Showing posts with label Kindergarten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindergarten. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Phoebe in "Kindergarten Cop" "Memba Her?!

Pamela Reed is best known for playing the undercover cop with a cold, Phoebe — opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger as John Kimble — in the 1990 kid comedy ‘Kindergarten Cop.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Prince George Goes to First Day of Kindergarten, Duchess Kate Too Sick to Attend

Prince George marched into his first day of kindergarten (they call it Primary School) Thursday like a boss — or like a guy who’s mingling with his subjects. Prince William held lil Geo’s hand as they walked into Thomas’s Battersea — a fancy…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Kim Zolciak: I CANNOT Deal with Kash Going to Kindergarten!

Kim Zolciak and her son young son Kash had a tremendously eventful summer, and not in a good way.

Because Kash was hospitalized after a dog attack injured his face. 

He’s made a tremendous recovery, though, and he just started kindergarten — and Kim Zolciak is adorably broken up about it.

She starts her post with a question:

“Is it ok to drink wine at 7am?!!”

So long as that’s after she’s dropped off Kash?


“I’m such a mess over my ‘Kashew’ starting kindergarten tomorrow.”

(Great, now we want to eat way too many cashews)

“I couldn’t snuggle him hard enough tonight.”

You don’t have to be a parent to know that feeling.

Anyone who’s ever hugged their dog or cat extra before going off to college knows that heartbreaking feeling.

Anyone who’s ever just gone over to hang out with a neighbor’s dogs before moving to another city knows the feeling.

In Kim’s case, she’ll get to see her son every day anyway, but it’s still a huge milestone.

And she has more to say.

But first, look at this photo of Kash, taken today.

He’s recovered from that serious mauling of his face so well!

“Kroy is sad too — you know he is when he says it’s okay for them to sleep in our bed.”

Before you freak out, remember that some people wear clothing to bed (unthinkable as that may be) and 

She follows that with an emoji that represents laughing so hard that tears are coming out of your eyes.

“You would think it would get easier, with Kash being my 4th off to kindergarten.”

Remember, Kim has six kids, so Kash isn’t even the last to take this major step into the world.

“BUT I swear it gets harder!!”

Maybe it’s because it reminds her that she’s getting older, or maybe it’s because things sometimes become more meaningful over time.

Kim shared a follow-up post on Kash’s actual first day of kindergarten.

After confessing that she totally lost it when he left for school.

“There is something about boys that just gets me.”

Weird, but some parents form strange, gendered attachments to their kids sometimes.

She gave her fans and followers a major shout-out for being so supportive during her emotional turmoil.

“THANK YOU for all of your sweet comments through all my tears last night I didn’t feel as crazy knowing so many of you are going through the same.”

It’s good to have informal support groups, sometimes.

“Love all of you.”

Say what you will about Kim Zolciak, but she loves her family and she loves her fans.

“Have a fantastic day and I’ll let you know if I hop in my car and go pick him up.”

By the way, today is Kash’s fifth birthday.

(Putting him within the range of children who are allowed to start kindergarten while they’re still four years old in most districts)

He hasn’t really been at school long enough to make a bunch of close friends, so it’s a sucky time to have a birthday.

But we’re sure that his family will make it up to him.

Possibly during the weekend, though.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mom Sends Son to Kindergarten, Responds with ALL the Feels

It"s back to school time across the United States.

For many parents out there, this means sending their child to kindergarten for the first time, which means a mixture of emotions.

Yes, they are proud. Yes, they are excited. But they are also scared.

Is a five-year old truly ready to be in school all day?

Can he hold his own lunch tray? Do the teacher know how many kisses he needs within a 45-second span? Will he comprehend the concept of sharing?

In the following video, Susannah B. Lewis, a mom from Brownsville, Tennessee, poses all these questions to the camera.

And many more.

She is going through nearly every sad and scared emotion in the book after dropping her son off for his first day of kindergarten.

But Lewis is actually the woman behind the blog Whoa Susannah. And this video is actually a parody.

It documents what most mothers go through on the first day of kindergarten… versus what they go through on the first day of nearly every other grade.

And let"s just say the responses change a great deal.

It"s something Lewis knows a lot about, serving as the mother of a 10-year old girl and six-year old boy.

She based this video, which has been viewed over six million times, on her own experiences as a worried parent and then a very happy and relieved parent.

“I feared they would pee their pants [on their 1st days of kindergarten] because they couldn’t find the bathroom, they would starve because they wouldn’t eat lunch and would miss me so much that they’d scream my name all day,” she told Us Weekly.

“None of these things happened.”

We"re guessing a trip to Vegas didn"t happen after the first day of second grade, either.

But Lewis would have been up for it!

Watch her need just 70 seconds to perfectly capture the roller coaster of emotions parents go through below:

Mother sends son to kindergarten experiences all the feels