Showing posts with label Clashing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clashing. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Clashing With Tristan Thompson"s Ex?!

Last month, Khloe Kardashian welcomed her first child, a daughter named True Thompson.

We probably don’t have to tell you why the circumstances were less than ideal – or why there’s a sad irony to the little girl’s name.

Just days before baby True entered the world, Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe.

Though the news certainly came as a shock, in retrospect, perhaps it shouldn’t have.

After all, Tristan doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to fidelity.

In fact, at the time he met Khloe, Tristan’s previous girlfriend, Jordan Craig, was pregnant with his son.

So Khloe had the unique and not terribly enviable experience of watching her boyfriend welcome a child with his ex.

Tristan and Jordan have reportedly remained on good terms, but we imagine the experience was still quite awkward for Khloe.

Anyway, these days Khloe and Jordan have more in common than ever before.

They’ve both been mistreated by the same man, although interestingly, it doesn’t look as though Khloe has any plans to break up with Tristan.

In fact, sources say she’s determined to make things work and is still planning to marry Thompson at some point in the near future.

But now, fans who have been monitoring Khloe’s situation on social media believe that she may have some competition coming her way.

That’s a photo of Jordan and her son, Prince Thompson, that was posted to Craig’s Instagram page over the weekend.

“My Little P! Today is ‘Mother’s Day’ to the world…but my day couldn’t begin without making sure I put a smile on your face first,” she captioned the pic.

Seems innocent enough, but based on the comments, a lot of folks are convinced that this is Jordan’s way of taking a subtle shot at Khloe.

You see, just last week, Khloe posted the first photos of True on her Instagram and Snapchat accounts.

Jordan generally doesn’t share candid photos from her private life, and many are convinced that this latest pic is an attempt to steal Khloe’s thunder.

Obviously, that interpretation seems a bit melodramatic, and those who know Jordan best say she feels no ill will toward Khloe.

“Jordan has always been tight-lipped about Tristan‘s behavior after he left her while she was pregnant with their son Prince,” one insider tells Hollywood Life.

“But, she’s seen this type of behavior before from Tristan, and as a woman, she’s sad for Khloe because she knows this feeling all too well,” the source added. 

“Jordan knows that how you get them is how you’ll lose them, and Tristan was with her before he left for Khloe.

Yes, it seems Jordan feels bad for Khloe, and she’s reportedly made it clear to Thompson that she’s disappointed with his behavior.

“So at the very least, Jordan is disappointed in Tristan because she hoped being with Khloe would have at least matured him a bit more as a man,” the insider adds.

Well, if there’s a silver lining in the dark cloud of Tristan’s deplorable behavior, it’s that it seems to have brought the women in his life closer.

It’s nice to see his baby mama supporting one another, and he hope this behavior will continue.

As a bonus, it’s probably making life miserable for Tristan, which is exactly what he deserves.


Monday, August 7, 2017

Jim Bob Duggar: Clashing With Ben Seewald, Jeremy Vuolo Over Religious Beliefs (Exclusive)

Jim Bob Duggar is almost as well known for his ultra-conservative religious views as he is for the massive brood of children he’s raised with wife Michelle.

Jim Bob’s views on issues such as birth control, women’s rights and homosexuality have earned him scorn from critics, and accounts   from insiders indicate that the Duggar children – daughters in particular – face harsh consequences for defying their father’s code of ethics.

But once Duggar women leave the nest (which occurs only after marriage), it’s their husbands who determine everything from how they dress to how they worship.

And it seems Jim Bob now wishes he’d been more selective when in helping his daughters select mates.

As we’ve reported previously, Jim Bob has butted heads with his sons-in-law over a wide variety of issues.

Jinger Duggar’s decision to begin wearing pants after marrying Jeremy Vuolo (Under Jim Bob’s rules, Duggar women are only permitted to wear florr-length skirts.) may have attracted the most attention, but it’s the more arcane doctrinal disputes that are creating the deepest divisions.

A source who formerly held close ties to several members of the Duggar family tells The Hollywood Gossip exclusively that Jim Bob is deeply upset by many of the views held by both Vuolo and Jessa Duggar’s husband, Ben Seewald.

As a result of the patriarchal structure of their home lives, these views are now being espoused by Jinger and Jessa, and our source says Jim Bob is extremely troubled by his daughter’s new beliefs.

“He’s allowed a division in the family to occur,” our source says of Jim Bob. “He knows it’s not a true doctrine.”

It seems the major point of contention is Vuolo and Seewald’s adherence to the doctrine of Calvinism, which holds that only a pre-determined “elect” is eligible for salvation.

Jim Bob’s life is centered around the conviction that salvation is available to all through the grace of God, so it’s not hard to see why he takes issue with Vuolo and Seewald’s belief in pre-destination.

Apparently, Vuolo’s rebellion against Jim Bob’s belief system did not come as a surprise, as the Texas-based minister has long preached Calvinism to his congregation.

Many now believe that Vuolo’s beliefs played a role in Jim Bob’s hesitancy to approve of Jinger and Jeremy getting engaged.

In fact, it seems Jim Bob may have only given his consent after realizing that he was no match for Jinger’s stubborn streak.

Seewald, on the other hand, was not expected to offer much resistance to Jim Bob’s views, in part due to his submissive nature and the fact that he’s beholden to the Duggars financially.

“Very quiet, reserved, but he’s a Calvinist,” says our source, adding that Jessa makes most of the major decisions in the Seewald household.

“His wife is the boss. She holds the key to everything – money, you name it.”

Seewald’s more liberal beliefs have caused him to run afoul of Jim Bob in the past, but it seems it’s only since Vuolo joined the family that Ben’s been vocal about his Calvinist views.

As a result of Ben gaining an ally, it seems the Duggars are in the midst of a power struggle worthy of Game of Thrones.

“The things you see when the cameras aren’t rolling aren’t necessarily so when the cameras are off,” our source says of the deep ideological divisions that threaten to tear the family apart.

The insider believes that Jim Bob will ultimately be triumphant in his struggle against his sons-in-law, noting that the former politician is such a force to be reckoned with in his hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas that locals have taken to calling the area “Duggarville.”

“You really have to be around these people to understand how cultish they really are,” our source says. “Everything is controlled by Jim Bob, all the money in that place is controlled by Jim Bob.”

“Jim Bob does what Jim Bob wants to do,” he adds. “Sometimes, people who have a little bit of clout just do whatever they want.”


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Jim Bob Duggar: Clashing With Ben Seewald Over Religious Beliefs?

If you know anything about Jim Bob Duggar aside from the fact that he’s very big on procreation, then you know that the father of 19 is deeply religious.

In fact, aside from the staggering size of his brood, it seems to be Jim Bob’s strict fundamentalist beliefs that attracted television producers and audiences to his unique story.

But it often seems that for every one fan who’s drawn to Jim Bob’s piety, there are 100 who are disgusted by his cultish views or who revel in pointing out his hypocrisy.

From an outsiders persective, it seems that Jim Bob rules over his household with an iron fist.

And indeed, the Duggars enforce a patriarchal system that gives Jim Bob a disturbing amount of autonomy over the lives of his wife and daughters.

But he exercises no such control over his adult sons or his daughters’ husbands, and it seems that even within the extended Duggar clan, Jim Bob’s uncompromising belief system has proven to be a source of strife and conflict.

We already knew about some of the more obvious ways in which Jim Bob’s beliefs differ from those of the men who have married into his family.

The most commonly cited example is likely the fact that Jinger Duggar is permitted to wear pants now, as her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, doesn’t share Jim Bob’s belief that women should only wear skirts.

Yes, once the Duggar girls marry, their husbands assume control of their lives, which may be why Jim Bob is taking some seemingly minor religious differences with his sons-in-law so seriously.

A source tells the The Hollywood Gossip exclusively that Jim Bob has openly disagreed with Jessa Duggar’s husband, Ben Seewald, on a number of different issues, particularly Ben’s belief in the doctrine of Calvinism.

Seewald and his family are adherents to the teachings of an Arkansas pastor named Kevin Smead, one of the nation’s formeost propnents of Southern Baptist Calvinism.

One of the more controversial teachings of Calvinism is that of predestination, or the belief that one’s salvation and path through life are pre-determined.

Ben has openly split with Jim Bob on a number of issues, such as when he publicly supported the Black Lives Matter movement, but it’s reportedly his beliefs in Calvinism and predestination that are of particular concern to Jim Bob.

Our source, a former employee of the Duggars, accuses Jim Bob of being unfaithful to his beliefs and accepting Ben’s influence over his daughter as a means of maintaining the illusion of wholesomeness and family unity that’s so essential to the Duggar brand.

“They chase they almighty dollar instead of their doctrine,” says the insider.

“When the cameras aren’t rolling, it’s a whole different life,” he adds. “It’s all about money. It’s crazy.”

The source adds that he believes fans would be shocked to see “such a division, doctrine-wise” within the Duggar family and the rift that it’s caused between generations.

Watch Counting On online to see the illusory world that the Duggars present to their legion of devoted fans.


Friday, January 22, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick: Clashing Over Custody?!

It’s been seven months since Scott Disick was caught cheating on Kourtney Kardashian, and while a lot has changed for the former couple, it appears that despite Scott’s best efforts, they’re no closer to getting back together.

In fact, relations between Disick and Kardashian have reportedly never been rockier, as sources Kourtney has been doing her best to limit the amount of time that Scott spends with the couple’s three children.

The strange part is, Kourtney is apparently putting distance between Scott and the kids as much for their sake as for his:

“Kourtney really wants the kids to love and respect their father,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Right now she’s only allowing Scott to see them once a week at best and they are getting used to him not being around.”

Yes, Kourtney has reportedly told Scott that he needs to sort out some of his issues before he’s able to spend time alone with his children.

Disick completed rehab back in November, but after losing both of his parents and Kourtney in quick succession, he’s said to be in a very unstable place.

“Scott wants to be a good father too but his struggle is real,” says our source.

“Kourtney knows that he is working on his sobriety and still struggling with the pain of losing his parents. He has lots of issues he needs to work out and she is trying to give him space to heal.”

Recently, there have been rumors of Scott drinking again, and Kourtney is reportedly terrified that he’ll relapse while he’s alone with the kids.

Sources say Kourtney is confident that Scott can eventually be a good dad again. He just has to start taking of himself first.