Friday, July 15, 2016

Taylor Swift: Pissed About Kim Kardashian Forbes Cover?!

It’s been a difficult few days for Taylor Swift.

Don’t get us wrong, she’s still one of the most successful people on the planet, but her reputation has taken quite a few hits over the course of a single week.

Taylor’s increasingly ugly breakup with Calvin Harris dominated the tabloid headlines, but her many feuds also earned their share of attention.

Obviously, the most famous of those feuds has seen Swift butting heads with fellow singer Katy Perry, but that’s not the only front on which Taylor is fighting a war with one of the world’s most famous women.

While Perry did revel in some of the criticism being slung at Taylor on Twitter, it looks as though it was her other rival who really had the last laugh.

As you may have heard, Kim Kardashian covered Forbes magazine this week and the finance mag praised the often-controversial reality star for her incredible brand-building ability and remarkable business savvy.

According to some outlets, Taylor is not pleased, as it marks the second year in a row that one of her foes covered the magazine’s “celebrity earners” issue.

Last year, it was Katy Perry, now – despite Taylor having the best years of her career back-to-back – it’s Kim.

Not surprisingly, the singer is reportedly not happy:

According to Radar Online, Taylor is furious that Kim landed the honor, and she thought she would be the cover girl herself as recently as a few weeks ago.

“What Kim wants, Kim gets,” says one insider.

“Taylor was expecting this cover, and she wanted it BAD, but the editors knew that they needed something better than Taylor.”

Obviously, “something better than Taylor” doesn’t really exist in the celebrity world, so take that quote with a grain of salt.

But speaking of salt, we’re guessing that regardless of whether she coveted the cover herself, we’re guessing Kim’s proud week didn’t feel great in Taylor’s wounds.