Showing posts with label Callander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Callander. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester Attack: Once Upon a Time Cast Pays Tribute to Georgina Callander

With news continuing to leak out concerning the Manchester terrorist attack on Monday night at an Ariana Grande concert, we’ve come across the following unique piece of information:

One of the 22 victims who died in a bomb set off by Salman Abedi had recently met members of the Once Upon a Time cast.

Georgina Callander, 18, was identified earlier on Tuesday as an attendee at the aforementioned Grande concert.

Around 10:30 p.m., just after Grande has finished her set and fans were making their way to the exists, Abedi blew himself and nearly two dozen others up via what authorities have described as a “nail bomb.”

Callander was one of the fatalities.

We learned afterward that she had met Grande two years ago, Tweeting a photo of herself and the singer (below) in anticipation of seeing Ariana perform in Manchester on Monday evening.

Now, she’s dead.

Callander, meanwhile, also spent time with a number of Once Upon a Time stars at a fan convention just a few weeks ago.

Once these actors and actresses learned of this connection, they took to social media to express their show and sorrow.

“RIP @emiliesatwell remember meeting her last month. Beautiful, sweet girl,” wrote Emilie de Ravin on Twitter, adding:

“She gave me the most lovely letter…at a loss 4 words #Manchester.”

The former Lost actress also wrote the following on Instagram:

 “RIP Georgina you beautiful soul…words can’t express my anger and sadness towards the people involved in planning and carrying out the attack last night in #Manchester.”

Concluded de Ravin:

“My love and courage goes out to Georgina’s family and friends and to all the families and friends of the victims last night. Praying for eternal peace for Georgina and all involved.”

Rebecca Mader, who also appeared on Lost with de Ravin, Tweeted the following photo of herself and Callander and sent along her condolences as well:

“I am heartbroken to wake up to learn Georgina was taken from us in Manchester. R.I.P Georgina. You were such a special girl. I’ll miss you.”

And then there was Lana Parilla, who also met Callander.

A photo of the veteran actress and the late teenager is below, while Parilla wrote on social media:

“We lost a ONCE fan, @emiliesatwell , in the #manchesterexplosion last night. Devestating. RIP sweet Georgina.” 

ISIS has claimed responsibility for this heinous act of violence, as British authorities continue to delve deeply into what transpired and who, specifically, was behind it.

Earlier today, an unnamed 23-year old has been arrested in conjunction with the horrible crime.

Along with these Once Upon a Time stars, numerous celebrities in Hollywood and members of the Royal Family have spoken out on the bombing.

Karen David, another series cast member who met Callander, penned this tribute on Instagead:

“I’m deeply saddened to hear that this sweet, and beautiful lady, Georgina, who I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to for awhile, only a couple of weeks ago at #SBUK3 was one of the innocent victims in tonight’s atrocity in Manchester.

“It’s not fair, it’s not right. It makes me so angry and it breaks my heart that such a young and promising life has been stolen away! But I refuse to give in to hatred.

I continue to choose love. I continue to choose unity because when we join together, we are strong! We will not be afraid. Dearest Georgina, may your kind soul rest in peace.

“Heaven has gained an angel… My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and your friends.”

david and callandar

Added Colin O’Donoghue, who plays Hook on Once Upon a Time:

“Saddened to hear about the death of Oncer @emiliesatwell last night!! No words! #thoughtswithmanchester.”

A GoFundMe page has been set up in tribute to Callandar and to help her family deal with this unimaginable loss.

Donate to it HERE and join us in sending your heartfelt condolences to the Callandar family.
