Showing posts with label Courtroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courtroom. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Kanye West: Taking His Feud with Jay Z to the Courtroom?!

Remember when Kanye West and Jay Z used to be friends?

Oh, how times have changed …

Jay and Kanye go all the way back to the early 2000s, when Kanye worked as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records.

They’ve collaborated multiples times, most notably on the 2011 album Watch the Throne and the subsequent tour.

Kanye has even been one of the key members in Jay Z’s music streaming company, Tidal.

By all accounts, they’ve been extremely close for years — but at some point within the last several months, all that has changed.

According to a rant Kanye went on during a concert last October, the issues started because he and Jay recorded verses for a Drake song, but Jay demanded the verses be excluded from the final cut “out of respect for Meek.”

Because Meek Mill and Drake don’t get along, and Jay Z didn’t want to rock the boat.

Kanye called it “some Tidal/Apple bullsh-t,” and he seemed very upset that Jay chose the politics of the music industry over artistry.

His rant got more personal though as he claimed that their children have never played together, and that Jay Z never called him after Kim’s Paris robbery.

A month later, he still had some feelings on the subject.

“Jay Z, call me, bruh,” he begged during another concert. “You still ain’t called me. Jay Z, call me.”

“Jay Z, I know you got killers, please don’t send them at my head. Just call me. Talk to me like a man.”

The day after that, Kanye was hospitalized for his mental breakdown, so we imagine there’s a good chance Jay Z never got a hold of him.

Several months went by without any updates on the feud, but just a couple of days ago, Jay Z dropped his brand new album on Tidal.

And in one song, he made it clear that his issues with Kanye were far from resolved.

“I know people backstab you, I feel bad too,” he rapped. “But this ‘f-ck everybody’ attitude ain’t natural. But you ain’t the same, this ain’t KumbaYe, but you got hurt because you did cool by ‘Ye.”

“You have him 20 million without blinkin’, he gave you 20 minutes on stage, f-ck was he thinkin’?”

“‘F-ckin’ wrong with everybody?’, is that what you sayin’? But if everybody’s crazy, you’re the one that’s insane.”

And now Kanye has officially had it.

According to a new report from TMZ, Kanye has officially left Tidal over claims that the company owes him over $ 3 million.

He’s not leaving the company over Jay’s new song though — sources say that Kanye’s lawyers sent Tidal a letter about a month ago explaining his issues.

The issues are that he was promised a bonus for bringing new subscribers to Tidal after exclusively releasing his last album through the service, but he never got the money.

He also claims that the company was supposed to reimburse him for music videos for the album, but they haven’t done that, either.

His lawyers have told Tidal that due to these issues, his contract was terminated, but Tidal disagrees — they say that they still have exclusivity for Kanye’s new music.

They’ve said that if he goes against their original contract, they’ll sue, which is cool with Kanye, because he’ll sue them back.

Again, remember when these guys were friends?

It looks like those days are really and truly over.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Bill Cosby Courtroom Shocker: Could the Comic Be Headed to Jail?

Last week, the long-awaited Bill Cosby sexual assault trial got underway, and the world looked on in anticipation of the disgraced TV legend finally answering for the dozens of rape and sexual harassment allegations against him.

After initially stating that Cosby would not testify, his lawyers changed course and stated that he likely would take the stand on his own behalf.

But today, in a bizarre twist, Cosby’s defense team rested its case after just six minutes, and the 79-year-old alleged predator was never called to the stand.

Instead Cosby’s lawyers called just one repeat witness to the stand for further questioning and left it to the jury to decide if accusations made by Andrea Constand are truthful are not.

Cosby himself read a sworn statement informing the court that he would not be testifying, but believed that he would be vindicated by the facts presented by his lawyers.

Again, those would be the facts that his crack legal team presented in six minutes.

It’s possible that the decision not to have Cosby testify was motivated by the fact that the jury has already heard his side of the story – and it wasn’t exactly helpful to his cause:

Statements made to police in 2005 and transcripts from a 2006 legal deposition were both read in court.

In both, Cosby describes the woman he allegedly victimized in a cold, detached fashion, describing his likes and dislikes in a way that’s likely to send a shiver up your spine or trigger a violent bout of nausea:

“We began to pet. Touching and kissing with clothes on,” Cosby said under oath, describing what he says was a consensual sexual encounter with Constand.

“I never intended to have full intercourse, like naked bodies, with Andrea … I don’t like it. I like the petting, the touching.”

Like we said, not exactly the type of stuff that endears you to a jury a of your peers.

Cosby stands accused of drugging and raping Constand after meeting her at an event at Temple University in 2004.

If he’s convicted, he could be sentenced to up to ten years behind bars.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Karrueche Tran Ready For Courtroom Face-off with Chris Brown Over Death Threats

Karrueche Tran will do what Rihanna would not — testify that Chris Brown brutalized her … and she’s not scared at all. We’re told Karrueche has no fear about testifying that Chris allegedly kicked her down a…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Karrueche Tran Set for Courtroom Face-Off with Chris Brown in Life or Death Hearing

Chris Brown’s ex-GF, Karrueche Tran, is getting ready to go face-to-face with him in court Thursday, where she’ll tell a judge he must be kept away from her for good … or else he might kill her. Sources familiar with the situation tell us,…
