Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Saturday, April 1, 2017

George Takei Will Run for Congress

LGBT activist and former “Star Trek” star George Takei is jumping into a new venture — politics — because he’s running for Congress. Takei made his announcement Trump-style — on Twitter — saying, “Well, the cat’s out of the bag it seems. Let’s…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Notorious B.I.G. Honored in the Halls of Congress (VIDEO)

Notorious B.I.G. was reppin’ for Brooklyn again Thursday — but this time in Congress! Rep. Hakeem Jeffries had the floor on the 20th anniversary of Biggie’s death, and the distinguished gentleman from Brooklyn didn’t disappoint. Guess healthcare…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Donald Trump Address to Congress: That Was ... Presidential?

President Donald J. Trump declared Tuesday in an address to Congress that a “new chapter of American greatness is now beginning.”

For the most part, he traded his usual contentious and aggressive tones for loftier – some might even say more presidential – rhetoric. 

Making economic revival the centerpiece of his first address to Congress, Trump also delved into something he rarely does – specifics.

He issued a call to “restart the engine" of the economy through tax cuts, trade deals, immigration enforcement and $ 1 trillion in infrastructure.  

Trump also called on Congress to replace the “imploding ObamaCare disaster” with legislation that lowers costs and expands access.

The 45th president focused largely on priorities at home, more than abroad, over his hour-long, decidedly upbeat and optimistic speech.

Those who witnessed Trump"s foreboding inauguration address likely were hoping for something more like this. Better late than never?

“Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every problem can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing, and hope,” Trump said.

Urging lawmakers to "join forces" to deliver, he declared “the time for small thinking is over,” and said to “believe, once more, in America.”

“A new chapter of American greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping across our nation,” Trump told legislators.

“And a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp," he said during his “message of unity and strength.”

The generally well-received speech could mark an opportunity for Trump to reset his young presidency after a rocky start since January 20.

Clashes with the media and staffing controversies at times overshadowed action on the jobs front … and pretty much every other front.

In perhaps the most memorable moment, the audience broke out into extended applause as Trump acted like a true Commander in Chief. 

Introducing the widow of William "Ryan" Owens, the Navy SEAL killed in a raid in Yemen last month, he paid tribute to the fallen service member. 

Carryn Owens sobbed as lawmakers gave her a standing ovation as Donald Trump said the raid he participated in yielded vital intelligence.

His “legacy is etched into eternity,” Trump said.

Watch his full speech below. 

Donald trump address to congress that was presidential

Friday, September 25, 2015

John Boehner to Resign From Congress

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced moments ago that he intends to step down from his position and retire from Congress at the end of October.

Boehner’s decision is surprising, but it’s the cause and the immediacy of his resignation that have really left Washington reeling.

The New York Times is reporting that the 65-year-old representative from Ohio has become fed up with combative extremists within his own party and fears that Republicans will once again shut down the government in order to protest federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

Rumors that Boehner is involved in an extramarital affair have been circulating for years, but insiders confirm that his sudden decision to resign is purely political and motivated by his frustration over what might soon be the second government shutdown in as many years.

Both parties are lamenting Boehner’s decision, and colleagues of every political stripe are praising him as an effective and level-headed legislator in a time when partisan extremism runs rampant in Congress.

Boehner jokes and memes (frequently poking fun at his over-tanned skin tone) have been popular on the Internet throughout his nearly five years as Speaker. 

Just yesterday, Boehner was chided after he got visibly choked up while standing next to Pope Francis.

While his presence will certainly be missed by many, anyone who’s paid attention to the warnings in a Cialis commercial knows there is such a thing as too much Boehner. Sorry, we had to slip in a parting pun.