Showing posts with label Contender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Contender. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Paige VanZant Guarantees UFC Return In 6 Months, I"m Still a Contender!

She’s still nursing a broken arm — but Paige VanZant says she’ll be healed up and ready to knock people out again in 6 MONTHS.  “I know I’ll have a fight in 6 months and that’s guaranteed,” Paige told us on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Bachelorete Recap: How to Become a Bigger Contender

Those who read The Bachelorette spoilers likely weren’t surprised to learn that Rachel Lindsay’s journey isn’t a two-person race just yet.

On part two of a two-night Bachelorette event Tuesday, this new contender emerged to challenge Bryan and Peter for Rachel’s heart. 

Eric Bigger (pictured) opened up to Rachel on a one-on-one date in a way that separated himself from many of the remaining contestants.

Of whom there are SIX fewer now. Yes, she cut six in a single episode, as predicted by Bachelorette spoilers and very likely a record.

First, and foremost, Lee got the boot. Thank goodness.

The fact that Lee Garrett is racist (or sure acting like it) took place at the outset of the second half of this heavily-teased two-part event.

Lee’s feud with Kenny “‘Pretty Boy Pitbull” King, a black wrestler from Las Vegas who he called “aggressive,” reached a boiling point.

Things grew so bad that Chris Harrison seemingly tried to downplay any racial tensions, attributing the conflict to “jealousy” and “ego.”

Ultimately, after hearing from both of the men, Lindsay ultimately sided with King and eliminated Garrett during their two-on-one date.

She simply couldn’t trust the latter, she said.

King, however, was not long for this journey either. The single father and Lindsay ultimately agreed that it was best to part ways.

The wrestler is a single father, after all, and was clearly having issues with being apart from his little girl for the duration of this.

Not seeing a future with him to the extent that she’s forming a connection with some of the other guys, Rachel suggested he go.

It was a good decision for the right reasons.

Crazily, the episode saw three additional guys sent packing, including Will Gaskins after a one-on-one date that featured zero chemistry.

Maybe even negative chemistry if that’s possible.

Also a decision it’s hard to blame Rachel for. Meanwhile, Anthony Battle and Josiah Graham were eliminated during the rose ceremony.

Eric Bigger, who had previously complained about Battle being the only black man to get a one-on-one (he later got his own), commented:

“Two more black guys sent home by Rachel.”

In total, four African-American men left the show on Tuesday, which of course is something that Lindsay will be scrutinized for heavily.

“It’s such a struggle,” she said of the goodbyes.

Alex Bordyukov joined Lee, Kenny, Will, Anthony and Josiah in punching his ticket home during the episode’s second rose ceremony.

After last night, only six men remain. Wow.

Eric Bigger is the sole black contestant among them, though he did establish himself as a bona fide threat to win the final rose Tuesday.

Admitting he had never fallen in love before because he doesn’t know what love is, but he knows what he feels with her is so right?

About the sweetest thing you’ll ever see. 

As for the inevitable conversations about interracial relationships, Rachel says she’ll have them once she sees a future with a contestant.

Bryan Abasolo, who is Colombian, for what that’s worth, had one such talk this week. “Do you think your family will accept me?” she asked.

He replied that his family is very open and that any person who loves Bryan would be loved unconditionally and 100 percent in return.

Meanwhile, The Bachelorette continues to be overshadowed somewhat by the Bachelor in Paradise scandal playing out in the media.

That matter also involves a racial controversy.

DeMario Jackson speaking out for the first time this week, implied that as a black man, he felt he could be a target for false accusations.

He didn’t blatantly point fingers regarding the fallout from his hookup with Corinne Olympios, but the implication was clear nonetheless.

Gaskins went a step further this week.

“It wasn’t until [a black man] got into the mix that this was deemed as no longer acceptable,” he said of the shenanigans in Paradise.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Baby Daddy: A New (Hilarious) Contender Emerges!

According to an astute Internet user and an amazing new rumor, the world of VH1 reality programming and the world of MTV reality programming are set to come together in most expected fashion.

Actually, to be more accurate:

The world of VH1 reality programming and the world of MTV reality programming have already come together in most expected fashion.

If you know what we mean!

What we mean is this:

Peter Gunz may be the father of Kailyn Lowry’s baby.

We’ll give you a few moments to sit down, gather yourself, place your eyeballs back into their sockets, remove your jaw from the floor and resist the urge to vomit for several hours…

Okay? All set now? Good. Let’s delve into the origin of this rumor, shall we?

Earlier this week, Lowry shared a new photo of herself on Instagram, giving followers a glimpse at her growing baby bump and raising their suspicion via a caption that read as follows:

“Happy bump day from Baby Lo & me.”

Yes, Baby Lo and her.

Naturally, this has caused many to believe that Lowry was making a reference to Chris Lopez, the leading contender for the title of Kailyn Lowry’s Third and Possibly, But, Let’s Face It, Probably Not Final Baby Daddy.

Ever since announcing she was expecting back in February, Lowry has remained mum on the topic of who got her pregnant.

She has insisted all along, however, that she chose this path for her life and that the man’s name will be revealed when she’s prepared for the world to find out.

Not that this has prevented an anxious Internet community from speculating.

Because Lowry has now referred to the child as “Baby Lo” on multiple occasions, most assume that she’s subtly admitting the father is Lopez (even though a source hilariously tells Radar Online that “Baby Lo” simply means “Baby Little One.”).

HOWEVER, The Shade Room has taken note of one comment that a certain individual left in response to the Kailyn baby bump photo above.

The comment was left by the one and only Peter Gunz of Love & Hip Hop fame and it reads “Calling U.”

That’s it. That’s all it says. You can see it for yourself here:

shade room

Why would Peter Gunz be telling Kailyn Lowry that he’s about to call her, specifically in response to a picture of her with a child in her womb?

We have no idea.

But Gunz has many kids. Like, many, many, MANY kids. He actually has 10 kids in total:

  1. Cory

  2. Whitney

  3. Brandon

  4. Kennedi

  5. Phoenix

  6. Jamison

  7. Kaz

  8. Cori

  9. Gunner

  10. Bronx

The fertile reality star has also gone back and forth for years between Tara Wallace and Amina Buddafly, so we know he has questionable taste in women.

Does this mean he’s most definitely Lowry’s baby daddy?

Of course not.

But it does mean that the concept of Gunz impregnating a woman out of wedlock is not exactly foreign.

Considering what we know about Gunz and Lowry, would you really be all that stunned if this rumor turned into reality?

Still, as you’ll see below, it is widely believed that one of Lopez, Tyler Hill or JC Cueva is the man whose sperm fertilized Kailyn’s egg.

The Teen Mom star has hinted of late that she’ll be raising this third kid alone, even saying her unnamed baby daddy is toxic and pretty terrible at the moment.

(More evidence that points to Gunz!)

In a recent blog post she eventually deleted, Kailyn made it sound like she knows tough times are ahead.’

“Within the next 3 months, my entire life is going to change,” she wrote, adding:

“All of our lives are going to change. We won’t be able to pick up and leave to go on spontaneous trips for a while and I will have to schedule our days around the baby’s nap and feeding times.

“And even if the boys are with their dads I will have baby #3 in tow so no alone trips for me either.

“With the timing of this one too, I know I won’t be able to spend a whole lot of time at home with baby and be actively looking for a job shortly after I have him/her.”

And then the kicker:

“I think I’m most worried about the changes ahead but also that I will have this baby 24/7 by myself with no help. I’m going to be a single parent from the beginning!”

That ain’t right.

No matter what you think of Kailyn and her life choices, think of the baby here. All kids deserve to be raised by two stable parents.

In other words: Step up, Peter Gunz! Take responsibility and do the right thing, man!



Monday, February 27, 2017

Deontay Wilder Squares Off with Contender in Hotel Lobby Scrap (VIDEO)

Deontay Wilder was still ready to swing hours after defending his belt — getting in the middle of a hotel brawl involving heavyweight contender Dominic Breazeale … and TMZ Sports got video of the melee. The chaos erupted in the lobby of the…


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Caron Butler: Carmelo Anthony Should LEAVE KNICKS ... Play For a Contender (VIDEO)

It’s time for Carmelo Anthony to get the hell outta New York and start winning championships … so says Caron Butler, who wants to see ‘Melo play for a REAL contender this season. TMZ Sports spoke with Butler about the trade…
