Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Zac Efron Stirs Controversy with Idiotic Martin Luther King Tweet

Note to Zac Efron: 

You may wanna stick to just taking your shirt off going forward. That always seems to work out well for you.

Attempting to honor one of the most impressive human beings to ever set foot on this planet? Not so much.

As you can see above, the That Awkward Moment actor had himself a very awkward moment on social media yesterday when he Tweeted the following in conjunction with Martin Luther King Day:

I’m grateful for a couple things today: Martin Luther King Jr & 10 million followers on IG.

Efron included with these words a photo of himself rocking aviators and cruising down a palm tree-lined street at dusk.

Oh, and he also included two emojis of a darker-toned pointer finger and fist sign.

Where did Efron go wrong? Just about everywhere, but let’s start with mentioning the world’s best-known civil rights leader in the same breath as his personal Instagram count.

One of these things seems a tad more important than the other.

And it didn’t take long for Internet users to blast Efron for his very poor Tweet choice.

“This is one of the most offensive/diminishing/disrespectful things anyone has said in relation to MLK today. Get over yourself,” Tweeted @AaronTheH, while even someone named @EfronEternal took issue with the well-chiseled star.

“Zac I [heart] you,” this person wrote. “But whichever social media manager told you gaining 10 mil followers and MLK’s work are in the same vein, fire them.”

It’s true. Even Justin Bieber is likely shaking his head over this Tweet… and he once he hoped Anne Frank would have been a Belieber!

Once again: Leave the historical figures alone, all you hot famous men out there.

Just take your shirts off and keeps your mouths shut.