Showing posts with label Forbes'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forbes'. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

Taylor Swift: Pissed About Kim Kardashian Forbes Cover?!

It’s been a difficult few days for Taylor Swift.

Don’t get us wrong, she’s still one of the most successful people on the planet, but her reputation has taken quite a few hits over the course of a single week.

Taylor’s increasingly ugly breakup with Calvin Harris dominated the tabloid headlines, but her many feuds also earned their share of attention.

Obviously, the most famous of those feuds has seen Swift butting heads with fellow singer Katy Perry, but that’s not the only front on which Taylor is fighting a war with one of the world’s most famous women.

While Perry did revel in some of the criticism being slung at Taylor on Twitter, it looks as though it was her other rival who really had the last laugh.

As you may have heard, Kim Kardashian covered Forbes magazine this week and the finance mag praised the often-controversial reality star for her incredible brand-building ability and remarkable business savvy.

According to some outlets, Taylor is not pleased, as it marks the second year in a row that one of her foes covered the magazine’s “celebrity earners” issue.

Last year, it was Katy Perry, now – despite Taylor having the best years of her career back-to-back – it’s Kim.

Not surprisingly, the singer is reportedly not happy:

According to Radar Online, Taylor is furious that Kim landed the honor, and she thought she would be the cover girl herself as recently as a few weeks ago.

“What Kim wants, Kim gets,” says one insider.

“Taylor was expecting this cover, and she wanted it BAD, but the editors knew that they needed something better than Taylor.”

Obviously, “something better than Taylor” doesn’t really exist in the celebrity world, so take that quote with a grain of salt.

But speaking of salt, we’re guessing that regardless of whether she coveted the cover herself, we’re guessing Kim’s proud week didn’t feel great in Taylor’s wounds.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Forbes Thinks I"m Actually Talented!

Give credit where credit is due.

By now, you’ve probably seen Kim Kardashian’s Forbes cover, and you’ve seen the amount of money she’s made from her Smartphone game, “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood” (it’s $ 160 million).

Kardashian is well aware that people are falling over themselves at that figure, and she’s loving it.

“Such a tremendous honor to be on the cover of @forbes!,” she posted to Instagram.

“I never dreamed this would happen and know my Dad would be so proud. #NotBadForAGirlWithNoTalent.”

Kardashian and her family have always been criticized for having “no talent” and being famous for nothing, but it turns out they actually just created their own kind of talent.

Combine that with their entrepreneurial spirit, and you’ve got yourself a cash cow.

Kardashian was smart enough to get herself into tech, where she could generate revenue outside of sponsored content on social media.

“When people looked at me in a way like, ‘Why is she stepping into the tech world? That’s not her territory! Stick to reality TV!’

“I was like, ‘No.’ This is fun for me.

“Now I’m coming up with Kimojis and the app and all these other ideas. I don’t see myself stopping.”

In fact, other stars – including Justin Bieber and Blac Chyna – have followed in Kardashian’s footsteps, creating their own personal brand of emojis.

It was only three years ago that A-listers like Jon Hamm were taking aim at the idea of a reality star.

“Whether it’s Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated,” Hamm told Elle UK in 2012. 

“Being a f**king idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you’re rewarded significantly.”

Rebel Wilson wasn’t too kind to the E!’s golden geese either.

“They’re famous for no talent. They seem a bit superficial and their careers aren’t really based on talent,” she told an Australian radio station back in November 2015.

“I know they’re super popular, but I’m all about personality and working hard to get to where I am.

“How Kim Kardashian got famous from the sex tape and I just went to acting school and worked really hard.”

Well, Rebel.  Life is unfair.  The end.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian Kovers Forbes, Has Made HOW MUCH in 2016?

This not exactly just in:

Kim Kardashian is very rich.

This has been the case ever since the Kim Kardashian sex tape hit the market and the reality star started to take in one royalty check after another.

But it’s never been clear just how many zeroes are attached to Kardashian’s bank account… until now!

The mother of two covers the latest issue of Forbes, not flaunting her sizable rear end or any of her cleavage for a change.

Just flaunting her tax bracket inside the issue, as part of a featured cover story on how much Kim has raked in from her video game.

According to the magazine, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood has been downloaded 45 million times and generated $ 160 million in revenue overall.

Editors at the publication estimate that Kardashian herself has pocketed $ 45 million since its release, earning $ 51 million to date in 2016, with 40% of her yearly paycheck coming from the game.

While this figure may sound impressive, Kim only ranks 42nd on Forbes’ annual rundown of celebrity salaries.

Taylor Swift sits at number-one with $ 170 million made in 2016. 

(Editor’s Note: HOLY CASH COW!)

Despite her relatively low ranking, Kardashian covers the latest issue of Forbes because it focuses on the suddenly popular and profitable business of celebrity technology.

Forbes writes that star-driven mobile games have become a $ 200-million-a-year business.

And then there’s the whole emoji thing, with Kim, Amber Rose, Steph Curry and Justin Bieber among those making an insane amount of money off their own emoji line.

While Kim may not come across as a businesswoman, she does at least understand the market out there.

“I love my big computer, but I can’t even tell you the last time I sat in front of it,” Kardashian told Forbes. “I’m always on my phone.”

Isn’t everyone?

Hence the push for ways to make money off the mobile universe.

“When people looked at me in a way like, ‘Why is she stepping into the tech world? That’s not her territory! Stick to reality TV!’ I was like, ‘No,’ ” Kardashian says, adding:

“This is fun for me. Now I’m coming up with Kimojis and the app and all these other ideas. I don’t see myself stopping.”

Well, no. You did see how much Kim just made off the game, didn’t you?

Alas, she may never claim the top spot from Swift:

Taylor is coming out with her own mobile game later this year.