Showing posts with label Consumption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consumption. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Verne Troyer Death Ruled Suicide by Alcohol Consumption

Verne Troyer committed suicide by drinking too much alcohol.

So states the official coroner’s report, which has come out about six months after the diminutive actor died at the age of 49.

On Wednesday morning, the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office closed its case on Troyer.

It did so by stating that the man best known for playing Mini-Me in the Austin Powers franchise died of “suicide” and the cause listed was “sequelae of alcohol intoxication.”

You don’t see that term or that cause of death listed very often.

(Sequelae translates to “a condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury.”)

When the 49-year-old was taken from his North Hollywood home to the hospital this spring, reports at the time indicated that he had three times the legal level of alcohol in his system.

The possiiblity that Troyer essentially drank himself to death on purpose was floated soon afterward by numerous sources and outlets.

But it had not been confirmed until now.

A year before he passed away, Troyer was also hospitalized for alcohol poisoning.

And, again, chatter that he was trying to kill himself at the time surfaced across the Internet.

Troyer even responded to this rumor in an Instagram post from April of 2017.

“I’ve been hearing from some concerned fans, so I’d like to address a very personal situation,” he wrote back then, adding:

“As you know, I’ve battled alcohol addiction in the past and while it’s not always been an easy fight, I’m willing to continue my fight day by day.

Troyer added that he planned to check himself into a treatment center to “get the help that I need.”

Concluded the actor in this April 2016 message:

“I want to thank everyone that’s reached out with their messages of support, it truly means the world to me. With your support, I got this.”

Tragically, just barely over a year later, he was dead.

“Verne was the consummate professional and a beacon of positivity for those of us who had the honor of working with him,” Austin Power star Mike Myers said in a statement after his friend died.

He added this past April:

“It is a sad day, but I hope he is in a better place. He will be greatly missed.”

After this tragic event, Troyer’s family also released that referred to the small star as “an extremely caring individual” who “wanted to make everyone smile, be happy, and laugh.”

They said that for “anybody in need, he would help to any extent possible.”

Troyer was admitted to a Los Angeles hospital on April 3 with a blood alcohol content of more than three times the legal limit, according to this new official report.

The actor dialed 911 himself, repeatedly saying on the call and when he arrived to the emergency room that he wanted to die.

“Based on the history and circumstances as currently known, the manner of death is suicide,” Deputy Medical Examiner Martina Kennedy wrote in the coroner’s report this week.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Olivia Munn Cites Potato Consumption for Change in Appearance

Olivia Munn has an explanation for why her appearance has changed so drastically over the past year or so.

Actually, Olivia Munn has multiple explanations for why her appearance has changed so drastically over the past year or so.

Munn pics

And none of them have to do with plastic surgery.

With the Internet buzzing this week over Munn’s transformation, the actress shared the above photos on Instagram on Tuesday night.

One was taken last year. The other was taken last month.

And, yes, Munn acknowledges the changes in her face and neck.

“Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I love research,” she wrote as part of a LENTHY caption/explanation.

“Convinced that there’s got to be natural, healthy ways (ie not only the rich and connected can do it) to keep your skin from aging, I do lots of research.”

She continued:

“Who says guys are the only ones who can get better with age?

“We’re gonna turn that myth around, if we share what we learn with each other. So here are 4 skin tips I’ve learned just over this past year that really helped the texture and shape of my face.”

Sit back. Get comfy. And put on a cup of coffee, readers.

Here is why Olivia Munn says she looks very different than before:

I lost 12 pounds this past year while training for Xmen. I kept it off by coming up w/an hour workout I do a few times a week. The weight loss leaned out my cheeks and jawline. Working out is also great for your skin because it increases blood flow to your face which helps rejuvenate.

Reshaped my brows. I do my own brows and always thought they were supposed to have a high arch. Then a facialist pointed out to me that I was shaping my brows into a frown. So I let the top of my brows grow in (which is never fun because it looks spotty for a few weeks) and then I plucked the bottom.

That gave my brows a more horizontal angle and instantly brightened my eyes.

Got rid of sunspots. I love my freckles. But over the past couple of years I’ve seen more come up and merge with other freckles to make large dark spots. Dark spots prevent your skin from reflecting light and gives you a dull complexion. So for the past year I’ve been diligently using @Proactiv Mark Fading Pads.

I wipe my face with one every night and now my face has a more even tone and the large spots aren’t as noticeable.

I’ve talked about this before and I still stand by it: Japanese potatoes that are high in Hyaluronic Acid help keep wrinkles away.

Look up this video: ‘Connie Chung Yuzihara’ to learn all about it. There are Hyaluronic Acid pills and vitamins but I think that the best way to get it in your system is by eating them in foods that naturally have them.

So there we have it, apparently.

It’s comes down to potatoes, people.

Munn concluded by saying:

“I’m still looking into what gets rid of the lines that develop around your neck. I think it has to do with tension and acupuncture might be the answer.

“When I find out more, I’ll let you know.”