Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mom Sends Son to Kindergarten, Responds with ALL the Feels

It"s back to school time across the United States.

For many parents out there, this means sending their child to kindergarten for the first time, which means a mixture of emotions.

Yes, they are proud. Yes, they are excited. But they are also scared.

Is a five-year old truly ready to be in school all day?

Can he hold his own lunch tray? Do the teacher know how many kisses he needs within a 45-second span? Will he comprehend the concept of sharing?

In the following video, Susannah B. Lewis, a mom from Brownsville, Tennessee, poses all these questions to the camera.

And many more.

She is going through nearly every sad and scared emotion in the book after dropping her son off for his first day of kindergarten.

But Lewis is actually the woman behind the blog Whoa Susannah. And this video is actually a parody.

It documents what most mothers go through on the first day of kindergarten… versus what they go through on the first day of nearly every other grade.

And let"s just say the responses change a great deal.

It"s something Lewis knows a lot about, serving as the mother of a 10-year old girl and six-year old boy.

She based this video, which has been viewed over six million times, on her own experiences as a worried parent and then a very happy and relieved parent.

“I feared they would pee their pants [on their 1st days of kindergarten] because they couldn’t find the bathroom, they would starve because they wouldn’t eat lunch and would miss me so much that they’d scream my name all day,” she told Us Weekly.

“None of these things happened.”

We"re guessing a trip to Vegas didn"t happen after the first day of second grade, either.

But Lewis would have been up for it!

Watch her need just 70 seconds to perfectly capture the roller coaster of emotions parents go through below:

Mother sends son to kindergarten experiences all the feels