Showing posts with label Collective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collective. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2017

Blow Job-Themed Wedding Photo Prompts Collective Internet Spit Take

Seen one wedding photo, seen ‘em all, right?

The bride is wearing a flowing white gown. The groom is looking all dapper in his tuxedo.

There’s a sunset or some other kind of lovely background and the newlyweds have broad smiles affixed to their faces, right?

stock wedding pic

Typically, yes. This would be right.

But not always.

A Dutch wedding photographer named Michel Klooster and his subjects have gone viral after the Internet grabbed hold of a few extra spicy pictures from the bride and groom’s special day on August 17.

And, based one on the images below, it appears as if this was an extra special day for the groom!

In the snapshot that has truly gone viral, the new husband has his pants down around his knees, while his very generous wife is down on her knees doing… well… you know.

Or at least pretending (we assume) to do “you know,” by which we mean provide her man with some oral sex.

“Some grooms can’t wait until the party is over to go quietly to the suite and have a crushing wedding night,” reads the translated caption underneath this photo on Facebook.

It continues:

“Fortunately, they had already given the “yes” Word and they were officially married. Soon a small impression of this charming wedding.”

Klooster was aware the photo might generate a bit of controversy as soon as he shared it, which is why he added at the end of his caption:

Edit: this is absolutely not as inside. We just thought it was a funny idea. It’s still suggestive and we’re not doing anyone here.

Angry with you. Anyone who considers this offensive is in my eyes still in the year 1996. of all the pictures that have been taken there is one playful, which in 10 years is great to talk about.

Give those people their fun. I’ll give you that too. Life is a prude.

Meanwhile, in case you were afraid this set-up was sexist and only the guy was getting his proverbial rocks off, considering another snapshot from this legendary shoot:

“You see nothing in this picture, but it looks like something is going on there,” the photographer explains.

“Every picture you’ll take with that kind of question is interesting to watch. For me, sex is one of the most natural things we do in life. It’s normal! Everyone does it.

“We don’t live in the 1900s anymore.”

It’s true. We don’t. That’s a fact.

Klooster insists these images are not pornographic in nature and even included an aerial shot of the faux felatio to add show off the beautiful scenery.

aerial shot

Since these images went viral, he’s had requests from other couples who want similar layouts.

“If it’s not porn, I don’t have any problems with that,” he says.

But is this porn?

Is it appropriate?

Is it hilarious?

Or is it just unrealistic because no wife does this to her husband, not after those vows are exchanged?


Monday, March 14, 2016

Kanye West Tweets More Nonsense, World Lets Out a Collective Yawn

Oh hell, he’s at it again.

After an infamous series of tweets attacking a famed music producer, Wiz Khalifa (for which he later apologized) and Taylor Swift, Kanye West is taking a crack at being philosophical.

“I have discovered my single greatest quality,” West tweeted on March 13th.  “I care.

“Everyone can say anything they want about me but they could never say that I didn’t care.  I care about people,” he continued to write.

“I care about our future. I care about truth. I care about quality. I think human beings can create a Utopia. I believe in us.”

Then West switched gears and made a unique (read: random) request.

“Steve Ballmer can I please redesign the Clippers mascot,” he asked the LA-based basketball team’s owner.

On Saturday, West set some ambitious goals for himself professionally.

“No more fashion calendar… I’m going Mad Max… 6 collections a year…3 albums a year,” he tweeted.

More goodness while he was on a plane back from Paris:

“I thank Olivier [Rousting] for designing his collection around my wife… this is visionary as I believe that Kim is our modern day everything.”

Don’t even think about talking to him about suit jackets, or try to knock his homeless sweaters!

“All these journalists can give their opinions well these are mine…yes I believe in my ripped homeless sweaters!!!

“I don’t personally like suit jackets anymore. I especially hate suit jackets on women… that was a groundbreaking idea 5 million years ago!”


“I like T-shirts and women in yoga pants… I live in LA that’s what people wear… not sure why someone would put a suit jacket on with that.”

Ok.  Happy Monday.  Burn your suit jackets.