Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Teresa Giudice is "Boring" Following Release From Prison, Source Says

It’s been less than one month since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, and already, the troubled Housewife is stirring up controversy.

Unfortunately, it might not be the kind of drama that makes for good television.

Before she was even out of jail, we knew that Teresa would be returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Naturally, she came with a hefty price tag, and now, Radar Online is reporting that the show’s producers are having second thoughts about their investment:

“Teresa’s drama, and especially her fights, are what people tuned in to see,” a production source tells the website.

“They wanted to see her have meltdowns and screaming fits. The producers are worried that the show won’t have any bite with her new calm attitude.

“The last season was a little boring and [producers] are worried about ratings if she doesn’t bring anything good to the table.”

The funny thing is, just last week, Teresa violated her probation and almost went back to prison.

The week before that, there was a controversy about Teresa’s new $ 95,000 car and her apparent lack of concern for paying back her creditors. 

Unfortunately, it’s Teresa’s attitude that made RHONJ so addictive at its peak, and insiders say prison has mellowed the 43-year-old out considerably.

“She basically has a ‘f**k it’ attitude. She figures nothing else that bad can happen to her,” the source says.

“She spent nearly a year away from her daughters that she loves so much. So she’s at peace with everything.”

Here’s hoping a zen-like Tre doesn’t make for a boring season of television.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the days when drama was definitely not in short supply.