Showing posts with label Glittery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glittery. Show all posts

Friday, October 20, 2017

Kesha: Bares Her Glittery Butt on Stage!

Kesha has been going through a huge legal battle, but that pales beside the tremendous emotional toll that she’s experienced after years of alleged abuse and reliving the trauma by coming forward. That can change you.

But though Kesha’s musical style has changed since her “Tik Tok” days, she’s still fun, spontaneous, and an absolute gift to her fans.

And she’s baring her butt to prove it.

Back in, like, 2008, Kesha surged to popularity with Animal.

For the next few years, “Tik Tok” was basically required listening at most parties, and Kesha music has been a party staple ever since.

Basically, if you’ve been to a party that didn’t play Kesha’s music, we hope that you brought the birthday boy a nice present — they’ll only turn 7 once.

Back in February of 2016, however, Kesha gained attention for something very different when a judge’s ruling prompted her to sob openly in court.

Though Kesha’s alleged sex abuse at the hands of Dr. Luke had been revealed years ago, most of the world had been unaware of her legal struggle to separate herself from the infamous music producer.

Celebrities tweeted their support — Taylor Swift sent a check, actually.

Singers like Adele used their platforms to voice their support for Kesha and for her bid for independence from the man whom she accuses of having abused her for a decade.

In addition to those voicing support for Kesha, other singers who have worked with Dr. Luke have spoken out to condemn him, based purely upon their own experiences.

Pink condemned Dr. Luke, saying that though she can’t speak to the veracity of Kesha’s accusations, Dr. Luke deserves what he’s getting because he’s a scumbag.

Kelly Clarkson slammed Dr. Luke, saying that he’s not a good person. When Kelly Clarkson, who doesn’t like to bash people, is talking about you like this, something is up.

Contract law isn’t built on justice, however.

Even though this entire situation has been a PR nightmare for Sony, it’s appeared that their hands are tied.

And Kesha’s fight has remained uphill.

In fact, Kesha had to withdraw her lawsuit in California. In New York, however, the battle rages on.

Kesha, however, is finally getting to tour again — and when Kesha tours, there’s more to the performance than just her beautiful music.

Just look at this photo that Kesha shared on Friday.

She captioned the image as “GlitterButt!!!” when she tweeted it out.

That is just so cute.

After everything that Kesha’s been through, it’s so heartwarming to see her feeling comfortable with her body and her fans — to see her both experiencing and spreading joy.

Kesha has been personally throwing glitter on her audience, which is a blessing.

A blessing that doesn’t fade. Two friends of mine saw Kesha when she came to town, and both were talking the next day about glitter following them to work despite their best efforts (and showers).

One, who works at a doggie daycare, ended up inadvertently spreading glitter to the dogs. Harmlessly, of course.

The other, an accountant, accidentally bedazzled her office chair.

But that goes with the territory. Nobody’s going to actually complain about having glitter thrown on them by Kesha herself.

And we’re guessing that fans aren’t going to complain about getting mooned by Kesha, either.

We haven’t felt this encouraged about Kesha since she released “Praying” as a single.

That song was a not-so-subtle reference to her horrible experiences at the hands of Dr. Luke, but it’s a powerful anthem.

And her whole album is out, of course.

Kesha is, as always, a gift.
