Showing posts with label Divided. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divided. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2018

Arrow Season 6 Episode 10 Recap: Divided

Going after a villain on your lonesome is not that fun. 

Oliver Queen realized just that on Arrow Season 6 Episode 10 in the aftermath of the team falling apart. 

Cayden James made it his mission to get some stock in Star City, so he turned to Jerry Bertinelli to sell his control of Star City ports. There was some bribery thrown in for good measure. 

Curtis made a trip to the bunker to check up on Diggle, but there was some interference in the lair, and it paved the way for Felicity to find out that the lair has been bugged for quite some time. 

This made Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity aware that the secret identities of the team members were no longer a secret and that made the mission to take down the villain even more desperate. 

Another lead later, Oliver finally got close to Cayden, but he was shocked to find out that Cayden was just one of the villains he would have to take down. Oliver had to make a quick getaway before meeting a demise. 

This paved the way for Oliver to meet up with Curtis, Dinah, and Rene to fill them in on what was going on. Dinah was floored by the reveal that Vince is part of the band of villains. 

Initially, Dinah was apprehensive about believing Oliver, but it was all confirmed when she confronted Vince, and he turned on her. 

While Oliver was intent on continuing with things the way they were, Diggle wanted to drum into his friend’s head that forgiveness could be the way forward. 

Instead, Oliver pressed on and met the villains in a warehouse, and took down a lot of them. Ultimately, Vigilante took Oliver down once again, but he did not die. 

This gave Oliver food for thought as he realized that he could not fight alone because there were just too many villains to take down. Oliver then decided to ask everyone to rejoin the team and take down the villains. 

However, Curtis, Rene, and Dinah opt to decline Oliver’s request and make their own team that will operate from the headquarters of Helix. The reason was that the trust issues in Team Arrow are just not worth it. It was a crazy twist, but Curtis helped put Diggle back out into the field. 

Elsewhere, Thea continued to get accustomed to being out of her coma, and she was not impressed with Lance. He wanted to find a way to redeem Black Siren because of her uncanny lookalike to Laurel. 

This did not go down well primarily because of the amount of effort Thea put into trying to “fix” Malcolm, but she ultimately waved the white flag and joined his cause. 

However, she stopped short of rejoining Team Arrow because she is “not there” yet. How long will it take?

What did you think of the episode?

Arrow continues Thursdays on The CW!


Monday, March 27, 2017

UCLA Hoops Parents Divided on LaVar Ball

How did LaVar Ball’s antics go over with the other parents of UCLA players? Some loved him. Some hated him.  We spoke with some parents of Bruins basketball players who were on the 2017 squad with Lonzo Ball … and it’s clear, LaVar was just…
