Showing posts with label Firestorm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Firestorm. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2018

Jeff Bezos Triggers Paparazzi Firestorm Leaving Dinner

Jeff Bezos was a man of no words Thursday night … as a throng of paparazzi fired off what seemed like 100 questions in 10 seconds. We got the Amazon CEO in WeHo leaving Craig’s … and he showed rare talent — somehow walking to his car as…


Jeff Bezos Triggers Paparazzi Firestorm Leaving Dinner

Jeff Bezos was a man of no words Thursday night … as a throng of paparazzi fired off what seemed like 100 questions in 10 seconds. We got the Amazon CEO in WeHo leaving Craig’s … and he showed rare talent — somehow walking to his car as…


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: Taken by Firestorm

Professor’s hung in the balance on The Flash Season 2 Episode 4.

This left Barry and company to scramble for a replacement partner, initially attempting to merge Stein with Dr. Henry Hewitt.

After that failed (due to Hewitt’s troublemaking nature), it was time for Jefferson “Jax” Jackson to step up.

A high school football player/mechanic, he hates the particle accelerator nearly as much as he loves the Titanic soundtrack.

He eventually warmed up to the idea (fist pump!), getting into a fiery melee on the Central City High School football field, which is where he was originally hit by the accelerator years earlier.

So… with Firestorm restored to glory, Stein big the S.T.A.R. Labs team farewell, leaving Cisco with a few special parting words:

The very thing that makes you different is what makes you special.

Elsewhere, Barry received a shock when a talking shark named King Shark wanted to kill him. He was also taken by surprise when he came face-to-face with Earth-2’s Harrison Wells.

Yes, there was actually something MORE stunning for Barry this week than a giant shark who talked.

Iris, meanwhile, met her mother and, simply put, it did not go well.

We learned that the latter is dying of MacGregor’s Syndrome, the same ailment that plagued Clock King and the wife of Mr. Freeze… yet Iris still wanted nothing to do with her.

Iris also discovered that she might (she does) also have a brother (named Wally). He’s out there somewhere after her mother apparently gave birth a year after walking out on her and Joe.

What did you think of this episode, Flash fans?

Are you down with the new Firestorm? Are you on Team Barry and Patty? Should we start referring to them as Parry or Batty?

And, come on, how awesome is King Shark?!?

Debate all of these questions and more as you watch The Flash online and catch up on anything you may have missed.