Showing posts with label Larceny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larceny. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Jenelle Evans & Nathan Griffith Settle Larceny Case

At any given moment, Jenelle Evans is involved in multiple court battles, so it’s not surprising that she decided to cross one case off her personal docket by accepting a settlement from Nathan Griffith.

Just so we’re clear, the custody battle between Jenelle and Nathan has yet to be decided, and it’s getting uglier by the day.

But according to Radar Online Jenelle and Nathan have reached an agreement that should clear up the matter of Nathan’s larceny charges before they head back to court later this month determine custody of 1-year-old Kaiser.

The charges stem from an incident back in February in which Jenelle had Nathan arrested for allegedly stealing her car for the odd reason of obtaining some clothing and other items that he purchased for Kaiser out of the trunk.

Now, both parties have agreed that if Nathan pays for the clothes, Jenelle will temporarily cease her efforts to have him thrown in jail.

“Jenelle agreed for Nathan to pay her $ 300 for Kaiser’s missing clothes and then the charges will be dropped once he pays Jenelle,” says one insider.

“Nathan paid $ 200 already and has a week to pay the other $ 100.”

As this arrangement resulted in minimal suffering for the father of her child, Evans is obviously less than thrilled about it:

“Jenelle isn’t sure why she agreed to that, but she isn’t happy that she did,” says the insider.

Don’t worry, Jenelle. You’ll have plenty of other opportunities to make Nathan’s life hell.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to see Jenelle and Nathan in happier times. Actually, we’re not sure if Jenelle is capable of happiness.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Jenelle Evans to Testify Against Nathan Griffith in Larceny Trial

This may shock you, but it seems to us that Jenelle Evans doesn’t always consider the potential consequences of her actions.

For example, when Jenelle had Nathan Griffith arrested for larceny last month, she probably didn’t think about the fact that she would eventually be forced to testify against him in court.

Now, if someone stole your car, which is what Jenelle initially claimed Nathan did, you’d probably be happy to testify against them.

But Jenelle called 911 on Nathan for taking a car that was registered to him without asking her first.

With two custody battles coming up (one of them against Griffith), Jenelle has a lot on her plate and she probably just wants this pesky little larceny case to go away, but unfortunately, that’s not how the law works.

In fact, Radar Online is now reporting that Jenelle was subpoenaed today, and will be forced to testify in Griffith’s upcoming trial.

“Jenelle was served by the sheriff,” one insider tells the website.

“Jenelle’s boyfriend David Eason also has to appear in court on April 4 against Nathan. He got summoned too.”

Evans is reportedly nervous, as she’s afraid that if there are any discrepancies between her testimony and her original police report, it may hurt her fight for sole legal custody of her and Griffith’s son, Kaiser.

Probably the sort of thing she should’ve thought about before she called the cops to settle a minor disagreement. Just sayin’. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Ex Nathan Griffith ARRESTED on Larceny Charges

Nathan Griffith was arrested yesterday on larceny charges that were filed against him by baby mama and Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans.

Last week we reported that Nathan stole Jenelle’s car and about $ 1,000 worth of belongings that were in it.

According to Radar Online, Nathan turned himself in at the New Hanover County sheriff’s office and was accompanied by his attorney.

“Nathan turned himself in on the warrant that was issued for misdemeanor larceny,” his attorney, Megan Milliken, told the site.

However, the police did not detain him and released him on his own word.

“He was given an unsecured bond and what that means is that he did not have to ‘put up’ any money; instead, he was only required to promise to attend all of his court dates,” she added.

Okay. Sounds like the po-po are pretty trusting over in North Carolina, and Jenelle’s ex now roams free.

“Because it was a warrant — it was a violent North Carolina warrant — he shows up at the front desk,” explained Lt. Jerry Brewer of the sheriff’s office.

“The front desk people said, ‘OK, come with us,’ patted him down and made sure he didn’t have any weapons, put handcuffs on him, walked him about 100 feet to the magistrate, took the handcuffs off and saw the magistrate. He was out yesterday afternoon.”

Apparently the arrest warrant was not issued by law enforcement, but by Jenelle herself.

“North Carolina is one of just a few jurisdictions in the United States where a private citizen can go to a magistrate and obtain a warrant on another private citizen,” Milliken explained. “That is what happened in this case.”

Nathan reportedly took the car to seize a stroller and other items he had bought for their son, Kaiser, in order to prove to the court that he is a good dad. 

Go ahead an chuckle at the irony. We’ll hold.

Jenelle was obviously furious and shot off a bunch of screamy tweets directed at her ex, but has since removed them.

The drama seems to be taking a toll on Jenelle physically. Last week she was hospitalized for a mysterious illness that some believe may have been caused by anxiety.

Nathan’s court date is currently set for March 7.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans Files Larceny Charges Against Nathan Griffith

Earlier today, we reported that Nathan Griffith stole Jenelle Evans’ car so that he could use items that Evans had left inside the vehicle as evidence at his upcoming custody hearing.

Apparently, the car contained a stroller and other items that Griffith had purchased for their son, Kaiser, and Griffith wanted to show them to the judge as proof that he’s a fit parent.

It may be the first time in history that a crime was committed in order to impress a judge, and someone should really fill Nathan in on the magic of receipts, because his situation may have just gotten a whole lot worse.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, Jenelle is seizing the opportunity to screw her ex over by pressing larceny charges

Apparently, Nathan can’t be charged for taking the car because it’s registered in both his and Evans’ names, so Jenelle is filing charges over the random crap he took out of the car:

“It’s a misdemeanor larceny charge,” a source with the New Hanover County Sheriffs Office tells Radar Online.

“She claims he took a car seat, bracelet, tanning lotion, clothing and some other items with a total value of a $ 1000.”

Reports vary as to what exactly Griffith stole from the car.

Jenelle tweeted earlier that he didn’t steal the car seat, and according to one source, she’s single-handedly spending more money on tanning lotion than the entire cast of Jersey Shore:

“He took jewelry, an iPad, a car seat, stroller, her kids’ jackets, her jacket, tanning lotion worth a lot of money, and more,” one source explained. 

“Jenelle is going to get a new car, so she could care less about that, but Nathan’s not the greatest person for doing it in the first place and it hurts Jenelle so bad that he would do this to his own son.”

Yeah! How dare he condemn his son to a life of living with a mom with an uneven tan!