Showing posts with label Kindly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindly. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jennifer Garner (Kindly) Lashes Out at People Magazine, Sets "Record Straight"

Excuse her, celebrity gossip world.

Excuse her, please!

But Jennifer Garner has a few things she would like to say.

The lovely actress and mother of three has remained almost entirely silent ever since she and Ben Affleck started having marital issues.

After a great deal of reported back-and-forth last year that left fans wondering about the true status of their relationship, Garner at last filed for divorce in mid-April.

This marriage of just about a decade is most definitely over… but someone apparently forgot to tell this to People Magazine.

For its latest issue, the publication features Garner on the cover and quotes multiple sources, one of whom talks about the “difficult decision” Garner made to finally split from her famous husband.

Claims one insider, speaking on Garner’s reaction to the break-up:

“She’s certainly not jumping up and down and screaming, ‘I’m single!’ and planning dates. She still says Ben was the love of her life.”

Here’s the thing, though:

While the magazine clearly wants you to believe Garner gave it an exclusive interview and talked openly to a writer about her life these days…

… she actually did no such thing.

Irritated enough by the implication that she spilled any divorce-related beans to People, Garner broke her silence on the state of her marriage in order to make it clear that she hasn’t actually broken her silence on the state of her marriage.

“It has been brought to my attention that there is a People magazine cover and article out today that appear to be coming from me,” Garner wrote on Facebook last night.

She went on to reference silly pregnant rumors that she’s learned to easily shrug off, adding:

“It isn’t unusual for me to receive calls from loved ones thinking I forgot to tell them I am pregnant–with twins!–(Geez Louise), but those are so ridiculous they’re easy to ignore.”

This, however?

This is different because People is typically a reliable and respected publication, while editors set up this feature in a way that very much made it appear as if they had Garner’s cooperation.

But they did not.

“This isn’t a tragedy by any measure, but it does affect me and my family and so, before my mom’s garden club lights up her phone, I wanted to set the record straight,” Garner wrote, concluding as follows:

“I did not pose for this cover. I did not participate in or authorize this article. While we are here, for what it’s worth: I have three wonderful kids and my family is complete.

“Have a beautiful day. Love, Jen.”

Yes, this is Jennifer Garner being angry.

What a calm, reasonable, funny human being.

You really messed this one up, Ben. It has to be said.

A spokesperson for the People has responded to Garner and both defended its reputation, while also acknowledging the truth behind what Garner wrote:

“PEOPLE covers Hollywood stars beloved by our audience, and our story on Jennifer Garner is fair and truthful. To be clear, it does not include rumors and does not say she’s pregnant.

‘We wish her well.”

Affleck and Garner announced their separation over a year ago.

Most outlets have reported that the cause of the split was Affleck’s penchant for partying and/or his general lack of interest in settling down as a family man.

But there doesn’t seem to be any bitterness between the estranged spouses, who continue to spend a lot of time together with their kids.

“Jen is a superhero mom. She is an amazing mother and I’m really lucky to have her as a partner to co-parent these kids with,” he shared Affleck told E! News after the break-up, adding:

“We try our best, we put them first and that’s what we do.”

As for whether or not Garner is dating Brad Pitt?!?

We’ll let her reveal the truth behind that rumor.
