Showing posts with label Breastfeeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breastfeeding. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Alyssa Milano and Wendy Williams Go At It Over Breastfeeding Debate

Alyssa Milano has been a staunchly vocal advocate for public breastfeeding, but Wendy Williams does NOT agree.

The two had quite the heated discussion on the topic during Milano’s appearance on The Wendy Williams Show.

The Charmed actress discussed the backlash she received after posting photos to Instagram of herself breastfeeding daughter Elizabella.

“It was kind of shocking that we were that, um, sort of opinionated about something that is supposed to be so incredibly natural.”

That’s when the talk show host jumped in, telling Milano, “I’m opinionated.”

“I don’t need to see that,” Williams told her. When asked why, she said simply, “Because, I don’t want to.”

Well Wendy, I don’t want to see mimes on the beach, but, you know, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to be there.

Milano challenged Williams by asking why it’s okay for Miley Cyrus to flaunt nearly every inch of her boobies in public, but a mother who’s nourishing her child is somehow taboo.

“I think people are more comfortable sexualizing breasts than relating them to what they were made for, which is feeding another human,” Milano explained last year in an interview with ET.

Williams, who breastfed her son, said that because breastfeeding is only necessary for a limited amount of time in a woman’s life, she sees breasts more as “sexual things.”

“They’re fun bags!” she exclaimed.

Milano, of course, didn’t change her mind. “You’re lucky the baby’s not here. I’d whip ’em out right here and feed her on your show!”

Looks like these two are going to have to agree to disagree.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Breastfeeding, Donating to Charity

Kim Kardashian speaks!

For the first time since giving birth to a son named Saint West, the reality star has taken to Twitter and given fans an update on her condition.

And she actually did so while providing sustenance to her child.

“I’m up breastfeeding,” Kim started, before launching into a series of Tweets based on her viewing of a show titled Dish Nation.

“I heard the cutest story of a girl who is trying to find 1000 pairs of shoes to donate to this charity Soles For Souls! They helped her during Hurricane Katrina. I think I know the designer of Shoe of the Year Award!”

But Kim isn’t just bragging here about her connections.

She’s actually using the opportunity to give back to a good cause.

“Kanye and I would love to donate those 1000 shoes to Soles For Souls,” she Tweeted of her and husband Kanye West.

Darn. That’s a very nice gesture. We can’t make fun of Kardashian at all for it, which is no fun.

The 35-year old welcomed her second child into the world last Saturday.

We’re yet to see a photo of little Saint, but we have heard (from Khloe Kardashian) that he’s super cute and we’ve also heard (from imaginary sources) that North West is unhappy with her sibling.

That’s natural, though. We’re sure she’ll come around soon.

In the meantime, let’s all sigh and stop and give some credit to Kim Kardashian for this charitable effort.

Perhaps motherhood really is changing her.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Celebrity Breastfeeding Pictures: #Normalize It!

Many famous moms have posted up close and personal pictures of themselves breastfeeding online, many in an attempt to "normalize" the process.

Why is breastfeeding at all taboo, wondered Jessie James Decker recently, when half naked girls parading around on social media are ogled 24/7/365?

She raises a valid point, and we applaud her for raising it. And for breastfeeding her children and giving us a glimpse into that intimate bond.

Check out some of the best photos from JJ and others:

1. Gisele Bundchen Breastfeeding

Gisele bundchen breastfeeding

Gisele Bundchen breastfeeding and getting all made up for a modeling shoot. That is some impressive multitasking right there.

2. Olivia Wilde Breastfeeding

Olivia wilde breastfeeding

This lovely photo of Olivia Wilde breastfeeding her son Otis graces the pages of Glamour.

3. Gwen Stefani Breastfeeding

Gwen stefani breastfeeding

A photo of Gwen Stefani breastfeeding on Instagram. And a good one at that.

4. Pink Breastfeeding Photo

Pink breastfeeding photo

Pink shared this photo of herself breastfeeding her daughter Willow during a break during the shooting of one of her music videos.

5. Alanis Morissette Breastfeeding

Alanis morissette breastfeeding

Alanis Morissette throws it back here to 2012. It’s a photo of the singer breastfeeding her son.

6. Miranda Kerr Breastfeeding

Miranda kerr son

Miranda Kerr loved to share shots of herself breastfeeding son Flynn. Justin Bieber is so jealous.

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Jessie James Decker Shares, Defends Stunning Breastfeeding Photo

Jessie James Decker is a singer, songwriter, designer and wife of an NFL star. Most importantly of all, she says, she’s a mother of two.

The 27-year-old has also been a vocal advocate for breastfeeding, and certainly displayed this in a stunning photo posted to Instagram Thursday:

In the selfie, the “Lights Down Low” singer cuddles up with her 5-week-old Eric Thomas as he nurses. She captioned the photo simply:

“Love being a mommy and feeding my sweet boy.”

Decker has often expressed her love for nursing, saying she was looking forward to the bonding time again with her second child.

Her daughter, Vivianne Rose, is 18 months old.

“I really loved breastfeeding the first time around,” she told American Baby. “It’s such a wonderful, intimate thing to share with your child.”

“I remember that full, happy look Vivianne would get when she was done,” she adds. “I also love all the cuddling during the baby stage.”

What she doesn’t love? The online backlash.

“Here’s a closer look to those accusing me of ‘posing’ for this,” she wrote. “Here’s a shot I took before but thought was maybe too visual.”

“Now I don’t care. Enjoy #normalizebreastfeeding”

Nothing posed or left to the imagination about that.

Defending moms who love to capture these picture-perfect moments of nursing, James Decker said she doesn’t understand the big deal.

Why are those selfies deemed unacceptable, she wonders, while “half-naked” girls like Kylie Jenner on social media are applauded.

“In photos of me nursing, there’s probably less cleavage than what I’ve shown on the red carpet,” the stunning “Lights Down Low” singer explained.

Moreover, it may look easy, but it’s anything but:

“Sharing breastfeeding photos online is a good example for other women who want to nurse. Nursing is hard. It doesn’t always come easy.”

“We need to support each other.”