Showing posts with label Ferrari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ferrari. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Blac Chyna Buys A New Ferrari

Blac Chyna is sending a message to Rob Kardashian – and even her old side piece, Ferrari – she doesn’t need either of them to get around fast. Chyna just purchased a 2017 Ferrari 488 Spider. The whip’s starting price is around…


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Blac Chyna Fears Ferrari, Beefs Up Security and Bans Ex-Side Piece from Nightclub Gig

Blac Chyna’s beefing up her personal security and got her former side piece banned from her upcoming club appearance … because his recent actions are scaring her. Sources close to Chyna tell TMZ … Ferrari won’t be allowed in at the Medusa…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ferrari Thinks Blac Chyna"s Lawyer is Controlling Her, Calls Warning Letter "Weak"

Blac Chyna’s side piece thought he really had a connection with her, but is learning the hard way — lawyers run the show. Ferrari tells TMZ … he doesn’t believe it was Chyna’s idea to fire off a “weak” warning letter to him, threatening to sue…


Blac Chyna"s Lawyer WARNS Ex Ferrari: Leave Her the F--k Alone!

Can you believe that it’s only been one week since Rob Kardashian’s social media attack against Blac Chyna? It feels like this feud has been going on for centuries, sometimes.

Unfortunately, Chyna’s had more on her plate than being a single mother of two and waging a legal battle against a member of one of the world’s most famous families.

Fortunately, she has a legal team to help … just as another dirtbag from her past pops up with some revealing photographs.

Needless to say, Blac Chyna’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, has been extremely busy for the past week.

Not only has she sought a restraining order against Rob Kardashian following some pretty serious allegations of abuse …

(Though that alone is a big deal — Rob Kardashian is represented by Robert Shapiro. And this is making me want to rewatch American Crime Story: The People v O.J. Simpson)

… But Chyna’s lawyer is also having to deal with other threats that are cropping up.

You know the saying about how when it rains, it pours?

In this case, the “rain” is ex-lovers who seem eager to release nude or otherwise sexual material of Blac Chyna from during their relationship.

Only a scumbag would do that, but we’re not accusing Blac Chyna of having the world’s best taste in men.

But their behavior isn’t her responsibility.

So, Rob Kardashian is bound by the restraining order and can’t post any more revenge porn, though that was already illegal.

And he could very well face charges for the revenge porn that he posted to Instagram and then to Twitter on Wednesday.

But remember how Chyna was hooking up with a no-name rapper who goes by the name Ferrari

It appears that he’s been trying to cash in on Blac Chyna’s bad fortune by making matters worse.

Specifically, he’s reportedly trying to distribute intimate photos of Blac Chyna that he allegedly has in his possession.

Chyna already told Ferrari to leave her alone.

Well, Blac Chyna’s lawyer threatens legal action against Ferrari if he distributes any of Blac Chyna’s photos.

Any more, we should say, since he’s allegedly posted video of Blac Chyna sleeping.

In a statement about the situation, Lisa Bloom makes it clear that she has zero chill about protecting her client.

“We’re actively and aggressively pursuing action against Ferrari.”

Good that they’re being proactive, here.

“He’s been publishing video of Chyna sleeping. We’re taking it very seriously.”

Ugh, that might mean that he was planning something like this.

“He’s someone she dated for a little bit months ago, and he’s trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame.”


“He’s a wannabe rapper and making light of a very serious situation.”

We don’t understand how anyone could fail to see how real this is.

“We’ve asked him to stop communicating with her.”

What a creep.

“Right now she’s just concentrating on raising her kids and building her business.”

We’re sure that she’s having a rough time of it, but yeah, nobody needs distractions like revenge porn.

“She’s not looking for love or seeing anyone seriously.”

We’d imagine that, given recent events, Chyna’s had just about enough.

At best, what’s going on could be described as … cyberbullying?

But it looks worse.

Here’s some of what Lisa Bloom’s letter had to say to Ferrari himself:

“We have become aware that you may have photos of Ms. White unclothed or partially unclothed.”

That’s standard for relationships, but most people don’t hold them over an ex’s head.

“We have also become aware that you may be trying to sell those photos or may try and post those photos on social media.”

That is just … repugnant.

“Posting explicit photos of Ms. White on any social media or distributing those photos by any means has both civil and criminal implications for you.”

Surely what’s starting to happen to Rob Kardashian should have already clued Ferrari in to the potential consequences.

Some people are just dumb and need things spelled out for them, though.

“This letter is notice to you that you do not have permission to post online or distribute by any means any sexually explicit photos of Ms. White or her intimate body parts.”

It’s just sad that Bloom’s letter has to mention “intimate body parts” specifically.

But, thanks to Rob Kardashian, the world’s already seen Blac Chyna’s vulva.

Understandably, she doesn’t need any other pictures circulating.

“We will not hesitate to seek all civil and criminal remedies against you if you post or distribute such photos in any manner to any person.”

That’s intense.

The moral of this story is that men are terrible and no one should trust them.

Men shouldn’t even trust themselves. I’m going to keep an eye on myself for just this reason.

At least, that’s the vibe that we get from this.

It’s hard to see someone see a recent lover in trouble and respond with “how can I make this worse to help myself?” and come away feeling good about the human race.

Let’s all try to be better, okay?


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Chyna to Ferrari: You Want a Legal Piece of Me, Too?!?

Blac Chyna is using the full power of the law to protect her boobs, butt and other very private parts.

On Monday, the reality star was granted a temporary restraining order against Rob Kardashian, days after her ex-fiance went on an Instagram rant that including the public sharing of very NSFW photos.

There’s no longer a legal grey area.

For the time being, it is illegal for Kardashian to post naked photos of his former flame.

Similarly, Chyna is now sending the same potential message to Ferrari.

The previously-unheard-of rapper has seemingly been sleeping with Chyna for a few weeks.

He’s the man kissing her in the video below, which Chyna sent as a taunt to Kardashian on July Fourth and which ignited Rob’s wrath and spurned on his explicit social media diatribe.

As part of his viral attack against Chyna, Rob slammed his ex as a promiscuous drug user, but he also claimed to include text messages he received from Ferrari.

Some were asking Rob for money, others were implying that Ferrari wanted to actually work with Rob in some capacity to profit off their shared banging of Blac Chyna.

The day after Kardashian slammed Chyna and got this whole mess underway, Ferrari actually shared a couple lewd photos of Chyna himself.

They featured the artist and the mother of two in bed, likely following some sex, and clearly serving a as a form of trash talk.

Did Chyna approve of these pictures? Or did Ferrari send them behind her back and possibly break California’s revenge porn law himself as well?

We don’t have the answers to those questions at the moment.

However, lawyer Lisa Bloom has sent Ferrari a letter (obtained by TMZ)  that warns him NOT to sell or post any more nude Blac Chyna images.

Otherwise, he may face a lawsuit.

Or a prison sentence.

“Posting online or distributing photos of Ms. White’s intimate body parts is a crime punishable by fines and jail time,” Bloom writes in the document.

Insiders say that Ferrari removed himself from the Blac Chyna narrative late last week.

He returned a bunch of jewelry he had purchased for his fling and no longer has any interest in making love to her, considering all the drama that has ensued ever since they knocked boots.

Chyna, meanwhile, held a brief conference on Monday that said she was grateful a judge granted her the aforementioned restraining order against Rob.

She is allegedly frightened of her second baby daddy and even fearful that Kardashian may use his gun to harm himself or others.

But this doesn’t mean she wishes to punish him where it hurts most; i.e. when it comes to custody of his daughter, Dream.

“I would never try to take Dream from her dad,” Chyna said on Good Morning America. “Hopefully, me and Rob can learn to have common ground and be the best co-parents as we can be.”

That’s a pretty impressive and mature stance for Chyna to take when you think about all Rob said about her last week.

For the sake of their precious loved one, we really hope Chyna sticks to it and we really hope Kardashian grows the heck up.


Blac Chyna Threatens Ferrari with Lawsuit Over Nude Pics/Video

Blac Chyna’s firing a warning shot at her former side piece — telling him if he rips a page out of Rob Kardashian’s playbook … it’s gonna cost him dearly. Powerhouse attorney Lisa Bloom sent Ferrari a letter — obtained by TMZ –…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blac Chyna Nude Pics: Rubbed in Rob"s Face by Ferrari!

Ferrari has sent a very clear and very explicit message to Rob Kardashian:

You may have smashed it first. But I smashed it most recently!

The random rapper – who has sky-rocketed to viral fame in the last 24 hours, ever since Rob called him out as one of the men with whom Chyna recently slept – just issued a harsh shot across Kardashian’s sensitive bow.

According to TMZ, Ferrari actually sent two photos of Blac Chyna nude to Rob.

In both images, the reality star is lying in bed alongside Ferrari, likely post-coital, and definitely wearing a couple pieces of jewelry.

One of the pieces is a $ 250,000 necklace that belongs to Ferrari… while the other is a bracelet reportedly purchased for Chyna by Rob.

OUCH, right? Talk about adding insult to extremely personal injury.

As part of his lengthy rant against Chyna’s infidelity yesterday, Rob said the bed in which his ex-fiancee is lying in this photo below is also the one in which she and Rob conceived daughter Dream.

Insiders tell TMZ that the following image was snapped about a month ago, prior to Rob finding out that Chyna was sleeping with Ferrari behind his back.

How did Kardashian discover this dalliance was taking place?

Because Chyna apparently sent him a video on July Fourth of her and Ferrari being all cute and cuddly and getting to first base with each other.

This taunting footage caused Rob to GO OFF against his ex on Instagram (and then on Twitter, after Instagram kicked him off its platform).

In one social media message after another, Rob slammed Chyna as a liar and a cheater and a plastic surgery abuser and even as a drug addict.

Kardashian also shared a number of naked pictures of Chyna, showing the world her butt and boobs as evidence of body parts he paid to have altered.

He even posted a photo of Chyna’s vagina, alleging she had just sent it to him a few days ago as a form of seduction, not long before the two had unprotected sex.

Perhaps on the advice of an attorney, however, Rob eventually deleted all racy snapshots of Blac Chyna because she may very well pursue legal action against her unstable ex under California’s revenge porn law.

Indeed, what began as a funny situation that most followers chalked up to just another Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna beef has spiraled into something far more deranged and serious.

And this also raises a few questions about the lewd images Ferrari evidently sent to Kardashian.

Did Chyna approve of these pictures? If so, might she have a harder time challenging the illegality of the photos Rob shared?

We aren’t attorneys, but it would seem to make her case more challenging if she were to attempt to argue that Rob violated her privacy by exposing her lady parts to the Internet…

… yet she then gave Ferrari permission to do nearly the same.

Granted, there’s no actual nudity in these photos. And her privacy cannot be violated if she gave someone permission, which she most decidedly did NOT do with Rob.

Moreover, what if Chyna isn’t aware that Ferrari has taunted Rob with these sexual photos?

Could revenge porn charges then be brought against him as well?

For her part, Chyna initially fired back at Rob by claiming he beat her, but then quickly deleted the Snapchat post that made this allegation.

She’s said nothing about the scandal since then, but she has updated her Instagram page with a couple of beauty product photos and links to the her website,

It looks like Blac is trying to profit of this controversy, as she assumes folks will be visiting her Instagram page on the reg and is therefore directing them to one of her business ventures.

Kris Jenner may be angry at her near-daughter-in-law for what Chyna did to her son, but she has to silently be applauding Blac for this maneuver.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tyga Dodges Child Support Issue While Jumping into Ferrari (VIDEO)

Tyga laughed off Blac Chyna’s accusations he’s skipping out on child support payments, as he sped off in a Ferrari … while shopping in Bev Hills.  Yeah, this clip is dripping with irony … Tyga was leaving Barney’s NY when we asked…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Justin Bieber"s Bad-Luck Ferrari Sells at Auction

Justin Bieber showed up at a huge car auction to help fetch a fortune for a car he’s probably more than happy to unload. Justin arrived at the Barrett-Jackson auction in Arizona Saturday, to help put his Ferrari 458 on the block. You heard him…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Desiigner Sued -- You Crashed Our Ferrari!! That"ll Cost Ya $500k

Desiigner had no business getting behind the wheel of a rented Ferrari, but since he wrecked it when he did, he needs to cough up some dough … according to the rental company’s lawsuit. The rental company is suing the “Panda” rapper for…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

21 Savage -- Drake and Meek Mill Are Both My Homies ... But Only One Bought Me a Ferrari! (VIDEO)

21 Savage is rolling in style thanks to a birthday gift from Drake, but what the rapper did to earn such a baller ride is still a mystery … and he likes it that way. We got 21 outside an L.A. recording studio — he pulled up in the ‘rrari, so we…


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Greg Hardy Sued -- Pay Up for Your Ferrari, Bentley ... Allegedly Owes $200k!

More trouble for ex-NFL superstar Greg Hardy — who allegedly blew off car payments for his Ferrari and his Bentley … and now he’s being sued for more than $ 200,000!  According to the lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports, Hardy leased a white 2013…


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ferrari Gets DESTROYED in Worst Parallel Parking Job Ever

Ready to see something you"ve never ever seen before?

We"re not talking about Kim Kardashian wearing clothing, no.

We"re talking about a parallel parking job the likes of which you must see to comprehend.

And, to be honest, even then… you may not understand how this happened.

An onlooker in Virginia turned his camera phone on just as the driver of a Mercedes-Benz tried to park in front of a Ferrari convertible.

Tragically, the footage does not include the point of impact in this collision, but it does reveal the aftermath.

How ON EARTH did the Mercedes end up ON TOP of the Ferrari? That"s what the owner of the Ferrari would like to know.

A crowd understandably gathered to gawk and film the car-crunching spectacle as the Mercedes’ passengers sat dumbfounded in their elevated car.

Soon enough, the Ferrari owner emerged… and he was not very happy.

“That’s a big, big, big problem,” one pedstrian says, as others identify the Ferrari as a 458 Speciale, which costs around $ 300,000.

“Are you serious? Are you f-cking serious?” the Ferrari owner says as he surveys the damage.

Perhaps noticing that kids are in the other car and clearly seeing the horde of people around him, however, he manages to respond in a far more restrained manner that we would have in his shoes.

"That’s like the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen," he finally says.

Which may be the Understatement of the Year.

Watch this ridiculous scenario play out now:

Mercedes crunches ferrari in worlds worst parallel parking job