Showing posts with label Dildo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dildo. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2018

"The Shape of Water" Star Doug Jones Talks About Amphibian Man-Inspired Dildo

The actor who plays the creature in “The Shape of Water” has mixed feelings about an artist’s creation of his character’s penis … but he appreciates the sentiment. We got Doug Jones out in Bev Hills and asked what he thinks about the…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Tom Brady -- Addresses Dildo Thrown On Field ... "Only In Buffalo" (AUDIO)

Here’s something you don’t get to hear everyday … Patriots superstar Tom Brady talkin’ sex toys. In case you missed it, a dildo was thrown on the field during the Pats vs. Bills game Sunday … and Brady discussed the bizarre scenario during his…


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Patriots vs. Bills -- Flag Down ... Dildo on the Field

A scofflaw tried inserting himself in the Patriots / Bills game Sunday by firing a dildo on to the field. A ref was tasked with the duty to remove the errant projectile from the 5-yard line. Unclear what happened to the fan but we’re guessing he…


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dog Fetches Dildo for Owner, Refuses to Put It Down

Dogs can do the goofiest things, can"t they?

Some of them are afraid of cats.

Others get really emotional when watching The Lion King.

And still others think their owner might benefit from a sex toy.

Wait… WHAT?!?

In the following video, a chocolate labrador named Galaxy discovers a giant dildo while out for a stroll in England with humans Amy Brown and Natalie Ferguson.

Obviously unaware of what this item was, but sensing its similarity to a stick, Galaxy went ahead and picked up the dildo.

“I was gobsmacked,” Ferguson told Metro, adding:

“Galaxy obviously didn’t have a clue and was just strutting round like it was the most normal thing in the world."

She added:

"We couldn’t believe it. He was so proud when he brought it over to us. We were looking at it thinking: ‘That’s impossible." It was enormous."

Ferguson went on to tell the publication that the canine clung to the dildo for a half hour. Which is hilarious.

While the dog walkers would typically toss away the things their puppies pick up while on their walks, they figured this one was too funny.

So they brought the sex toy home to Galaxy’s owner, Ami Harrison.

Harrison says she had a good laugh over the dildo and then decided to recycle the dildo; It’s now a trophy at her husband’s golf tournament.

No, really.

The dildo was recently given out to the winners of a golf tournament at The Wargrave Inn.

"It has been washed," one of these winners told The Metro.

We should hope so.

Watch Galaxy begin his quest for the dildo, pick it up and set these hilarious events in motion now:

Dog stumbles upon dildo happily brings it to owner