Showing posts with label Idiotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idiotic. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2016

Idiotic Trolls Are Actively Slamming Blue Ivy as Ugly

The Internet can be a very sad place.

Trust us. We make a living on it.

But have users now fallen to a new low? Is that even possible?

Last Sunday, Beyonce attended the MTV Video Music Awards with her daughter, Blue Ivy Carter.

They wore similar outfits and looked as precious as any mother and her child ever could look.

Here. See for yourself:

This is what we thought, at least.

But a handful of trolls have now taken to Instagram and straight up slammed the four-year old.

Seriously, people are insulting a four-year old, openly referring to her as “ugly” and saying many other mean things.

Ignoring the fact that these morons are wrong (Blue Ivy is totally adorable), the fact that they even feel a need to comment on the looks of an infant is the most troubling thing at play here.

Blue insults

Pretty disturbing, right?

If only those were the only comments of this nature…

blue disses

And here’s something to keep in mind and ponder:

All of these comments were left by women. Every single one of them.

This really shouldn’t come as a surprise, sadly. Women are always the harshest critics of other women. But we never would have guessed they’d also be the harshest critics of young women.

Like, really young women.

Thankfully, Blue Ivy’s mother is Beyonce Knowles.

And it’s hard to think of a better female role model than Beyonce Knowles.

At the end of the day, Blue Ivy will be just fine. Beyonce will make sure of it.

We can’t say the same about the people who left the comments above, however.

We pity them. These people have serious, serious mental issues.

While we continue to bow down in the presence of Beyonce, we’ll go ahead and offer up some prayers for these misguided souls as well.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Female Veteran Fires Back at Idiotic Parking Critic on Facebook

Rebecca Landis Hayes didn’t expect to take a feminist stand this week simply because she parked her car.

But some sexist moron provided Hayes with the platform to do just that.

veteran note

Hayes was simply running errands at a shopping center in Concord, North Carolina on Monday when she pulled into a parking spot reserved for veterans.

A sign said as much.

And when Hayes returned from running said errands, she also returned to the above note on the windshield of her vehicle.

“This parking is for veterans, lady,” the anonymous message read. “Learn to read and have some respect.”

But here’s the thing: Hayes is a veteran.

We know this may be hard for some people to comprehend, but women can fight for the country they love just like men can.

Hayes served as a physician in the United States Navy for eight years.

In this instance, she was dressed in casual clothing, so a stranger figured there was no way she could be a former member of the armed forces.

Fortunately, Hayes responded to her anonymous pen pal in the best possible way in a Facebook post on Monday, which has since gone viral.

I know I parked in one of the Veteran Parking spaces today, it was hot, she began.

I had been in and out of my car several times already this afternoon, and I was only going to be a minute. Besides, the parking lot was full, so I just did it. It was the first time, and I won’t do it again.”

I’m sorry…

I’m sorry that you can’t see my eight years of service in the United Sates Navy. I’m sorry that your narrow misogynistic world view can’t conceive of the fact that there are female Veterans. I’m sorry that I have to explain myself to people like you.

Mostly, I’m sorry that we didn’t get a chance to have this conversation face to face, and that you didn’t have the integrity and intestinal fortitude to identify yourself, qualities the military emphasizes.

Which leads to one question, I served, did you?

What can we even add here?

Well played, Rebecca.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Zac Efron Stirs Controversy with Idiotic Martin Luther King Tweet

Note to Zac Efron: 

You may wanna stick to just taking your shirt off going forward. That always seems to work out well for you.

Attempting to honor one of the most impressive human beings to ever set foot on this planet? Not so much.

As you can see above, the That Awkward Moment actor had himself a very awkward moment on social media yesterday when he Tweeted the following in conjunction with Martin Luther King Day:

I’m grateful for a couple things today: Martin Luther King Jr & 10 million followers on IG.

Efron included with these words a photo of himself rocking aviators and cruising down a palm tree-lined street at dusk.

Oh, and he also included two emojis of a darker-toned pointer finger and fist sign.

Where did Efron go wrong? Just about everywhere, but let’s start with mentioning the world’s best-known civil rights leader in the same breath as his personal Instagram count.

One of these things seems a tad more important than the other.

And it didn’t take long for Internet users to blast Efron for his very poor Tweet choice.

“This is one of the most offensive/diminishing/disrespectful things anyone has said in relation to MLK today. Get over yourself,” Tweeted @AaronTheH, while even someone named @EfronEternal took issue with the well-chiseled star.

“Zac I [heart] you,” this person wrote. “But whichever social media manager told you gaining 10 mil followers and MLK’s work are in the same vein, fire them.”

It’s true. Even Justin Bieber is likely shaking his head over this Tweet… and he once he hoped Anne Frank would have been a Belieber!

Once again: Leave the historical figures alone, all you hot famous men out there.

Just take your shirts off and keeps your mouths shut.