Showing posts with label Greed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greed. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2018

John David Duggar: Angry at Jim Bob Over Greed & Reckless Spending (Exclusive)

John David Duggar keeps a fairly low profile compared to his more famous siblings.

Unlike so many of his brothers and sisters – including his twin, Jana Duggar – John David seems relatively uninterested in the reality TV spotlight.

The presumption amongst fans has always been that the 28-year-old simply has other ventures to pursue.

John David is a pilot; he does construction and maintenance work on properties owned by his father, and he volunteers with his local police and fire departments.

Without question, the man has a very busy schedule.

But it seems that’s not the only reason that he takes a dim view of his parents’ unquenchable thirst for fame.

According to a former employee of the Duggars’ who spoke to The Hollywood Gossip exclusively, John David has emerged as his family’s moral compass in recent years.

Which means that when John David is distancing himself from his parents, fans who are drawn to the Duggars by their wholesome values should pay close attention.

“When John David doesn’t want to be a part of it, then you know that it ain’t right,” says the insider.

“John David is a good guy, and he’s in a good spot. He gets to do what he wants to do.”

And apparently, he wants to do these days is keep a safe distance between himself and some of his father’s worldly impulses.

“There’s things that Jim Bob does that John doesn’t think are right,” our source tells us.

“Some of his real estate transactions, some of the equipment that he buys – a lot of this stuff, Jim Bob doesn’t really need, but he thinks he does.”

In the past, we’ve reported on allegations that Jim Bob is a “high-class hoarder” who’s reckless with his finances.

Now, it seems John David has taken issue with his father’s profligate ways, not only because they conflict with the Duggars’ Christian values, but also because Jim Bob’s constant consumption is threatening to bury the family in debt.

“He’ll go to an auction and he’ll come home with a bucket truck that he got for $ 4,000, then he’ll realize that it needs $ 8,000 worth of stuff to fix it,” says our source.

“And John, he gets kind of tired of that. There’s a lot of stuff that Jim Bob does that John doesn’t agree with, but now that John’s up and in the world, that’s his right.

And it seems the conflict between father and son goes beyond financial matters and into the Freudian realm, as Jim Bob sees John David as a threat to his familial dominance.

“[John David] is old enough now that he can pick and choose what he wants to do, and that just kills Jim Bob, because he doesn’t have that ultimate control,” the source tells us.

“He’s losing his control factor. He’s got control over the little ones while they’re there, but he realizes that soon they’ll be big and gone, and he’ll lose that.”

Concluding on a note of levity, our source jokes:

“And then he’ll have to deal with Michelle on a full-time basis!”


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Is She Exploiting God in the Name of Greed?

This is so not what Audrey Roloff needs right now.

Just a few days before she’s set to give birth to her first child, the Little People, Big World star is suddenly under fire from multiple fronts.

First, the excited mother-to-be somehow found herself facing criticism simply for… well… being an excited-mother-to-be.

After sharing a number of belly bump photos across her social media accounts, Roloff was ripped this week for this “disgraceful” show of semi-nudity.

We wish we were making that up.

But comments such as these have been showing up under Audrey’s Facebook images:

mean user

When certain followers are not (ridiculously) slamming Roloff for posting too many pictures of her bare stomach, others are taking her to task for the way she combines occasional tributes to God…

… with promotional messages about her online store.

Take something Roloff wrote online a few days ago, for instance.

The reality star admitted that she’s “nervous for labor and delivery” of her impending daughter, but added that he’s sort of cool and exciting to not know when she’ll arrive.

“It’s a reminder to surrender and trust God’s timing and plan because it’s far better than mine could ever be. It’s a reminder that God’s purposes will prevail even if my plans fail,” she wrote.

Concluded Roloff:

“Thank you Lord for being the author of life, my comforter, my strength, and my shield.”

Very honest and open and emotional and relevant, right?

Audrey has always been candid about her connection to Jesus Christ.

But then she ended this message as follows:

We can’t wait to meet our baby girl and dress her in all the new baby onesies that I launched in my shop yesterday!!!

ar fb

As you can see above, Roloff also included a link to her Internet business.

She even told fans to “#shopalwaysmore,” just a few words after she was praising the strength and power of God.

Even the most ardent Little People, Big World fans must admit, this is a little… strange? Tacky? Tasteless?

Or, to borrow a term from one of Audrey’s Facebook critics, it’s a bit exploitive.

“Did you really just praise God one second, and then link to your business the next second?” asked Brian Finnegan, whose question was basically echoed by Manion Dwyer, who wrote:

“L8me! its hard to take ur faith seriously when its used as preamble 2 ur business.”

Harsh words, but we can see where these folks are coming from.

Do we doubt Audrey is a dedicated Christian? Not one bit.

We’ve been fans long enough to believe she means every word of her tributes to The Big Man Upstairs.

However, we can also concede that talking about the beauty of God in a paragraph that immediately proceeds promotion of one’s money-making website is pretty tawdry.

It may be taken as offense to other religious people, even if Audrey did not mean it that way.

Still, this doesn’t mean she deserves the vitriol she’s received for simply sharing baby bump photos. That’s just insane.

So keep us apprised over that fetus, please, Audrey, but maybe keep posts about your God separate from posts about your website going forward.

Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
