Friday, July 1, 2016

Keonna Green: Called Out by Iggy Azalea!

Iggy Azalea tried to take the high road, she really did.

The singer ended her engagement to Nick Young last week because, allegedly, the basketball player didn’t merely cheat on his fiancee…

… he cheated on her with Keonna Green, the mother of Young’s four-year old son.

According to various tabloid reports, Young also got Green pregnant again, waiting until she was four months along to reveal the stunning news to Azalea.

Iggy addressed the affair on Twitter soon after it went viral, but she didn’t slam Young as harshly as he deserves to be slammed.

She simply wrote the following:

“[News of the pregnancy] is just like a second shot to the chest. And I feel like I don’t even know who the hell it is I’ve been loving all this time.”

She added:

“People in this world really are f-cked up.”

It’s sad, but true.

On Thursday night, however, Azalea simply had to vent.

Clearly referencing Green this time, and not Young, the artist wrote on Twitter:

“I find it baffling anyone would make the choice to bring a child into the world under these circumstances + want attention and $ for it.”

Iggy was was seemingly citing a report that claimed Green had obtained an attorney and signed an exclusive deal with a media outlet to share her story.

Azalea added:

“I feel like my body was just drop kicked out of a plane with no parachute.”

Young is yet to comment on the situation. But allow us to say the following:

The guy totally sucks.