant again, it’s something that does concern me.”

You can see Kim talk to her sister about the possibility of surrogacy in the following sneak peek:

Will she go through with it? We have no idea.

But let’s remember that this episode was filmed several weeks before the aforementioned armed robbery.

Kim has stayed away from social media and the spotlight in general ever since this scary incident took place.

It’s safe to wonder if she’d now be afraid to bring another child into her family, considering the safety concerns that have gone from hypothetical to extremely valid.

Having yet another person in the Kimye clan would mean more security… more expenses… more to worry about on a daily basis.

That said, Kim could also go the other way.

Perhaps she really is dedicated to a life outside of Hollywood now.

Maybe she really wants to just hole up with her family and spend as much time with her loved ones as possible and, therefore, would love nothing more than to have another newborn to cuddle and care for.

We could see Kardashian going in either direction, really.

Do you think Kim and Kanye will have another child? Do you think they should have another child?!?

Only time will tell what she decides to do.

Elsewhere on the installment last night, Kris Jenner broke down during an interview with her mom and Kendall Jenner said she did not want to get involved in the gun control battle because she may lose some fans as a result.

Go ahead and watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online below for more:
