Showing posts with label Hmmm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hmmm. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2017

Luke Bryan to Judge American Idol? Hmmm...

Considering how much American Idol is paying Katy Perry to be a judge on their new iteration of the series, you’d think that they’d have an easier time filling out the judges’ table.

Now it sounds like Luke Bryan is being considered to judge the talent competition.

That … could be both good and bad for the show.

We should preface this by acknowledging that there have been a number of reports of big names being considered or even courted by ABC for their American Idol revival.

We heard Kim Kardashian’s name a while back, but haven’t heard it again since.

Frankly, it makes a lot of sense for Kim to not take this. She’s a reality star and a businesswoman and, oh by the way, a mother of two with a third on the way.

Being a TV judge on a show like that is a cushy job, but it could take her away from her family a lot.

(Not just from her children, but from Kanye)

Given that we haven’t heard a peep about Kim and American Idol since, it’s probably safe to say that she won’t be at the judges’ table.

Much more recently, we heard that ABC and the show’s producers were preparing an offer for Selena Gomez to judge American Idol.

That would be a truly inspired choice.

Unlike Kim and some other names that have been thrown out there, Selena is a singer and in fact an amazing vocalist.

Hearing “Naturally” in 2010 absolutely transformed my life because it was and remains the greatest song that I have ever heard, ever, in my life.

Selena would be the “nice judge,” as Katy Perry is expected to be the more critical, Simon Cowell-like voice in the group.

That makes sense, as Selena Gomez is a person secure in who she is, while one can imagine that Katy Perry, who seems to be in the process of changing her image (but also somehow always in the process of changing her image), would love to seem “mean” on TV.

Selena Gomez has an incomparably massive social media presence and producers reportedly hope that she would draw in viewers.

But … we haven’t heard anything about her accepting the gig.

And, looking at Selena Gomez’s life and career — and also looking at her ongoing health battle — you have to wonder why in the world she would agree to take it.

If they ever worked up the nerve to make the offer, that is.

So now, Variety reports that Luke Bryan might be an American Idol judge.

In case you’ve forgotten since the last time that we talked about Country Music, Luke Bryan is a Country singer.

American idol could be a sweet gig for him, though he apparently makes tens of millions a year.

(If you don’t listen to country music, that sounds … mind-boggling … but it really is big in more places than you’d think! And not everyone who listens to it lives in rural areas or flyover states or whatever)

Here’s how Luke Bryan could be a strong choice for American Idol:

That series has always played well with the rural white demographic, and much (though, as we said, not all) of Luke Bryan’s fan base matches that description.

We don’t mean that they’re all farmers, but a lot of white people in small town America might feel encouraged to watch if they are a fan of one of the show’s judges.

It could also be a mistake.

Katy Perry is white. Luke Bryan is white.

You absolutely cannot and should not have an all-white panel to judge contestants. Especially given that there are music genres with strong ethnic and racial associations.

This iteration of American Idol is expected to have a three-person panel of judges rather than one of four, so casting Luke Bryan might box them into a corner.

Unless, of course, they already know who their third judge is going to be.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Little People, Big World Recap: Hmmm.... Let"s C?

If you have a large head going through a tiny hole, it could be painful.

So said Zach Roloff on Tuesday night’s episode of Little People, Big World in regard to his wife, his impending child and the options he and Tori Roloff were weighing in regard to bringing their baby into this world.

To translate Zach’s profound, possible over-share:

Don’t get surgery, honey. Go with a vaginal birth!

Titled “This Is Going to Be a Stressful Time,” the latest installment of this popular TLC series focused for the second straight week on Zach and Tori’s soon-to-be-parenthood.

Last Tuesday, we learned that little Jackson Kyle (who was born on May 12) does, indeed, have the gene for dwarfism.

This week, once that piece of news had sunk in, the concern centered instead of Tori’s actual pregnancy and how it would be resolved.

“It’s almost time for this baby to come out,” Zach said in an on-camera interview, adding that the anticipation is killing him and that he’s ready.

“Our room is all set, our house is set. We’re definitely to the point where we just want to meet him.”

Later on, when Zach takes a seat in his chair to set up a baby carrier, his wife forecasts a potential photo opportunity once their first child is born.

“This is literally going to be the picture,” Tori says. “Just you two, staring at each other.”

We’re yet to get that particular photo, but the Roloffs have been kind enough to provide fans with ample images of their adorable child.

Take a look for yourself before we continue on with the recap:

After spending some time talking about the high-tech devices they have for their son, Zach and Tori then got into their birth plan.

Things turned more serious for this discussion because it was a matter of health.

“Doctors appointment coming up,” Zach said, asking: “Do we have to decide about either natural birth or C-section at this appointment?”

“It’s never going to be a final decision,” Tori replied, clearly torn on what to do.

This was the context in which Zach said it was “preferable “to have a natural birth,” explaining why via the quote above:

“If you have a large head going through a tiny hole, it could be painful.”

Tori, of course, was the one who would be going through either experience, explaining that the prospect of going under the knife to welcome her child frightened her.

“Cesarian has never really come into my mindset,” she said. “It’s just nerve-wracking being on an operating table. I’ve never been on an operating table before.”

After an ongoing back-and-forth about the potential surgery, Tori declared:

“Women are so much stronger than men, holy smokes.”

This is true. It’s a fact. Any man that disagrees simply has to stand alongside a woman during childbirth.

Just accept it, fellas.

Elsewhere on last night’s episode, Jeremy and Audrey also set an eye on their future, finalizing their dream home’s purchase.

As previously reported, this home is located close to the family farm in Oregon.

Also, Amy and Matt prepared to become grandparents in their own unique and special ways.

Meaning what, exactly?

Click on the video below to watch Little People, Big World online and find out now!
