Showing posts with label Bromance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bromance. Show all posts

Friday, September 28, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: A Bromance for the Ages

Jersey Shore: Family has been all about relationships on Season 2.

We’ve watched as Ronnie and Jen Harley have screamed and yelled at each other, with fists and saliva occasionally flying back and forth between the parents of poor little Ariana.

Jersey Shore Family Vacation

We’ve also been present when JWOWW filed to divorce Roger Matthews and when she had a major falling out with the other love in her life, Snooki.

But all this focus on affection and romance still didn’t prepare us for Thursday night’s finale…

… on which Pauly D and Vinnie got married!


For real! Sort of!

Last week, of course, the men sent the ladies off to the airport under the assumption they were right behind them. But they lied. And stayed behind to fit in one more “guys night,” making the absolute most of their testosterone-fueled time together.

In a manner of speaking.

At one point early on, Pauly D popped the question of a lifetime to Vinny Guadagnino, making a mockey of the entire concept of marriage and asking for his hand in this blessed union.

He said yes, and the two headed to a local chapel to make their bromance nice and legal.

Mike and Ronnie attended Pauly and Vin’s brommitment ceremony, with The Situation holding the cake and, naturally, eating most of it while the vows were exchanged.

From there, Pauly placed a gold band on Vinny’s finger, although the new husband wasn’t thrilled over the rather plain looking ring.

“The guy is covered in diamonds,” he told the camera. “Like, you could’ve given me a little bit of ice. C’mon!”

This was their first fight as newlyweds.

Of course, the real point of this supposed wedding was to given the fellas a reason to party on The Strip one final time.

And to say things such as this, courtesy of The Situation:

“Right now, it is madness. I feel like I’m in The Matrix right now, dodging all the thotties.”

“I feel like I’m at one of Pauly’s gigs,” added Ronnie. “This whole cabana is DTF!”

And Vinnie: “They say it’s the thought that counts, but right now, I’m counting thots.”

On a more serious note, meanwhile, Ronnie chose to stock his house with all-new baby supplies for his infant daughter, following a heated altercation with her mom. Yet again.

“With everything being so crazy with Jen and the baby, I think that me and Jen need to work on ourselves separately,” he explained, adding:

“I’m just in the mindset of not really thinking about me and Jen, I’m just thinking about the baby.

“Jen just moved into the other house and she has all the baby stuff, and I want Ariana to have everything that she needs, the basics.”

Enlisting the assistance of his male pals, Ronne proceeded to go on a major diaper and car seat run.

“I’m very proud of Ron,” said Mike. “He’s taking steps to address some of the life situations that he’s facing. He’s really going through it. His life is, unfortunately, similar to a dumpster fire.”

Is Ronnie really a changed man?

Does he really have a renewed focus on his job as a parent?

We’ll see on Season 3 of Family Vacation, as well as on the Internet over the next few months.

But it sounds promising so far.

“I could sit around and be miserable and mopey, but what does that solve?” he said at one point, concluding:

“All that’s doing is breaking me down more and killing me inside when I’m supposed to be becoming a better person and a better father for my daughter…

“When I do get Ariana and she starts spending time with me, I want her to have everything that she needs.”


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon: Is the Bromance Over?!?

It is about to be officially all over for Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

Following many years of going back and forth over various details, the actor and the actress will finalize their divorce once Affleck leaves rehab in the near future.

But now a new question has arisen in regard to Affleck’s other long-term and serious relationship.

And that question is this:

Might is also all be over for Affleck and Matt Damon?!?

The stars have been close friends forever, having grown up in Boston many decades ago and risen to superstardom by writing Good Will Hunting and then starring side-by-side in the surprise hit.

They may have the best-known bromance in Hollywood.

But an insider now tells gossip columnist Rob Shuter that Damon has been distancing himself from Affleck of late, and it sounds like the latter’s struggles with alcoholism may be the reason why.

“Matt will always love Ben and thinks of him like a brother,” says this source, who explained “sometimes you have to step away to let people save themselves.”

It’s true.

It’s called tough love.

And we suppose one may be able to argue at this point that Affleck could use it, considering past alternatives have not really worked out.

On August 22, it was announced that Affleck has checked into rehab for the third time, having fallen hard off the wagon a few months ago.

Things had taken an especially dark turn for him in the days before this decision was made, however. Per a People Magazine source:

“Ben had been drinking alone for days.

“He was in bad shape. He had barely been eating and had not showered. It didn’t take much convincing. He wanted to go, and he cooperated.”

Multiple outlets have written that it was actually Garner who swooped in and convinced the father of her three kids that he needed professional assistance.

She staged a mini intervention for Affleck that may or may not have gone smoothly, depending on who you ask.

But while Garner has some self-interest in seeing Affleck get better, in the form of two daughters and a son they share, Damon sort of has his own thing going on at this juncture of his life.

The actor is “focused on his wife and his family” and “his partying days are long, long behind him,” says the aforemntioned source, explaining how he and his pal are just on different paths at the moment:

“Ben is still living in the fast lane.”

This is all personal news about Affleck.

On the professional front, questions are being raised over whether the star will remain the role of Batman once he gets out of rehab.

(And, to be clear, just when this will happen is unknown right now.)

According to a film industry expert who spoke to The Wrap, the issue of insurance may actually cause Warner Bros. to give Affleck the heave-ho.

“More than likely the studio will replace him because the insurance costs are going to go through the roof,” says this insider, while an attorney in this field adds:

“He would be bondable, but the deductible would be really high, probably the budget of the film.”

This, of course, isn’t really relevant right now.

Affleck has far bigger things to worry about than playing Batman again, and not just because that Warner Bros. franchise sucks.

But because he has his health to be concerned about first.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Rob Kardashian & Scott Disick: 15 Times They Proved Their Bromance Was Real

Scott Disick may have split from his longtime girlfriend and baby mama Kourtney Kardashian, but his bromance with her brother Rob Kardashian remains strong.

On Rob"s birthday, Scott shared two throwback pics on Instagram of the two of them arm in arm, expressing his love for him.

Then, on Scott"s birthday, Rob returned the gesture, calling him his "brother for life" and declaring, "I love this man very much!!"

Over the years we"ve seen these two grow close, and it"s clear that their love is here to stay.

Let"s relive some of their most bromantic moments. 

1. They pretend their relationship is casual

Rob kardashian and scott disick gif greetings

Note the seemingly cavalier handshake between the brovers.

2. But we know it’s more serious

Rob kardashian and scott disick gif lets kiss

How many kisses is that?

3. In fact, they kind of kiss a lot

Rob kardashian and scott disick gif kiss

I think that’s a yes.

4. Rob knows what Scott really wants

Rob kardashian and scott disick gif pedicure

He’s, like, in his head.

5. Rob doesn’t mind being the little spoon

Rob kardashian and scott disick gif spooning

Subtext here: GET OUT, KIM!

6. But when it comes time for cuddles, Scott knows where to rest his head…

Rob kardashian and scott disick gif cuddles

…On Rob’s crotch.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Justin Timberlake & Jimmy Fallon Put Their Bromance On Display & Get Lost In Each Other"s Eyes — Oh, Will Ferrell"s There Too! Watch!

We could stare into those eyes forever!

Jimmy Fallon had one of his greatest shows EVER last week when he had Justin Timberlake stop by to give us the History of Rap 6 as well as judge a lip sync battle between Jimmy and Ellen DeGeneres!

Well it looks like he wasn’t done with JT yet!

[ Related: Justin Timberlake Gushes About Fatherhood & Shares NEW Photos Of Baby Silas! ]

Last night, the TV host and his musical bestie were in a short but HIGHlarious skit (above) where they did nothing but communicate with each other through looks and eye movements — with Peter Gabriel‘s In Your Eyes playing of course.

You’ll definitely want to check it out, but try not to get lost in their eyes and make sure you stay until the end to find out what Will Ferrell is doing there!!