Showing posts with label Robbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robbers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Safaree Samuels" Alleged Armed Robbers Used GPS Device to Track Him

Safaree Samuels was screwed from the get-go when he was robbed at gunpoint — not only did he know one of the alleged assailants, but the dudes were tracking his every move before the hit. Sources connected to the case tell TMZ … cops found a GPS…


Safaree Samuels" Alleged Armed Robbers Used GPS Device to Track Him

Safaree Samuels was screwed from the get-go when he was robbed at gunpoint — not only did he know one of the alleged assailants, but the dudes were tracking his every move before the hit. Sources connected to the case tell TMZ … cops found a GPS…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Safaree Samuels Knows One of Alleged Robbers, Posed with Him & Nicki Minaj

Safaree Samuels’ armed robbery hits closer to home than he might’ve thought, cause he knows one of his alleged assailants very well … TMZ has learned. TMZ has obtained a photo Safaree took with his then-girlfriend, Nicki Minaj, and one of the…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Kim Kardashian Testifies Against Robbers: What Did She Say?

This Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian describes her testimony against the armed thugs who robbed her.

You won"t get to see anything inside the courtroom when you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, but you will get the aftermath.

We pick up the action in the sneak peek below with the 36-year-old calling her Momager, Kris Jenner, to tell her how it went in New York.

The short version: A lot longer than she expected.

"It was just a really long thing because you have to explain it to a translator and then the translator has to explain it to the judge," she said.

"Then, she writes it with the clerk and then they have to read what you wrote," Kim added, giving her parent the blow-by-blow. 

"You have to do it sentence by sentence."

As previously reported, assailants violently robbed the Selfish author inside her Paris apartment in the early hours of October 3, 2016.

An estimated $ 10 million in jewelry, including a $ 4 million diamond ring, was pilfered; Kim felt she would be raped and/or killed, she says.

"Going in there, I was so worked up wanting to explain it so quickly and you just can"t do that," Kim added in an E! confessional.

"You just have to, like, be really slow and walk through the entire night, like, second by second and that was just really hard."

Kim said that for the first time since the terrifying incident, she was able to look at photos of the suspects arrested in the incident.

Kardashian continued her account:

"I think it was really interesting to see the faces of everyone. Just by their height and weight, I could tell who from this lineup was in the room"

"I was able to see who confessed. One of them was the guy that was in the room with me and it was very interesting to hear his story."

"It was pretty similar to my story."

"Of course, there was like a few things they"re not saying to get lesser charges," Kim said, but by and large what they said was accurate.

For the most part, she said that if she"s being honest, they were "pretty honest and did tell most of the story exactly like how it happened."

Kim also said the same crew planned to rob her during her previous trip to Paris, but decided not to since husband Kanye was present.

This time around, they went for it.

"It"s really interesting to see what their side of the story is and to hear the background information," said the mother of North and Saint.

"About how they had been following me and how they attempted to rob me the last time I was in Paris. But my husband was with me."

Watch her in her own words below.

Kim kardashian testifies against robbers what did she say

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kim Kardashian Off to Dubai Now that Alleged Robbers were Caught (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian says the coast is now clear because cops in France have nabbed a bunch of people who allegedly robbed her … so she’s off to Dubai. Kim breezed through LAX with Scott Disick and 4 security guards for the 16 hour flight. As for why…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbers: Caught on This Camera!

Security footage from the night Kim Kardashian was robbed in Paris has surfaced online for the first time.

And while it doesn’t give us a clear look at the assailants who held the reality star up at gunpoint, it should certainly put to rest all the silly talk that Kim faked this horrible incident.

The following video was released by France’s M6 News.

It was filmed at 2:19 a.m. on the Monday Kardashian was dragged out of bed by a number of thieves who had broken into her apartment in France.

As you can see, the video features five alleged robbers – three on bicycles and two on foot – as they begin approaching Kim’s apartment complex at early on October 3.

According to the time code on the CCTV footage, the suspects fled the apartment approximately 49 minutes later.

Look closely enough and you can make out one man with a backpack.

All appear to be in quite a hurry as they leave the premises, although the camera is positioned too far back for anyone to get a look at their faces.

Police have not said if they have any leads on the perpetrators or if they will be able to use any sort of technology to zoom in on the men depicted above.

By this point, most of the detail behind Kim’s robbery are well known to the public.

The reality star had sent her bodyguard to look after Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner, who were off partying in Paris, because she had turned in for the night.

She was then awoken by sounds in her apartment, prior to armed assailants grabbing her in her bedroom and tying her hands behind her back.

As has now been confirmed by the building’s concierge, who was also taken hostage by the men, Kim screamed and begged for her life.

She told the men that she had two little kids at home.

Since this frightening incident, Kardashian has understandably fallen off the radar.

She has not sent any social media messages or made any public appearances.

By most accounts, she will eventually emerge and resume a semi-regular life, but it may be more low-key than it had been previously.

Expect fewer Instagram photos of her expensive wardrobe items or pieces of jewelry. Don’t expect Kim to tell the world where she is going all the time or where she is staying.

During an appearance on Australia’s Today Show, Kourtney Kardashian said this week that her sister is “not going great.”

Added Kourtney: “I think we’re all really still shaken up and, you know, I think she has a big, supportive family… Like all the traumatic things that we’ve been through, we get through them together as a family.”

True. And hopefully this does end up being the case.

But this robbery is unlike anything almost any celebrity has ever gone through before at all.

Of course, that isn’t stopping some tabloids from making up cover stories about what happened:

So very shameful.

We just hope Kardashian is enjoying this private time with her family and that she is feeling a little bit better everyday.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Kim Kardashian Robbers: What Do We Know?

It’s been lost amidst Donald Trump explaining to Billy Bush how stars can simply grab the pussies of women they find attractive.

But Kim Kardashian was held up at gunpoint and robbed in Paris just one week ago.

The reality star has remained understandably (and unusually) silent every since this horrible crime, but new information has leaked out regarding her assailants.

According to a report by French news outlet BFM TV, the men who tied up Kardashian and the concierge at the No Address Hotel were all European.

They were also all between 40 and 50 years old and all spoke French without an accent.

There had been rumors that the concierge was actually in on the crime, that he helped plan it and that was why he remained so calm in the face of possible death while held captive along with Kardashian.

But he actually wrote an open letter to Kim last week and claimed he acted so chill in order to save their lives.

Back to the criminals:

The men were disguised as police officers and allegedly came and left the scene on bicycles.

According to this French report, the concierge told police that, upon breaking in to the premises, the robbers demanded the following in French: “Where’s the rapper’s wife?“

So it’s possible that these men didn’t even know who Kardashian was… aside from the fact that she’s married to a high-profile celebrities and had very expensive jewelry in her possession.

As has been recounted and confirmed, they made off with over $ 11 million in said jewelry, including a $ 4.5 million diamond ring recently gifted to Kim by Kanye West.

Two of the assailants reportedly went upstairs with the concierge to Kardashian’s apartment.

They came upon her in her bedroom and tied her up.

Another robber then searched the apartment for the jewelry, which was sitting out in the open on a table.

The entire robbery took about six minutes, but we’re sure it was the longest six minutes of Kardashian’s life.

Sources have said how she begged for the men not to kill her, saying she had two small kids at home.

She also believed they were going to rape her.

Kardashian eventually broke free from her restrained and called her bodyguard, Pascal Duvier; he had been out with the star’s sisters in Paris, Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner.

Once Duvier arrived on the scene, he called the French Banditry Repression Brigade, a unit which encompasses around 100 men.

After Kim gave a statement to authorities, she boarded a private plane and flew to meet Kanye in New York City.

We haven’t heard anything from her since, as multiple insiders say Kardashian is traumatized by the experience.

She will likely remain off the radar for awhile and, when she does return to public life, expect to see a far more reserved Kim Kardashian.

She will remain guarded on social media, revealing far less about her location and her wealth than she did prior to this heinous crime.

“It was a very well coordinated robbery,” a source tells People Magazine. “It will take time to investigate. It’s a very complicated affair.

And a very frightening one.

As we’ve said many times, we don’t care much for the way Kim often acts in public. Or for what Kim often says in order to make money and garner attention.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t sympathize with her in this case.

It doesn’t mean we don’t feel terrible for her and wish her the best.

No celebrity deserves what she went through very early last Monday morning. We send Kim our best wishes.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian -- Video of Robbers Hits Dead End

There’s video of the robbers fleeing Kim Kardashian’s Paris apartment alright, but it doesn’t show squat … TMZ has learned. Paris law enforcement sources tell us … they have looked frame by frame at video recorded across the street from Kim’s…
