Showing posts with label Keonna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keonna. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2016

Keonna Green Gives Birth to Nick Young"s Baby!

We’re very sorry, Iggy Azalea.

But you may want to go read about something else right about now.

We’re guessing Donald Trump just got accused of sexual misconduct once again. Go check that out and meet us back here in a few moments, okay?

We issue this warning to the singer because he ex-fiance, Nick Young, just welcomed his second child with Keonna Green.

According to TMZ, Young went straight from the Los Angeles Lakers’ season-opening victory on Wednesday night to the hospital, where he arrived just in time to be there for Green’s birth.

Young and Green, who were already father and mother to a four-year old boy, are now parents to a little girl.

No details have been released regarding her name or measurements.

But this development is of note because Azalea broke off her engagement to Young after it came out that he had cheated on her with Green… and gotten her pregnant in the process.

It also sounded back in March as if Young cheated on Azalea with many other women, considering he admitted as much in a cell phone video that was released by teammate D’Angelo Russell.

Really. This happened. 

See for yourself:

Azalea actually responded to the infidelity in very mature fashion.

Upon calling off the couple’s engagement, she told social media followers:

“Unfortunately although I love Nick and have tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him – it’s become apparent in the last few weeks I am unable to.

“I genuinely wish Nick the best.

“It’s never easy to part ways with the person you planned you’re entire future with, but futures can be rewritten and as of today mine is a blank page.”

Conversely, Young did not handle his being dumped in very mature fashion.

“If you perfect then be perfect I live in a world where ppl f–k up learn from it and move on,” he wrote to his 369,000 followers on in response.

“That’s life … hate me or love me I’m still going to love life man.”

Seriously, what’s the big deal with cheating on your fiancee, people? It’s just an example of one living one’s life.

Of course, one can only take the high road for so long.

After a paparazzi members asked Azaela for her thoughts on Green and Young in July, the artist could not handle it any longer.

She replied with a middle finger and said:

“That’s my message for them, not you.”

Well done, Iggy. You just should have held up two middle fingers, not one.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Iggy Azalea Has QUITE The Message For Nick Young and Keonna Green

Iggy Azalea needn’t say a word to let the world know how she feels.

Nick Young’s baby mama, Keonna Green recently gave an interview to Us Weekly, claiming she tried to reach out to Young’s former fiance, Iggy Azalea when the two started fooling around (Green and Young were high school sweethearts and have a son together).

“I tried to reach out to her,” Green claimed.

“I never got a response.”

According to Gossip Cop, Azalea was approached by paparazzi about Green’s interview at an Australian airport.

When one asked if Green made any attempt to contact her about the affair, Azalea said “No, it’s not true.”

The paparazzo continued to ask more questions, and then asked if the rapper had a “message” for Green and Young.

Azalea held up her middle finger and told the pap, “That’s my message for them, not you.”

Green went into detail over when she and Young started hooking up.  It was back in September, and they were at Green’s house with their 4-year-old.

“We got caught up in the moment and it just happened. I would be like, ‘Nick, you cannot be sloppy. You need to be honest [with Azalea].’ He would say, ‘I don’t want to hear it."”

I don’t know what was going on in his household, but me and Nick have lots of history. It wasn’t a secret on my end.

“I didn’t feel guilty because I was in love with a man, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only woman.”

In case Green didn’t make it crystal clear that she has no remorse, here’s another gem:

“I’m definitely not going to apologize for being in love with a man who I have a lot of history with.”


Right now, Green (who is expecting the former couple’s second child) is not romantically involved with Young.

“I’m giving him his space,” she explained.

“On an intimate level, it has stopped. We haven’t discussed how we’re going to move forward. Right now, he needs to focus on basketball and getting his life in order.

“Basketball is what puts food on two people’s plates that he’s taking care of.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Keonna Green: I"m Glad I Got Knocked Up By Nick Young!

Keonna Green has finally spoken out about her relationship with Nick Young. 

Green is now 22 weeks into her pregnancy and has revealed that she has been getting jiggy with Nick since September.

“It was last year, around September. We would take our son to Magic Mountain together. But sometimes Nick would say, “Oh, there’s too much traffic.”

“He’d just play with Nicholas in his room. We got caught up in the moment and it just happened,” Keonna revealed. 

This shows that the relationship was actually going on for considerably longer than what Young was telling Azalea. 

You’d think that taking somebody else’s man from them would at least warrant an apology, but Iggy is getting no such thing from Green. 

“It wasn’t a secret on my end. I didn’t feel guilty because I was in love with a man, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only woman.”

That’s not a good way to make yourself feel better, but it seems that it worked for Keonna. 

How many other women could there really have been? 

There was previously word that Azalea caught Young in the act with different women on their home security, but would he really be that sloppy?

If he was being that sloppy, then it would make one think that he wanted Iggy to find out about what he was up to. 

If that is the case, he’s an even bigger dirtbag than we first thought. 

It’s one thing to cheat on your fiance, but another to make them find out the hard way. 

The truth was always going to come out. 

Keonna also made it clear that she would marry Young in an instant. 

These two really seem like they’re made for one another. 

What do you think about the latest developments?

Hit the comments below!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Keonna Green: Called Out by Iggy Azalea!

Iggy Azalea tried to take the high road, she really did.

The singer ended her engagement to Nick Young last week because, allegedly, the basketball player didn’t merely cheat on his fiancee…

… he cheated on her with Keonna Green, the mother of Young’s four-year old son.

According to various tabloid reports, Young also got Green pregnant again, waiting until she was four months along to reveal the stunning news to Azalea.

Iggy addressed the affair on Twitter soon after it went viral, but she didn’t slam Young as harshly as he deserves to be slammed.

She simply wrote the following:

“[News of the pregnancy] is just like a second shot to the chest. And I feel like I don’t even know who the hell it is I’ve been loving all this time.”

She added:

“People in this world really are f-cked up.”

It’s sad, but true.

On Thursday night, however, Azalea simply had to vent.

Clearly referencing Green this time, and not Young, the artist wrote on Twitter:

“I find it baffling anyone would make the choice to bring a child into the world under these circumstances + want attention and $ for it.”

Iggy was was seemingly citing a report that claimed Green had obtained an attorney and signed an exclusive deal with a media outlet to share her story.

Azalea added:

“I feel like my body was just drop kicked out of a plane with no parachute.”

Young is yet to comment on the situation. But allow us to say the following:

The guy totally sucks.