Showing posts with label Fitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitz. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2015

Scandal Season 5 Episode 4 Recap: Fitz and the Giant Impeachment

We kicked off Scandal Season 5 Episode 4 behind bars, as Roward denied all culpability in the Louvre fire.

Were you buying his defense? Because Jake was not.

Unable to frighten Rowan with any threats (because he’s Rowan), Jake recruited Charlie to team up with him Paris in search of the individual who launched Lazarus One.

Enter Elise, a woman Charlie hooks Jake up with and who knows many things about stolen paintings.

Oh, did we mention that Elise used to serve as Jake’s wife undercover?!? He believed she was dead… and then she actually got shot after agreeing to help him here, prompting Jake to bring Elise back home.

In Gladiator World, Quinn tricked Marcus Walker into meeting her for a drink so she could offer him the position of OPA spokesman.

But Marcus said he had no interesting in slaying dragons, as Quinn put it, arguing that OPA is “hemorrhaging clients” in the wake of the Olivia-as-mistress-scandal.

Wait… so why did he turn around 24 hours later and accept the position? Because he needs the money.

Marcus does insist that he’s an activist, though, not a puppet, calling out the media for its racist coverage of Olivia during his first press conference.

Fitz and Olivia, meanwhile, butted heads after the former fired Abby, with the latter saying she finds it “offensive” he tried to rescue her. So Fitz hires Abby back.

There’s also some commentary mixed in about the unfortunate nature of online criticism these days. Or bullying, we should really call it.

“A lot of anonymous Internet people want to have me killed,” Olivia laments to Fitz.

“Also raped… I have at least a thousand threats of rape here… from guys who are mad that I had the audacity to be born female. And black.”

As for Mellie? She’s in a difficult position because the women of the Senate want to impeach their cheating President.

Cyrus implores Mellie to be aggressive, though, giving a classic Cyrus pep talk (You either go after your husband and claim the White House for your own or you do nothing and end up being a sad little well-meaning freshman senator… wanting to hang yourself.)… only to then quit after Mellie calls him out for just being hurt by Fitz, his “son.”

Finally, Fitz says screw it. And takes Olivia out on an actual date! So, naturally, Mellie responds by telling her senators that she’s in. The impeachment is on!


Hurry up and watch Scandal online to relive all that went down and then take a look below at the first teaser for Scandal Season 5 Episode 5: