Showing posts with label Critic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Critic. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Chrissy Teigen SHREDS Critic of Post-Baby Body!

One of the world’s favorite celebrity couples, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, graced the 2018 Emmy Awards with their delightful presence. 

Unfortunately, one troll who isn’t aware of how Chrissy deals with shamers decided to try to body-shame her, asking if she’s pregnant.

Chrissy took to Twitter to remind the world that she’s the queen of clapback.

While the rest of us were groaning about who was robbed at the 2018 Emmy Awards, one alleged “fan” was concerned about Chrissy Teigen’s appearance.

“I’m asking this with the utmost respectful,” the tweet began, featuring a minor typo.

The tweet continues, asking a very impertinent question: “but is @chrissyteigen pregnant again?”

Oh wow.

Pro-tip, folks: there are very few respectful ways to ask if someone is pregnant if all that you have to go on is a glimpse of them in a dress.

Chrissy Teigen tweets

Chrissy, even the queen of Twitter and wholly unafraid to clap back, quoted the tweet with some words of her own.

“I just had a baby,” her retort begins.

Chrissy continues: “but thank you for being soooo respectful.”

She and John Legend welcomed baby #2 back in May. Miles Theodore Stephens is just four months old.

Contrary to what some fitness bloggers and certain celebrities might make people believe, four months is not really a lot of time to recover from childbirth.

That wasn’t the harshest or most epic clapback that we’ve seen, but it was with a purpose. Chrissy’s response was proportionate.

She has spoken about her post-baby body in the past, even giving fans a glimpse of her stretch marks over the summer.

Chrissy, who previously worked as a model (though she laughs when people describe her that way now), discussed how social media can give people skewed ideas about the human body.

“Instagram is crazy,” she admited. “I think it’s awesome people have killer bodies and are proud to show them off (I really do!!)”

She continued: “but I know how hard it can be to forget what (for lack of a better word) regular ol’ bodies look like when everyone looks bonkers amazing.”

First of all, it’s great that she said bonkers because that word does not get used often enough.

Second of all, Chrissy still had more to say.

In another tweet, she wrote: “Also I don’t really call this ‘body confidence’ because I’m not quite there yet.”

“I’m still super insecure,” Chrissy admitted.

She concluded: “I’m just happy that I can make anyone else out there feel better about themselves!”

Chrissy is also not afraid to poke fun at herself, as she recently admitted on Twitter that she mispronounces her own last name.

When a fan pointed out that people say it incorrectly, Chrissy tweeted “word! gave up a long time ago. last name is tie-gen not tee-gen.”

Chrissy then went on to acknowledge that she herself will pronounce her own name “tee-gen.”

Chrissy tweeted: “I even correct people when they say it correctly. it’s all v effed up.”

She then lampooned herself for not being assertive about her name or anything else, writing: “Wrong order? I’ll eat it. Taxi going to the wrong airport? I’ll change my flight.”

Chrissy is so good.


Friday, May 25, 2018

John Bain: YouTube Star and Game Critic Known as TotalBiscuit Dies at 33

John Bain, the man known as TotalBrit and CynicalBiscuit within the YouTube and gaming communities, passed away on Thursday.

The beloved game critic and reviewer was 33 years old.

He is survived by his wife, Genna Bain, and his stepson, Orion.

John Bain 01

Bain was an award-winning critic who got his start in 2010. Soon after, he partnered with HuskyStarcraft and later with Sony Entertainment for E3 in 2013.

Despite his 2.2 million followers on YouTube and his popularity on the video game livestreaming platform, Twitch, Bain announced his retirement in April.

He reached this decision after the bowel cancer that he had been battling metastasized to his liver.

At the beginning of May, Bain took to reddit to share the difficult news with his fans and followers in a lengthy but informative post.

John Bain 02

Bain wrote:

“When I went into hospital a week or so ago, it was accompanied by the news that conventional chemotherapys effectiveness had been exhausted.”

There are no good cancers, but bowel cancer is one of the worst.

“My body has become resistant to all forms of it according to my oncologist. 46 chemo treatments, 138 days plugged into a pump.”

Tragically, when it rains, it pours.

“Let nobody ever say I wasn’t stubborn. Unfortunately this was followed up a couple of days later with some more bad news. My liver is failing and its effectiveness has lowered past the point where the clinical trials I had been offered would take me on.”

He makes a joke out of it.

“Yes apparently there are things that are too dangerous for even the terminal.”

John Bain 03

“Obviously we’re going to keep looking for other trials but I’m currently coming to terms with the fact that I don’t have long left and right now.”

He was heartbreakingly correct.

“At any rate, there is literally nothing I can do about it other than try to manage the pain as best as possible and stay as hydrated as possible to ease the pressure on the liver.”

He’s not talking about a cure. Just seeking relief.

“There are quite a few pain management options left to try and the ones that I am using can be increased in dosage quite significantly if need be.”

That’s good. No one should have to suffer in pain.

“The majority of the pain is being caused by pressure on the spine from hardened nodules in the liver and lung as well as fluid.”

What he’s talking about here is what they call palliative care.

“Even though you don’t really have any treatments to fight with any more, I firmly believe that the will to live is a very strong asset and that is much easier to maintain when you’re not in crippling pain all the time.”

John Bain 04

“That will most likely be my last health update, unless some miracle happens or we do indeed find a trial that can do something despite the damage to my liver.”

He then asks his fans, who are naturally curious, to please be tasteful when discussing his health.

“I’d ask people not to speculate about how long I might have left. I’ve deliberately left out some details to try and reduce the behavior, though it might very well have the opposite effect.”

He’s thinking of other viewers with more delicate constitutions.

“All I do know is that kind of thing is upsetting to some of my viewers that read it and I’d rather not encourage it.”

He says that he has already beaten the odds.

“I’ve already exceeded the ‘usual’ lifespan of someone with my condition so whatever numbers people come up with are just that.”

He didn’t want this terrible news to catch his viewers unawares.

“Why am I telling you? Because if you’re a viewer of my content, its relevant to you.”

John Bain 05

His wife posted a beautiful but very sad tribute to him to mark his passing.

Bain’s notice to his fans mentioned her, of course.

“When I leave this world I want to leave something my family can use to help them earn. Not only would I be ok with Genna taking over my channels and assets once I’m gone,”

In other words, he is encouraging his fans to watch his wife’s gameplay videos on YouTube and Twitch in his memory. This could be a powerful revenue stream for her.

“I’d be delighted if she did. I’ve been encouraging her for years to create more content for Youtube, hopefully as we make a bunch of fun videos together over the next however-long, that confidence will grow.”

That would be wonderful.

“It’s been a privilege, thank you all for letting me into your life and do something so important as to have an impact on how you spend your hard-earned money.”

He is sorely missed.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Female Veteran Fires Back at Idiotic Parking Critic on Facebook

Rebecca Landis Hayes didn’t expect to take a feminist stand this week simply because she parked her car.

But some sexist moron provided Hayes with the platform to do just that.

veteran note

Hayes was simply running errands at a shopping center in Concord, North Carolina on Monday when she pulled into a parking spot reserved for veterans.

A sign said as much.

And when Hayes returned from running said errands, she also returned to the above note on the windshield of her vehicle.

“This parking is for veterans, lady,” the anonymous message read. “Learn to read and have some respect.”

But here’s the thing: Hayes is a veteran.

We know this may be hard for some people to comprehend, but women can fight for the country they love just like men can.

Hayes served as a physician in the United States Navy for eight years.

In this instance, she was dressed in casual clothing, so a stranger figured there was no way she could be a former member of the armed forces.

Fortunately, Hayes responded to her anonymous pen pal in the best possible way in a Facebook post on Monday, which has since gone viral.

I know I parked in one of the Veteran Parking spaces today, it was hot, she began.

I had been in and out of my car several times already this afternoon, and I was only going to be a minute. Besides, the parking lot was full, so I just did it. It was the first time, and I won’t do it again.”

I’m sorry…

I’m sorry that you can’t see my eight years of service in the United Sates Navy. I’m sorry that your narrow misogynistic world view can’t conceive of the fact that there are female Veterans. I’m sorry that I have to explain myself to people like you.

Mostly, I’m sorry that we didn’t get a chance to have this conversation face to face, and that you didn’t have the integrity and intestinal fortitude to identify yourself, qualities the military emphasizes.

Which leads to one question, I served, did you?

What can we even add here?

Well played, Rebecca.