Showing posts with label Gomez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gomez. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Justin Bieber: Selena Gomez Had Her Breakdown Because She Still Loves Me!

Justin Bieber has been struggling with feelings of guilt in the wake of ex Selena Gomez’s breakdown.

That continues, and a new report says that he believes that his newfound happiness and marriage are to blame for his ex’s downward spiral.

Poor Hailey, in the mean time, is trying her best to be supportive.

Earlier this month, shortly after news broke of Selena Gomez’s breakdown, the Biebs was photographed crying with his wife, Hailey.

HollywoodLife reports that now, even weeks later, Justin is still feeling guilty for Selena’s health crisis.

An insider says that Justin “won’t stop blaming himself for her breakdown.”

“Deep down,” the source says. “Justin knows she still has feelings for him.”

Oh boy.

“And,” the insider continues, Justin fears “that his marriage to Hailey would’ve upset her.”

In reality, of course, Selena was undergoing treatment for an alarmingly low white blood cell count.

It appears that the treatments themselves and the strain of her ongoing health battle with lupus was too overwhelming.

But in Justin’s mind, this is all about him.

“Selena was Justin’s first love,” the source points out.

“And,” the insider continues. “Everyone can see that he still cares for her.”

Hailey Baldwin deserves better than this, folks.

As you can imagine, she has definitely noticed — and she’s even trying to be helpful.

“Hailey is one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet,” the source says.

That is totally consistent with everything that we’ve heard. She is nothing like her father or uncles.

“And,” the insider continues, Hailey “is doing her best to support Justin.”

“But the whole Selena situation is putting a strain on their marriage,” the source admits.

We can imagine so.

The good news is that Justin and Hailey are taking steps to make sure that their marriage is off to a healthy start.

The two of them have reportedly entered some form of couple’s counseling.

“Justin and Hailey want to ensure that they deal with any hiccups like adults,” an insider explains.

The source says that they want to deal with things now “rather than letting them drag out and develop into something bigger.”

That is … astoundingly wise and healthy.

A lot of couples could benefit from doing the same.

Of course, in the mean time, some people are worried about Justin’s behavior.

Recently, he was out and about barefoot and wearing a bathrobe. That’s normal for a college student but a little odd from an adult celebrity.

Justin, a source says, “has been acting bizarrely.”

“His friends are begging him to get help,” the insider reports.

Some worry that Justin may fall back on old habits — from bad behavior to substance abuse.

We think that those concerns may be a little premature.

It’s funny — though not in a way that makes you laugh — that Hailey and Justin are in this situation because of Justin’s ex’s health.

As soon as these two became engaged, they were immediately compared to Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson’s engagement.

Well, Ariana and Pete fell apart, and it was Ariana’s ex’s fatal overdose that is said to have ultimately broken them up.

Now, Justin and Hailey are having their newly wedded bliss strained by Justin’s ex’s health.

Will their relationship survive? And, if Justin is really this hung up on Selena, should their relationship survive?


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez


Justin Bieber: Struggling With Guilt Following Selena Gomez Breakdown

Selena Gomez suffered an emotional breakdown during her battle with lupus, and had to be hospitalized as a result.

As it turns out, her very much engaged ex Justin Bieber is feeling wrecked over her current health.

Despite his engagement, he’s said to be feeling “confused.”

According to what a pair of sources tell E!, Selena Gomez’s emotional breakdown and subsequent hospitalization is just too much for the Biebs.

An insider reports that Justin feels “conflicted and confused” over his own feelings.

“They have both had emotional struggles,” a source explains.

Justin’s angry outbursts over the years were well documented, and people close to him have spoken openly about his past struggles with substances.

“And,” an insider details, Justin and Selene “bonded over that in the past.”

Now, however, things are different.

Even if Justin wanted to come rushing to her side, that doesn’t seem likely.

“Justin and Selena are not in touch,” a source makes clear.

That’s no surprise. For one thing, Selena is cut off from all but a few trusted individuals.

“But,” an insider notes. “Him hearing the news about Selena definitely upsets him.”

“Justin,” a source adds. “Also feels guilty.”

Apparently, it is Justin’s innate nurturing nature, rather than merely their lengthy relationship history, that has him deep in his feelings.

“He wants to help everyone,” an insider says.

Awww. Bless his heart.

A source insists that “he truly wants Selena to be happy.”

“And,” an insider explains. “It’s upsetting to know she’s battling health issues.”

That makes a lot of sense. it’s upsetting to us that Selena is going through all of this, too.

Justin has admittedly “been very emotional” since this news broke.

However, insiders make it very clear that he is taking his engagement to Hailey “very seriously.”

In other words, don’t expect him to drop her and go running back to Selena.

To him, a promise to get married is sacred.

In fact, a source says that Justin raced to the altar with Hailey in an effort to “show her he was serious this time.”

Ah, yes — the best possible reason to marry someone is to prove a point.

So it sounds like Justin and Hailey’s engagement — or marriage, depending upon whom you ask — is secure for now.

But how is Selena doing?

An insider reveals that Selena is “already feeling better” now that she is receiving treatment.

Selena is “getting the help she needs,” a source affirms.

Lupus is already a hell of a thing, but we’re glad that she’s getting emotional support as she copes with it.

“Depression is something she’s always struggled with,” an insider explains.

That makes sense. Tens of millions of Americans cope with depression every day.

“But whenever it gets really bad for Selena,” a source details. “She removes herself from social media.”

Shortly before her breakdown, Selena took a step back from Instagram.

“And,” an insider continued, Selena then “withdraws from people who aren’t a handful of the people she trusts.”

That is a smart policy. Don’t over extend yourself when you are at your lowest point.


daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez


daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez


daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez


daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez
