Showing posts with label Grabber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grabber. Show all posts

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Taylor Swift -- Alleged Butt Grabber Interview Vanishes ... She Denies Strong-arming

The radio interview with the guy accused of grabbing Taylor Swift’s ass was abruptly removed from the station’s website — and there are conflicting stories about who pulled the plug. Former radio DJ David Mueller went on iHeart’s “Mojo in the…


Taylor Swift -- Alleged Butt Grabber Interview Vanishes ... She Denies Strong-arming

The radio interview with the guy accused of grabbing Taylor Swift’s ass was abruptly removed from the station’s website — and there are conflicting stories about who pulled the plug. Former radio DJ David Mueller went on iHeart’s “Mojo in the…


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Donald Trump: I"m Not the Only P--sy Grabber on The Apprentice!

Trouble’s a-brewing for two Apprentice stars now that we have a second p–sy-grabber on our hands … and according to sources at The Daily Beast, Gary Busey is up on the chopping block. 

Yeah, our thoughts exactly. 

The report alleged that Busey wedged his hand firmly in the female staffer’s crotch and Trump … well, he simply laughed. 

Busey purportedly “grabbed” the staffer “firmly between [the] legs,” and was also said to have forced the staffer’s hand onto the crotch of his own pants. 

Terrifying, right? 

Busey’s rep, however, has refuted the claims. 

In a statement a mouthpiece for The Mouth said, “We will not bother and/or disrupt the life of a wonderful 72-year-old man, who has enjoyed a flawless career for over 45 years, to entertain such ridiculous and false accusations.” 

“Mr. Busey has better things to do with the rest of his life, like help raise his six-year-old son, and enjoy family on his free time.” 

“It is our belief,” the statement continued, “[that] this is clearly an attempt to gain five minutes of fame for some wannabe, or perhaps a political attempt to drag Mr. Busey in the mud because he has been labeled a supporter of Donald Trump, which is false.” 

“Mr. Busey never officially endorsed Donald Trump, has no interest in politics, and is extremely fed up with being associated as a Donald Trump support[er] when he is not.” 

“We are putting you on high alert that if you print anything of the sort regarding an alleged anything, you are clearly opening yourself up for a lawsuit.” 

The staffer continued her tirade, and got graphic. 

“We [the staff] were smoking cigarettes outside, and Busey was standing next to me,” she recalled. 

“And then at one point, he grabbed me firmly between my legs and ran his hand up my stomach and grabbed my breasts.” 

“I didn’t know what to do,” she admitted, “so I made this joke that, ‘Oh, I’ve never been sexually harassed by a celebrity before!” 

At this point, Busey was said to have forced her hand onto the crotch of his pants and lewdly asserted, “I’m just getting started, baby.” 

At that point, Apprentice staff were said to have rallied against Busey, and told Trump what had transpired. 

According to the allegations, Trump “gave Busey little more than a chuckle and a soft slap on the wrist,” and called him “a bad boy, a very bad boy.” 

Cringing yet, or ya dead, Sanka? 
