Showing posts with label Know. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Know. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2018

Floyd Mayweather on MMA Future, "I Don"t Know"

Moment of honesty from Floyd Mayweather? The leader of The Money Team was leaving the NBA All-Star Game in L.A. surrounded by TMT crew when we asked about Conor McGregor’s new statement … that Floyd has ended MMA fight negotiations.  Floyd…


Floyd Mayweather on MMA Future, "I Don"t Know"

Moment of honesty from Floyd Mayweather? The leader of The Money Team was leaving the NBA All-Star Game in L.A. surrounded by TMT crew when we asked about Conor McGregor’s new statement … that Floyd has ended MMA fight negotiations.  Floyd…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Chris Lopez Got Kailyn Lowry Pregnant. This is How We Know.

It’s been five weeks since Kailyn Lowry confirmed that she’s pregnant with her third child.

During that time, the already-intense public scrutiny of Lowry’s private life has ramped up considerably with one major question looming large in the minds of Teen Mom 2 fans:

Just who is Kailyn’s baby daddy?

We knew from the start that Kailyn did not get pregnant by Jo Rivera or Javi Marroquin, but she seems to be in no rush to reveal who did knock her up.

Three candidates have emerged as the most likely fathers, and convincing arguments have been made in favor of each:

Many fans believe Kailyn was knocked up by Tyler Hill – a man with whom Kailyn allegedly cheated on Javi while he was overseas with the US Air Force.

Others insist that Kailyn is expecting J.C. Cueva‘s baby.

J.C. is a Teen Mom 2 producer with whom Kailyn appears to have established an off-camera friendship.

It’s not hard to see why fans of the show believe that there might be something going on between Kailyn and Cueva, but they both insist their relationship is purely platonic.

That leaves the third and most likely candidate: Chris Lopez.

The case for Lopez was strong to begin with and new evidence seems to emerge every day.

For starters, sources close to Kailyn have identified the baby daddy as “a friend Kail was briefly dating.”

That eliminates both Hill and Cueva, as Kailyn had a fling with the former and seems to have never been more than platonic friends with the latter.

Even those who insist that Kailyn hooked up with Hill or Cueva never described their dalliances as anything that would qualify as “dating.”

But obviously that’s not enough to point to Lopez as the father.

For that, we turn to a few key pieces of evidence that emerged over the past three months.

For starters, there’s this tweet, posted by Lopez back in January:

“To my miracle child, I’m so sorry.”

It may not seem too significant on it’s own, but it was posted around the time that Kailyn would’ve realized she’s knocked up.

The only person to like the tweet (which has since been deleted)?

You guessed it – Kailyn Lowry.

On its own, that would hardly be enough to jump to the conclusion that Lopez is the father, but a more conclusive piece of evidence emerged just last week.

During an Instagram live stream, Kailyn joked with a friend about possible baby names.

Her friend suggested Holden if the baby is a boy, to which Kailyn replied:

“Chris would say, ‘I’m Holden the baby!’”

Shortly thereafter, she cut the stream short amidst comments from fans speculating that she had just inadvertently revealed Chris is the father.

Interestingly, she’s been mum on the topic of her baby daddy’s identity ever since.

We wouldn’t say that’s definitive evidence that Lopez is the baby’s father, but it may be the closest we’ll ever get.

Sadly, it’s looking more and more as though fans will never receive the “Maury moment” they’ve been awaiting so long.

Sources close to Kailyn say she may never reveal her baby daddy’s identity to the public.

Obviously, that’s her decision to make, but we can’t help but feel that reality star may have been the wrong career choice for someone who values her privacy as much as Kailyn does.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbers: What Do We Know?

It’s been lost amidst Donald Trump explaining to Billy Bush how stars can simply grab the pussies of women they find attractive.

But Kim Kardashian was held up at gunpoint and robbed in Paris just one week ago.

The reality star has remained understandably (and unusually) silent every since this horrible crime, but new information has leaked out regarding her assailants.

According to a report by French news outlet BFM TV, the men who tied up Kardashian and the concierge at the No Address Hotel were all European.

They were also all between 40 and 50 years old and all spoke French without an accent.

There had been rumors that the concierge was actually in on the crime, that he helped plan it and that was why he remained so calm in the face of possible death while held captive along with Kardashian.

But he actually wrote an open letter to Kim last week and claimed he acted so chill in order to save their lives.

Back to the criminals:

The men were disguised as police officers and allegedly came and left the scene on bicycles.

According to this French report, the concierge told police that, upon breaking in to the premises, the robbers demanded the following in French: “Where’s the rapper’s wife?“

So it’s possible that these men didn’t even know who Kardashian was… aside from the fact that she’s married to a high-profile celebrities and had very expensive jewelry in her possession.

As has been recounted and confirmed, they made off with over $ 11 million in said jewelry, including a $ 4.5 million diamond ring recently gifted to Kim by Kanye West.

Two of the assailants reportedly went upstairs with the concierge to Kardashian’s apartment.

They came upon her in her bedroom and tied her up.

Another robber then searched the apartment for the jewelry, which was sitting out in the open on a table.

The entire robbery took about six minutes, but we’re sure it was the longest six minutes of Kardashian’s life.

Sources have said how she begged for the men not to kill her, saying she had two small kids at home.

She also believed they were going to rape her.

Kardashian eventually broke free from her restrained and called her bodyguard, Pascal Duvier; he had been out with the star’s sisters in Paris, Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner.

Once Duvier arrived on the scene, he called the French Banditry Repression Brigade, a unit which encompasses around 100 men.

After Kim gave a statement to authorities, she boarded a private plane and flew to meet Kanye in New York City.

We haven’t heard anything from her since, as multiple insiders say Kardashian is traumatized by the experience.

She will likely remain off the radar for awhile and, when she does return to public life, expect to see a far more reserved Kim Kardashian.

She will remain guarded on social media, revealing far less about her location and her wealth than she did prior to this heinous crime.

“It was a very well coordinated robbery,” a source tells People Magazine. “It will take time to investigate. It’s a very complicated affair.

And a very frightening one.

As we’ve said many times, we don’t care much for the way Kim often acts in public. Or for what Kim often says in order to make money and garner attention.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t sympathize with her in this case.

It doesn’t mean we don’t feel terrible for her and wish her the best.

No celebrity deserves what she went through very early last Monday morning. We send Kim our best wishes.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Justin Bieber Tour Opening: Here"s What We Know...

Justin Bieber is about to take his new purple hair on tour.

And we’ve uncovered some inside information about what fans can expect when the singer first takes the stage in front of thousands of adoring fans.

According to TMZ sources, the opening of each “Purpose” show will serve a symbolic… well… purpose.

Attendees can look forward to a visual display on a very large screen that kicks off with clouds and thunderstorms, metaphors for all the mistakes Bieber has made over the past year or so.

To be specific, TMZ writes that a projection screen will be used to depict “abstract visuals of Justin falling through a dark, clouded atmosphere.

“He will be screaming, reaching and possibly passing through barriers as he descends into the dark unknown.”

As this taking place, Beliebers on hand will hear Justin’s voice, as he’ll outline the fall he’s taken throughout his journey to the top.

Bieber will then have an epiphany, which reverses his course and enables him to fly “gracefully and slowly toward the heavens.”

Thank goodness, right?!? It was looking dour there for a moment.

Bieber will then make his very grand entrance.

The artist, of course, spent more of 2014 drinking, driving badly, partying loudly and acting like a spoiled brat.

He apologized for his behavior for most of 2015, saying he’s human, he makes mistakes, he wants to learn from those mistakes… yadda, yadda, yadda.

And it really did seem like Justin had turned a corner.

But then he and his friends reportedly got drunk and got kicked out of an iconic set of Mexican ruins recently. That wasn’t cool at all.