Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Justin Bieber Tour Opening: Here"s What We Know...

Justin Bieber is about to take his new purple hair on tour.

And we’ve uncovered some inside information about what fans can expect when the singer first takes the stage in front of thousands of adoring fans.

According to TMZ sources, the opening of each “Purpose” show will serve a symbolic… well… purpose.

Attendees can look forward to a visual display on a very large screen that kicks off with clouds and thunderstorms, metaphors for all the mistakes Bieber has made over the past year or so.

To be specific, TMZ writes that a projection screen will be used to depict “abstract visuals of Justin falling through a dark, clouded atmosphere.

“He will be screaming, reaching and possibly passing through barriers as he descends into the dark unknown.”

As this taking place, Beliebers on hand will hear Justin’s voice, as he’ll outline the fall he’s taken throughout his journey to the top.

Bieber will then have an epiphany, which reverses his course and enables him to fly “gracefully and slowly toward the heavens.”

Thank goodness, right?!? It was looking dour there for a moment.

Bieber will then make his very grand entrance.

The artist, of course, spent more of 2014 drinking, driving badly, partying loudly and acting like a spoiled brat.

He apologized for his behavior for most of 2015, saying he’s human, he makes mistakes, he wants to learn from those mistakes… yadda, yadda, yadda.

And it really did seem like Justin had turned a corner.

But then he and his friends reportedly got drunk and got kicked out of an iconic set of Mexican ruins recently. That wasn’t cool at all.