Showing posts with label Lian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lian. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 1 Recap: Who Died on Lian Yu?

Arrow finally returned last night, and we finally found out who died after the crazy explosion on Lian Yu at the conclusion of Arrow Season 5

When Arrow Season 6 Episode 1 got underway, it was five months later, and we got the reveal that Oliver, Diggle, Curtis, and Rene had survived the blast. 

If you watch Arrow online, you will already know that Malcolm Merlyn blew himself up to save Thea right before the island exploded, but was it all for nothing?

As the episode progressed, we got flashbacks to find out what happened, and it did not look good for Thea.

Slade found her lifeless body and led Oliver to say goodbye to his sister. 

Because Willa Holland has been less prominent on the hit CW series of late, she seemed poised to exit, but everything was not as it appeared. 

Thea was revealed to be in a coma, so that was not quite as bad as an off-screen death.

It remains to be seen whether Holland is sticking around with the show, but if the actress does not return, we guess she could be killed off-screen. 

The other person who did not make it out of the blast alive was Samantha, who was adamant that Oliver takes on their son full-time in the aftermath. 

However, William felt like Oliver was the person who caused the blast because of what Adrian said and the kid favored Reza over Oliver. 

After much back and forth, Oliver managed to get William on his side after revealing that he did everything he could to save his mother and that he would never do anything to hurt him. 

The other person presumed dead on the island was Black Siren. She attacked Lance and Dinah, forcing Lance to shoot her. 

They left her on the island for dead, but someone appeared to bring her back into the land of the living, and she went to war with the residents of Star City. 

She blew up the SCPD offices and killed nine officers.

Thankfully, Rene had just graduated to become an officer, so at least the city knew it was going to need some new officers. 

When the graduation ceremony for the SCPD officers came, everyone expected there to be a terrorist attack, but for some reason, nothing happened. 

The Arrow lair was then intercepted by Black Siren and her goons, and Diggle was forced to fight for his life.

The team showed up in time, but they realized that Siren had stolen one of the devices Curtis used earlier to detonate a missile headed for Star City. 

With that, it left the team questioning the villain’s next move, but things took a crazy turn when a picture of Oliver as Green Arrow was leaked to the media. 

How will the Mayor be able to spin this one? We’ll need to wait another week to find out!

Arrow continues next Thursday on The CW!
