Showing posts with label Ghostbusters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghostbusters. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Leslie Jones: Ghostbusters Star Fights Back Against Twitter Trolls!!!

People are awful, as Leslie Jones is showing us.

The Ghostbusters star has been the target of hatred on Twitter, and is doing something about it.

According to E! News, rather than delete her account, Jones is going after every single user who has tweeted something vulgar or offensive.

“I leave Twitter tonight with tears and a very sad heart,” she wrote.

“All this cause I did a movie.You can hate the movie but the shit I got today…wrong.”

Exposing each user took its toll on the actress, who admitted that it was all getting to be too much.

“I feel like I’m in a personal hell. I didn’t do anything to deserve this. It’s just too much. It shouldn’t be like this. So hurt right now.”

The fact that the Saturday Night Live star has to endure such abuse (over and over and over again) is very tough to watch.  

Fortunately, other stars have come to Jones’ defense, including Reese Witherspoon and Loni Love, and a hashtag, #LoveForLeslieJ has been created in support.

When some users claim that Jones was melting down by responding to the hateful tweets, she took them to task.

“It’s not called a meltdown when [you’re] defining yourself. Pay attention,” she shot back.

“So sad, these people have mothers and sisters and aunts. So f–king sickening.”

Ever since the Ghostbusters trailer premiered back in March, Jones has been on the defense against racist and sexually offensive remarks.

According to the star herself, she’s been called an “ape,” received pics of people’s butts, and one person sent an image with “semen” on her face.

Instead of celebrating opening weekend of her movie, Jones has spent all of her time responding to and warding off venomous tweets from people who not only have a few brain cells floating around in their head, but have no problem tearing someone else down.

This is bad.  We need to do a better job at being human.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ghostbusters Trailer: Who You Gonna Call Now?

So… who are you gonna call now?

Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, that"s who.

Sony has unveiled the first trailer for its all-female reboot of Ghostbusters, giving fans of this franchise a look at the women will be attempt to save New York City from some foreign entities this summer.

There"s Wiig, who is on board as Erin Gilbert, a particle physicist who works at Columbia.

There"s McCarthy, her old friend who is pursuing her passion for the paranormal at a college that is definitely not Columbia.

There"s McKinnon, who plays an oddball of an engineer who is really good at inventing things.

And there"s Jones, an MTA worker who knows The Big Apple well and whose uncle provides the vehicle that ends up being the new Ecto-1.

We also get a quick glimpse at Chris Hemsworth as the team"s very handsome new secretary.

Controversy has cropped up around the new Ghostbusters by sexist people who can"t believe they would dare reboot this franchise with four women.

But those people are dumb.

This movie looks hilarious.

See for yourself:

Ghostbusters trailer who you gonna call now

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

David Margulies Dies; Ghostbusters Actor Was 78

David Margulies, a veteran character actor perhaps most recognizable for his role as the mayor in Ghostbusters, has passed away.

He was 78 years old.

David Margulies

The veteran stage and screen presence’s agent, Mary Harden, confirmed his passing earlier today. His cause of death was not disclosed.

To millions of Ghostbusters fans, his face will be remembered as that of Lenny Clotch, a take-off on real-life New York Mayor Ed Koch.

Margulies starred in many films and theater productions, however.

Other recognizable parts included Tony Soprano’s lawyer Neil Mink on The Sopranos and the doctor in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

On Broadway, the New York native appeared in Comedians, Brighton Beach Memoirs and Angels In America, just to name a handful.

The unheralded star is already being mourned on social media.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton, wrote on Facebook, “I got to see him as Roy Cohn in Angels in high school. Unreal.”

“A force onstage, a mensch offstage. I will miss him.”

Margulies’ work will live on in the hearts and minds of his fans and colleagues, as well as in two more projects set for release this year.

He will appear, posthumously, in an independent drama called License Plates and as Elie Weisel in the upcoming TV movie Madoff.
